JTTA: Selection System to be Revamped for Paris 2024

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Japanese magazine Table Tennis Kingdom reports that the JTTA has deemed a revamp of the selection criteria for the next Olympics is in order.

"The idea of the selection criteria for the Paris Olympics (2024) was presented, and the board of directors' understanding was obtained. In the future, the ITTF (International Table Tennis Federation) will also review the points for WTT, so changes will come accordingly. Because the WTT offers no freedom in participation and the players who can participate are limited, according to the current format, it is possible Olympic selection trials will be held with reference to the World Championships, Asian Championships, All-Japan Championships, etc."

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
JTTA and DTTB have filed complaints over the WTT. Professionalize and commercialize our sport...


2021年3月6日 11時0分スポーツ報知






 ◆林 直史(はやし・なおふみ)1984年8月22日、愛知県生まれ。36歳。明大から2007年入社。プロ野球、サッカーなどを経て17年から五輪競技担当。18年平昌五輪を取材。柔道、卓球、スピードスケートなどを担当。
The Table Tennis World Tour has renewed its framework as "WTT" this year, starting with the Contender Doha tournament that commenced on February 28th. The first international tournament of this year, in which the Olympic team also participated, was a departure that left concerns about the future. WTT is made up of the Grand Smash as the pinnacle, which carries the same weight as the Olympics and World Championships, along with the Contenders in 5 stages and plans to hold a maximum of 30 tournaments a year.

The big issue is the opacity of information. According to people familiar with the matter, this tournament only had a few days from the notification of the event to the deadline for applications, and the entry status was not disclosed. With limited information at hand, the Japan Table Tennis Association devised selection criteria with a focus on strengthening for the Tokyo and Paris Olympics, and applied according to the regulation of the number of participants per association, but the men that had many entries were young people who met the criteria but were not allowed to participate. Since the result was not known until the lid was opened, it was not possible to dispatch substitute players, which led to a loss of opportunity. On the other hand, for some countries, the number of women who exceeded the upper limit was allowed to participate.

WTT, which sets a large prize money, in order to encourage star players to participate and to attract sponsors, the top ranked players are automatically entered in higher tournaments, creating a system that is biased heavily toward the world class. For low-ranked players, it will be difficult to get an opportunity if the situation continues to be unpredictable whether they will be allowed to participate in the lower tournament. YOSHIHITO Miyazaki, General Manager of the Development Headquarters, also questioned that "not every registered player can be given a fair and impartial opportunity." Some within the association think that the unfair world ranking must be excluded from the selection criteria for the Olympics and World Championships.

The schedule is also blank after April. There was information that it would be held in China in April, but it was announced that it would be postponed to May in late February. It is said that the athletes had prepared more than a month's worth of luggage in preparation for the possibility of entering China directly, considering the isolation period, until just before departure to Qatar. However, it has not been officially announced.

The venue was at the mercy of a major system change just before the Olympics, and the constantly shifting schedule has disturbed the leagues and the strengthening of each country. I hear that Japan and Germany have issued complaints to the ITTF. I hope that the situation in which players are swung around will be improved in the future.

◆ HAYASHI Naofumi Born August 22, 1984 in Aichi Prefecture. 36 years old. He joined the company in 2007 from Meiji University. He has been in charge of the Olympic Games since 2017 after working in professional baseball and soccer. He covered the Pyeongchang Olympics in 2018. He is in charge of judo, table tennis, speed skating, etc.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Results for WTTC, ATTC, All-Japan, and selection trial will play a far more important role.

日本卓球協会、パリ五輪代表は国内選考会も重視へ 新国際大会WTTの参加自由度の低さ考慮
2021.03.06 文:ラリーズ編集部








卓球の五輪選考基準を変更 世界選手権など重視、パリ大会から
2021年3月6日 20:51



[ 2021年3月7日 05:30 ]


says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
More details.

2021.3.8 22:50



24年パリ五輪 卓球日本代表は同年全日本選手権後に発表の方針
[ 2021年3月9日 05:30 ]






卓球 2024年パリ五輪 選考基準の考え方

 過去の大会の選考基準では、主に世界ランキングを考慮する傾向だったが、今年から始まったWTT(World Table Tennis)では全ての選手に公平な出場機会(世界ランキングのポイント獲得機会)があるわけではない。そのため、日本卓球協会では公平性を鑑み、選手権大会(全日本選手権大会、世界選手権大会、アジア競技大会、アジア選手権大会など)に加えて、選考会での成績に重きを置く方向を検討。次のような考え方を発表した。




(1) シングルス代表候補2名を決める大会(全てシングルス種目)
※世界選手権、アジア競技大会、アジア選手権、Road to Paris 国内選考会等

(2) 団体戦代表候補1名

(3) 混合ダブルス代表候補男女各1名

(4) WTTの大会について、全ての選手に出場基準が平等になれば、この選考基準に組み入れることもある

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
JTTA has made the official announcement.

 以下は、2021 年 3 月現在の WTT 大会参加資格を前提としており、今後の WTT 大会参加資格の
見直しや ITTF によるランキング制度の見直しによっては変更があり得ることをご理解ください。

2021 年 3 月 6 日 理事会承認
公益財団法人 日本卓球協会​

2024 年パリオリンピック男女日本代表候補選手選考基準の考え方

 現在の国際大会(W T T)はワールドランキング上位者が優先的に出場できるルール、もしくは指名された


1. 内 容
   2024 年パリオリンピック男女日本代表候補選手選考基準の考え方
2. 選考基準の正式発表日
    I O C 及び I T T F の「2024 年パリオリンピック開催要項」発表後に正式に選手選考基準は発表いたし
    ます。(2022 年中に発表される見込み)
3. 日本国内での代表候補選手発表予定日
  2024 年全日本卓球選手権大会終了後数日内に発表予定
4. 選考対象期間
  2022 年全日本選手権大会終了翌日から 2024 年全日本選手権大会終了日まで
5. 選考方法
 (1) シングルス代表候補2名を決める大会(全てシングル種目)
  ① 強化本部が指定した国内選考会及びその国際大会
   ※参照:世界選手権、アジア競技大会、アジア選手権、Road to Paris 国内選考会等
  ② 2023 年及び 2024 年開催の全日本選手権大会
  ③ 上記①の各選考会(予選)選考基準は別途発表
  ④ 強化本部が設定した上記①②③のポイントの合計
  ⑤ 2023 年全日本選手権までのポイントは 2023 年全日本選手権以降のポイントの半分
(2) 団体戦代表候補 1 名
(3) 混合ダブルス代表候補男女各 1 名
 上記(1)(2)代表候補男女各 3 名の選手の中で、最高のペアリングと思われる混合ダブルスペア1組
(4) W T T の国際大会について、全ての選手に出場基準が平等になればこの選考基準に組み入れることもあ
6. その他
 WTT の大会については協会派遣と自主参加を都度 H P で発表する。
 ※招待大会について、基本は自主参加を求める。但し、上記①の本大会前の WTT 大会については、その日
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Revealing 2-part interview with Yoshihito Miyazaki on the selection system reform in light of WTT and the JTTA's stance on the matter as well as frustration with the ITTF.

WTTに振り回される卓球界 宮﨑強化本部長「世界ランキングを人質とした進め方」
2021.03.15 文:山下大志(ラリーズ編集部)




























Table tennis world swayed by WTT | Director Miyazaki of Development Headquarters: "Pushing forward with world ranking taken hostage"
2021.03.15 By YAMASHITA Taishi (Rallys editorial department)
"Abrupt" schedule for retarting international competitions

--International competitions, which had been canceled or postponed since the Qatar Open in March 2020, has resumed last fall.
Mr. MIYAZAKI Yoshihito(Miyazaki hereinafter): In a global pandemic, although there are no spectators, international competitions have begun little by little for tennis and golf mainly in the United States. Meanwhile, the newly established organization called WTT has begun to hold international competitions because the table tennis world should not stop as it is.

――The international competitions were the Men's and Women's World Cups, ITTF Finals, and WTT Macau, held in November, right?
Miyazaki: However, the notice for each tournament arrived on September 4th, with the deadline on 7th, which was unbelievable.

――It's a pretty steep schedule.
Miyazaki: For other sports competitions, we explain to the players on Zoom the number of tests, quarantine, and PCR tests that have been in place at the time of entry for several months ahead the event, and carefully ask them whether or not to participate. However, for table tennis, an email suddenly arrived on the 4th and the deadline was on the 7th. In addition, the specifics are currently under discussion, and it proceeded without any explanation.

――As a result, Japanese players participated in the Men's and Women's World Cup and ITTF Finals.
Miyazaki: The JTTA couldn't take away the rights of the players. I couldn't dispatch any staff, but I had to solemnly allow players to participate at their own expenses.

The notice came on the 4th, and the 5th and 6th were the weekend. In order to apply by noon on the 7th, I contacted all the players and entered whoever wanted to particpate. Some departments and branches were closed on the weekend, so even though I might be scolded, heads-up was of secondary priority.

Low-ranked players cannot play in WTT

――That's how the first international tournament during the corona crisis was started.
Miyazaki: However, the JTTA was not convinced about the method, and such a method could be followed. A formal complaint was first submitted there.

Then around November, WTT announced that it planned to hold tournaments in Qatar, China and Europe. We submitted a complaint statement again saying, "I can't understand the previous schedule, so I can't make a plan. Please give me the previous schedule." I was a little relieved when the schedule finally came out.

--As planned, the WTT Middle East Hub was held in Qatar in early March.
Miyazaki: However, Qatar was also difficult. For the Contender and Star Contender, unlike the World Cup where the organizer picks the players, everyone has a chance to participate.

The All-Japan was just ahead of it, so I wanted to use the All-Japan as the qualification. Everyone from elementary school students to adults would participate, so it would be fair and just to enter the players who won.

――The selection criteria were announced on January 9th.
Miyazaki: Actually, when I made the selection criteria and was about to announce it, the WTT side, who had never contacted me before, came up with a requirement that the deadline be 2 days before the end of All-Japan.

I told them to wait until the final day of All-Japan. Even though I was so anxious, but in the end, I waited until the final day and entered the semifinal players of the All-Japan.

The players swayed by WTT

--In the WTT Middle East Hub, HAMADA Kazuki(Aichikogyodaigaku), who passed the selection criteria as the All-Japan Junior Boy Champion, could not participate.
Miyazaki: Hamada-kun was entered because he met the standards of the association, but he could not participate because he had a low world ranking for WTT. This is because the WTT side selects the top 20 players in the world ranking for Star Contender, and picks the other players in descending order of the world ranking. If (the number of participants) is filled, then lower-ranked players cannot participate.

All the top players entered because the Asian Olympic qualification and the final Olympic qualification were planned after the WTT in Qatar. Players with a lower senior ranking, such as Hamada, who has emerged as a junior, were pushed out and could not partcipate, despite having passed the Japanese standards.

――That means even if you qualify in Japan, you may get rejected by the WTT side?
Miyazaki: That's right. In that case, even if you hold a qualifier for WTT in Japan in the future, you may not be able to get selected.

Grand Smash is the top-tier (within the WTT structure), which has the right to nominate players from the WTT side. The same is true for the (second-tier) Champions. Players who have played an active part in Grand Smash and Champions will appear in the Cup Final. Japan can enter 4 and 6 players for Star Contender and Contender, but lower-ranked players will not be selected.

――In the end, it's a tournament where only the top players can play.
Miyazaki: For example, like TOGAMI Shunsuke (Meiji University) in 2019, who rose to the winner level in All-Japan, and for the next Olympics representative, if he is unranked, he will not have particpated in any international tournaments for 3 years. If you cannot play even once, your ranking will never go up.

Overseas, there will always be young players such as Lin Yun-Ju(Chinese Taipei) and Calderano(Brazil) who will grow rapidly in a year from a low ranking. Of course, the 15- and 16-year-old players who are likely to play an active role in the future are now unranked. The system makes it such that those players have no chance to raise their ranking even once until they are about 20 years old.

――The players are also swayed by WTT.
Miyazaki: WTT has really created a troublesome mechanism. In January, the JTTA filed another complaint again, saying, "I want you to have a system that is more fair and just." No reply was received.

Various information came out only after the entry. For example, entry for last year's World Cup was sent on September 7th, and around October 10th, I received a call saying, "every time you move across provinces in China, you must be isolated. So you cannot hit the ball at all for 8 days."

Under that situation, 1 of the participating players contacted me to cancel. The WTT side replied, "for cancellations after October 2nd, 1 of the 8 tournaments will be penalized, so the ranking will drop." In the end, I protested for 2 hours on Zoom, and although I convinced that player to participate to some extent, both the association and the players are pushing forward with the world ranking taken hostage.

――It's a WTT that was swayed quite a bit behind the scenes. However, the Japanese players left a mark after a long absence of international competitions.
Miyazaki: The players did their best. Even though the association could not get hold of the local situation and the application deadline was only 1 week, I was very grateful that Zen-Noh (National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations) offered to provide ingredients as soon as possible.

――Especially for overseas expedition in this situation, food supply would be appreciated.
Miyazaki: They really support table tennis. About 2 years ago, food supply for international competitions began, and booths were set up at the venue and various attempts were made.

Not only Japanese players, but Japanese food has become an opportunity for players from all over the world to recognize it.

People naturally gather around Japanese food and start talking in various languages, and at the food table instead of the table tennis table, it is not a fight but a friendship. It also leads to the realization of world peace, which is the meaning behind sports we want at the very end.

In table tennis, we compete in a rivalry relationship, but I wish we could have a smiley exchange while forming friendships with the whole world through table tennis.

From the perspective of international competitions, that is the summary of the past year.

2021.03.16 文:山下大志(ラリーズ編集部)








Road to Paris国内選考会も実施へ



宮﨑:あとは日本卓球協会独自のパリ五輪に対しての『Road to Paris国内予選会』を数回行います。選考会を多く開けば開くほど、実力の高い選手が炙り出される。一発勝負だとそのとき強い選手が行くので、4年間の結晶という意味では、あんまり良くない。












The reason why the JTTA attaches great importance to domestic results in the selection for Paris Olympics
2021.03.16 By YAMASHITA Taishi(Rallys editorial department)
The representatives for Paris Olympics will be selected by points unique to Japan

--The JTTA announced on the 6th that it will not include the WTT in the selection of representatives for the Paris Olympics.
Miyazaki: From now on, international competitions will be limited to competitions centered on World Championships and Asian Championships. In these tournaments, the Japanese side has the right to select players regardless of world ranking, and since the 5 players are selected in the domestic qualifiers, it is fair and just to all players.

This time there will be questions of whether players will be able to play in the domestic qualifier, but I am trying to make sure that players of the widest possible range can play. 5 players will be narrowed down to play international competitions and we will set the points there.

――Do you mean that the Japanese side will set its own points instead of the world ranking points?
Miyazaki: JTTA will set them indepedently.

For example, Grand Smash champion earns 2000 points, but the Asian Champion earns 500 points. This is unbalanced in the table tennis world. The Olympic champion also earns 2000 points, but since there are only 2 Chinese players, there is a certain possibility that Japanese players will win. On the other hand, 5 Chinese players will appear in the Asian Championships, yet only earns 500 points. Winning that is very difficult.

In addition, the selection period basically starts after the end of the 2022 All-Japan Championships, and will end 2 years later after the end of 2024 All-Japan Championships. Points will be awarded for the tournaments set by us.

――Why did you set the period to 2 years?
Miyazaki: The reason is that the Olympics are held once every 4 years. The Asian Games, which we are trying to use as selection criteria, are held once every 4 years as well, the Asian Championships are held once every 2 years, and the individual events of World Championships are held once every 2 years. In other words, if we narrow it down to 1 year, there may be no target tournament, so we decided to extend it to at least 2 years. The distribution of points for the 1st year is lowered.

The points for the 1st year count 50% and the points for the 2nd year count 100%. In other words, the points are higher for players who have better results in the most recent 2nd year than in the 1st year. Golf, badminton, and tennis rankings do not have the same points. I adopted that.

Road to Paris selection trials will be held

――The announcement on the 6th said that selection trials and the All-Japan Championships will also be used as criteria.
Miyazaki: For All-Japan, all Japanese players will play, so we will include that for points. We will announce the representatives for the Paris Olympics when the All-Japan 2024 is over. The person who wins the All-Japan Championships in 2024 could get big points and become a representative.

Since all players will play in the qualifiers for the World Championships, Asian Games, and Asian Championships, so even though points will be lower than this tournament[selection trial?], we will also give points to the qualifiers.

――Points are given for the qualifiers, which means a better chance.
Miyazaki: We will hold "Road to Paris selection trial" several times for the Paris Olympics, which is unique to the JTTA. The more selections are held, the more talented players are uncovered. If it's a one-off tournament, very strong players will go all at once, so it's not very good in terms of 4 years of results.

In other words, in 2 years, while the number of target international competitions is small, points are awarded in qualifiers and on top of that the JTTA selection trials, through these the playing strength will be standardized. In order to standardize, the number of times will be increased. Even if you get injured in the 1st year, only half the points count, so you can recover in the 2nd year.

――This story seems to have changed from Miyazaki-san's policy of "players who can win in the world as representatives" to one with an emphasis on domestic results. How about that?
Miyazaki: That is fair and just for the players, so I have to choose that.

However, the players who won the selection trial will eventually go to international competitions that are subject to selection points such as the World Championships and Asian Championships, so I think they will be together in the end.

All things considered, I thought that this would be good when I also looked at and studied other competitions. As the JTTA, WTT has beendeemed not an international tournament that we can associate with. At the same time, we had to create a path for ourselves to take the initiative in selecting players.

――Have the players been informed already?
Miyazaki: The other day, we held a Zoom meeting with about 100 players from the top to high school students of the junior national team, all U15 players, the coaches, and management.

"The WTT ranking will not be counted towards the Paris Olympics. Most of the players cannot participate in the WTT, but rest assured, that does not mean your future is gone. The JTTA will create a standard that excludes the WTT in the selection for Paris Olympics."

Disappointment with the chaotic WTT

――The last time I heard about the WTT from Miyazaki-san, you were worried about it.
Miyazaki: That means it's been exposed. Japan loves table tennis and the media is paying close attention here. The disappointment with the WTT is a shame for us.

From the perspective of WTT, I guess they want to reduce the value of both the Olympics and the World Championships. They want to bring their own tournaments, the Grand Smash, to the highest level, so it's a little difficult for the table tennis world to keep up with it. That's why the world will feel uncomfortable unless the WTT itself changes. Japan will never comply.

――How will you deal with WTT in the future?
Miyazaki: Although it has not been announced yet, while I was fluttering, I received an email from the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) at the end of February, saying, "The ITTF officer dispatched to WTT, the chairman of Qatar, Khalil Al-Mohannadi has been dismissed."

There are 6 ITTF vice presidents, one of whom was in a position to lead the WTT. That Khalil was dismissed. That means that Liu Guoliang (Chairman of the China Table Tennis Association), who is not an ITTF personnel, and Khalil, the ITTF vice president[note: his title is technically deputy president], were doing it, but one arm was taken.

Seeing this, I don't think the WTT will go on a smooth sail. That's why various changes are happening. If a fair and impartial tournament for Japanese players makes a return, I will change the rules I am making now accordingly.
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Apr 2019
Japan National Team 2024 Paris Olympic Team Selection Criteria Explained
As reported by Zeio, JTTA has modified the criteria of selecting the Japan Olympic Team for 2024 Paris. The official criteria is already posted on the JTTA website here, and numerous websites have touched on some of the changes, but it can be quite confusing, so I will try to explain the selection procedures based on the information from these multiple sources.

Who gets to play singles?
For the 2 singles players, instead of getting the two highest-ranked Japanese players based on WR points, JTTA will create its own points system and the 2 highest-ranked players based on the points system created by JTTA will be selected to play singles in Paris. From here on out, I will refer to this as Japan Ranking (JR) and Japan Ranking Points (JR points). The JR points system is practically the same as the WR points system in that a player will be awarded a number of JR points based on far he/she went in a certain tournament. The only difference is the number of points awarded per tournament. JTTA is not happy with the points allocation in the WTT WR points table, so JTTA making its own points table, which allows it to give more emphasis to certain tournaments that would not ordinarily earn a lot of ranking points under the current WTT WR table. For example, under the current WTT WR table, the winner of a continental championship or continental games only gets 500 WR points, which is much less than the winner of a Star Contender Event or a Champions event. This may make sense in a continent like South America or Africa where the quality of competition isn't as high. However, Asia is considered the toughest continent in terms of table tennis competition, so having its own ranking system allows JTTA to give more JR points to winners of Asian Continental events makes sense. JTTA is also not happy that the WTT Grand Smash gets 2000 WR points, which makes it equivalent to the WTTC, so expect the JTTA to come up with a points system the awards more points to those who perform well in the WTTC than those who do well in Grand Smashes.

What is the period relevant in the Olympic Selection Process?
Japanese Table Table players will start earning JR points after the 2022 Japan Nationals (meaning the 2022 Japan Nationals don't count but the first tournament after the Japan Nationals will) and will stop earning JR points when the 2024 Japan Nationals conclude (2024 Nationals will be the last tournament for players to earn JR points). Basically, the players have a 2-year period to earn JR points through various tournaments and increase their JR ranking as much as possible and the 2 players in each gender that have the highest JR points when the 2024 Japan Nationals conclude will play singles in Paris. One interesting note is that the JR points earned from period starting after the end of the 2022 Japan Nationals until the 2023 Japan Nationals will only be 1/2 of the JR points earned from the period starting after the end of the 2023 Nationals until the 2024 Nationals. This makes sense as it gives more weight to the performances of players who play well 1 year prior to the 2024 Olympics as compared to those who played well 2 years prior to the 2024 Olympics without completely disregarding their performances from 2 years prior. This is another reason JTTA opted to come up with its own JR points system as it wants to evaluate players over a 2-year period while the WTT WR points are only good for 1 year before they expire. In conclusion, the First Tournament immediately after the 2022 Japan Nationals until the 2024 Japan Nationals, which is the last tournament, are the only relevant tournaments in determining JR Points and who get to play singles in Paris.

How is the 3rd member of the team decided? How about the Mixed Doubles Pair?
The 3rd member is decided the same way as it was done for the 2020 Olympics- Discretionary Selection based on who can pair well with either of the first 2 members in doubles for the team event. The Mixed Doubles Pair will be the pair the seems to be the best combination that can be formed among the 3 men and 3 women chosen. Author's Note: Japan cannot be as flexible this time around unlike in the selection for the 2020 Olympics where Japan automatically qualified as the host nation since they aren't hosting the 2024 Olympics, so they have to qualify for Mixed Doubles separately through the various qualification tournaments to be held in the future. Since members of the Mixed Doubles pair have to be included in the team composition, a player can pretty much guarantee at least a slot in the team composition by qualifying for Mixed Doubles in the relevant qualifying tournaments.

An Honest Assessment on the revamped Japan National Team 2024 Paris Olympic Team Selection Criteria
There is no perfect selection criteria and all methods of selection have their pros and cons. I commend JTTA for adopting their own JR system to suit the needs of the Japan National Team rather than blindly adopting WTT's WR system. As mentioned earlier, Japan is in Asia, which has tougher competition than that of other continents, so it makes sense for JTTA to adopt a JR system that gives more than 500 JR points to the Asian Champion. JTTA also understands that compared to other countries, Japan has a great depth of players who may not all have the opportunity to play international events due to low WR or due to Country Quota (National Entry Restrictions). In fact, 2-player Country Quota in the 2019 Men's World Cup is one of the biggest reasons Niwa is playing singles instead of Mizutani despite Mizutani generally having better performances in the 2019 World Tour. The JR System, which prioritizes domestic trials and tournaments, will allow every Japanese player to compete and have a fair shot at an Olympic singles slot.

However, I am apprehensive of JTTA's proposal to completely remove all WTT events from the selection criteria. This means that a Japanese player who wins multiple grand smashes in 2022 to 2023 while beating numerous foreign players along the way will still get 0 JR points, which will not help him or her in any way in securing a singles slot. The only international events JTTA will include in the JR are the WTTC, Asian Games, and Asian TT Championships, which is a grand total of only 3 international events from 2022 to 2023. The rest of the events counting towards the JR will be domestic events such as the Japan Nationals and the series of domestic trials known as "Road to Paris Domestic Selection." With such a heavy emphasis on domestic trials, there is a high likelihood that the 2 singles players who will get the highest JR are those who excel at defeating teammates but are not necessarily the best at defeating international rivals. It is a well-known fact that the players who perform well against their teammates are not necessarily the same as those who perform well in the international stage. People in the forum have teasingly called these players "teammate killers." One can simply refer to the performances of the most recent All Japan Champions in the Doha WTT Star Contenders event as an example of this point. In the Olympics where almost all matches will be against international opponents, it seems unwise to completely disregard WTT events where most international players will be present since performance against international opponents should certainly play a big factor in selecting the Olympic team and determining success on the international stage. While I understand JTTA's concern of fairness given that there are National Entry Restrictions in some WTT events, which will not allow all Japanese players to compete, this must be balanced with the need of selecting players who are proven to perform on the international stage. Maybe, JTTA can instead lower the amount of JR points that can be earned in WTT events rather than completely removing them from the JR system in order still be able to reward players who perform well internationally.

In the end, we will have a better understanding of the situation once JTTA announces the JR points allocation table for the different tournaments counting towards the JR. Something to look forward to, however, is that just like the 2020 Race, the Race to the 2024 Paris Olympic Singles will be transparent and easy to follow. It should give table tennis fans 2 whole years' worth of excitement and drama. I'm already looking forward to the discussions in the future "Japan Race to 2024 Singles Thread." 😆
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
The schedule is also blank after April. There was information that it would be held in China in April, but it was announced that it would be postponed to May in late February. It is said that the athletes had prepared more than a month's worth of luggage in preparation for the possibility of entering China directly, considering the isolation period, until just before departure to Qatar. However, it has not been officially announced.

WTT China Hub won't happen until after Tokyo 2020+1.

WTT readies for more action post Tokyo Olympics

08 Apr 2021

World Table Tennis (WTT) and the Chinese Table Tennis Association have been working closely with Chinese government authorities to kickstart an exciting chapter for the sport with the WTT “China Hub”.

World Table Tennis (WTT) and the Chinese Table Tennis Association have been working closely with Chinese government authorities to kickstart an exciting chapter for the sport with the WTT “China Hub”.

The planned events in China form part of the new WTT Series event structure, aiming to create a truly global sport with diverse participation opportunities for players, clubs and fans alike.

We have jointly taken the decision to schedule the China Hub for after the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Although China has confirmed that it will be able to host WTT events from June, we believe that, given the current circumstances, it is the fairest and safest decision for our players as they prepare for the Olympic Games and navigate global uncertainty around travel and training restrictions. The well-being of all those involved in our sport remains our number one priority.

Events in China will be part of a series of elite WTT competitions to be held in the second half of 2021, alongside Grand Smashes and the ITTF World Championships around the globe. As well as marking a return to regular elite events as Covid-19 restrictions ease, these events will usher in a new era for table tennis, championing our sport’s culture and offering richer player and fan experiences.

We continue to assess options to be able to host WTT events in the run-up to Tokyo, and will provide regular updates on our website. We would like to state our gratitude to our Chinese partners for their efforts and collaboration, and look forward to seeing you all back at tables across the world very soon.

About World Table Tennis
Successfully launched in 2021, WTT heralds a new era for professional table tennis with the new WTT Series showcasing the sport’s best and up-and-coming table tennis players in up to 34 events around the world. The WTT Series features four Grand Smashes as the pillars of the support, eight single-table, single-gender WTT Champions events, the WTT Contender Series and the season-ending WTT Cup Finals, all of which will entertain fans and inspire future generations of table tennis players. Complimented by the global WTT Youth Series, WTT creates a pathway that showcases the journey of a player from day one to world number 1 through the ITTF Table Tennis World Rankings. For more information, please visit worldtabletennis.com.
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This user has no status.
Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
There was talk that a tournament is possible before the Olympics in Europe ... So, it is also out of the question ...
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Selection criteria and trial for ATTC 2021. 3 Tokyo Olympians + 2 finalists from trial for singles.

2021 年 4 ⽉ 30 ⽇
公益財団法⼈ ⽇本卓球協会

2021 アジア卓球選⼿権ドーハ⼤会⽇本代表選⼿選考基準

⼤会概要 場 所 カタール:ドーハ
期 間 2021 年 9 ⽉ 1 ⽇〜8 ⽇
代表枠 男⼥団体各 5 名 男⼥シングルス各 5 名
男⼥ダブルス各 2 ペア 混合ダブルス2ペア

1、男⼥団体及び男⼥シングルス代表 5 名の選出⽅法
①東京オリンピック代表選⼿は 2021 アジア卓球選⼿権ドーハ⼤会の代表とする。
②選考会を開催し選考会上位 2 名を代表とする。

②ダブルスのみの出場選⼿を含めて男⼥各代表数は 8 名以内とする。

期 間 2021 年 6 ⽉ 17 ⽇〜18 ⽇(⼥⼦) 19 ⽇〜20 ⽇(男⼦)
場 所 千葉県 旭市総合体育館
試合⽅法 予選リーグ(3 名)、決勝トーナメント、順位決定戦、全て 5 ゲームマッチ
⽤ 具 卓球台(三英) ボール(DHS)
出場資格 ①2021 年全⽇本卓球選⼿権⼤会⼀般の部シングルスベスト8以内の選⼿
②2021 年全⽇本卓球選⼿権⼤会ジュニアの部シングルスベスト4以内の選⼿
③2021 年度男⼥ナショナルチーム(N T)選⼿・候補選⼿
④強化本部推薦若⼲名(総数 24 名まで)

以 上​
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
The 24 participants for the ATTC 2021 trials to be held on Jun 17th for women and 19th for men.


松島輝空 (星槎中学校)
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says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
Well-Known Member
Jan 2012

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
JTTA have just announced the selection criteria for Houston 2021.

公益財団法人 日本卓球協会​


• 大会期日:2021年11月23日~11月29日 アメリカ:ヒューストン
• エントリー数:男女シングルス各5名、男女ダブルス各2ペア、混合ダブルス2ペア
• シングルスは各協会原則出場枠が3名となる。しかし以下の条件をクリアすれば出場枠がその協会に対し最大2名追加さ

(1)2021年○月発表の WR20位以内の日本人最上位選手:(1名)
(2)2021年○月発表の WR100位以内の日本人最上位選手:(1名)※(1)の WR20位以内の日本人最上位選手を除く
(3) 第32回オリンピック競技大会(2020/東京)にて種目に関わらずメダル獲得した選手

2.国内選考会への出場資格(但し、下記*に該当する ITTF の定める世界選手権出場資格を有する者)
(4)第 30 回日本卓球リーグ選手権・ビッグトーナメント熊本大会シングルス優勝者
(5)2022年 FISU ワールドユニバーシティゲームズ日本代表候補選手

3.出場種目 *代表選手の出場種目ならびにペアリングは強化本部で決定する。
1)シングルス:3〜5名 2)ダブルス:2ペア 3)混合ダブルス:2ペア

②ITTF が出場人数制限等を発表し、本選考基準との齟齬が発生した場合は再度理事会で審議する。
*なお、他の国と地域の協会から日本卓球協会へ登録を移籍した選手は、ITTF の定める世界選手権出場資格要件を満たしている
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