Just say no to the new poly ball. Petition

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Oct 2012
This is my first post here. I started a free online petition a few months ago on different forums. Please help by signing the petition, it is FREE to sign. Please help spread the word to everyone you can!

My quest to stop the ITTF from mandating the ball change was also printed in the July/August issue of the USATT Magazine

Just think. This ball change "may" make your current equipment non-competitive with the new equipment made specifically to use with the new poly ball. Buying all new equipment, buying the new ball, who is this benefiting?

Here is a thread from the main forum I visit.


Here is what it states:

My name is James Lindberg and I play at the Baton Rouge Table Tennis Club (http://brttc.org/ ) in Louisiana, USA.

Although I'm relatively new to organized table tennis and am a low level player, I grew up playing table tennis or "ping-pong", as we knew it, in my basement in Michigan. I'm 49 now.

I wanted to contact you in my effort to keep the current celluloid ball. The ITTF is going full speed to introduce the new poly (plastic) ball on July 1, 2014. I've started a petition to try and keep the celluloid ball.

At the minimum, my hope is that the ITTF doesn't make the change to the new poly ball until the playing characteristics, durability, and cost of the ball are identical to the current, traditional, celluloid ball.

My stance is, we need a voice and I'm looking for 10K signatures on the petition so I can distribute it to the ITTF, USATT, and other TT organizations worldwide.

The petition has been posted on OOAK, Mytabletennis , Pingskills and tabletennis.about.

Here are some links on the topic:

The petition itself: Do NOT PAY anything! Also, I've implemented the blog tab and will keep posting information as I receive it.

A recent review of the PREVIEW poly ball:



An article written by Greg Letts (Greg Letts is a world ranked table tennis player, an Australian Level 1 table tennis coach, and an internationally qualified table tennis umpire.) on the protest of the ball, referencing my petition:


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Oct 2012
They're doing it because celluloid is depleting. They have to find a way to save it our else it's gonna be completely gone. Why change the ball when all they're after is playing characteristics? There must be a more important, efficient reason. Just my thoughts.

Sorry, unfortunately, it is not. This is probably the definite reason why the ITTF pushed through with the plastic ball change. This is something we're just gonna have to get used to. Who know's, perhaps it may make this game more enjoyable for us.

What? Save what?

If you are talking what Sharara said about the worldwide ban of celluloid, this has been proven false many times. Even Sharara said he was "misunderstood".

Dan has a nice thread on that, which as been posted on many forums:

Did you read the reviews of the ball? So far, it's not going to be enjoyable for anyone. Granted, they still have 1 1/2 yrs to do better.

I'm not one to "just have to get used to something". There is not a valid reason given to change such a significant part of the game. The majority of people are not wanting to change the ball AGAIN, and the possibility of changing all of their equipment to match the playing characteristics of the new poly ball either.

Of course, it is "probably" a moot point to try and keep the celluloid ball. But doing nothing is worse.
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Oct 2012
The new poly ball will be the only ball used for ITTF events.

Which means, that every country will adopt the ITTF rule as most do now.

Will ball manufacturers continue to produce both balls?

Will there be so much more profit in the new poly ball to only produce that one?

Will they see less and less demand of the current celluloid ball to continue producing it?

Will the new poly ball actually meet or exceed the playing characteristics of the current celluloid ball? If NOT, will the ITTF still push the ball change through?

All these are questions that I don't think anyone can answer.

Most are still waiting for a valid reason to change the ball...again.
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Oct 2012
Thanks for the latest signatures. Getting close to the 400 mark.

Tabletennistalk.com has a poll going on in their forum. Almost 90% are AGAINST the ball change.

Take a visit and post up and vote on their poll here:

Plastic Ball Poll

And with that said.. IT HAS BEGUN!

As predicted:

"NEW" rubber specifically for the plastic ball era. I can see it now, every company is going to be offering "NEW" this and that specifically for the plastic ball era.

ITTF and Manufacturers sure came up with a great solution to boost their coffers!

Gambler Six Shooter Amp Rubber


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 76 reviews
Thanks for the latest signatures. Getting close to the 400 mark.

Tabletennistalk.com has a poll going on in their forum. Almost 90% are AGAINST the ball change.

Take a visit and post up and vote on their poll here:

Plastic Ball Poll

And with that said.. IT HAS BEGUN!

As predicted:

"NEW" rubber specifically for the plastic ball era. I can see it now, every company is going to be offering "NEW" this and that specifically for the plastic ball era.

ITTF and Manufacturers sure came up with a great solution to boost their coffers!

Gambler Six Shooter Amp Rubber

Hey J-bo

Would you like to make a poll on here? Would be interesting to see what the TTD members think

Sent from my S2 using Tapatalk 2
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Oct 2012
Hi Dan,
It would be interesting to see.

I think my goal of 10K signatures was a bit ambitious, but then again, I would have thought more people would be upset that another ball change and getting away from tradition, for no apparant reason, would have more people in outrage.

Is it possible to add the poll to this thread?

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Oct 2012
Link to the petition:


Some recent comments from the petition.

Just play the game ITTF, there are no need for anymore changes to the sport of Table Tennis.

Too many changes have taken place and non have increased the popularity of our sport or media interest which continues to be appalling

table tennis isn't a cheap sport in my country, so this decision will make only people have buy new stuff, concluding, loosing players for money reason
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Apr 2011
I believe what Kevzar mean is the product that is ready for final production, while all those current review are for the prototype, which manufacturers are asking the opinion from the pro player to help them comment and improve their prototype.

What I can say is that we could somewhat also blame the many countries policy on the import of celluloid product too. Quite number of countries do not allow any shipment import of celluloid product nowadays.
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Oct 2012
I believe what Kevzar mean is the product that is ready for final production, while all those current review are for the prototype, which manufacturers are asking the opinion from the pro player to help them comment and improve their prototype.

What I can say is that we could somewhat also blame the many countries policy on the import of celluloid product too. Quite number of countries do not allow any shipment import of celluloid product nowadays.

I understand that too, that those reviews are on pre-production balls. However, if they are having so much difficulty finding a material to use and/or a manufacturing process to produce a viable poly ball, will they figure it out in another year?

And again.....Why change something that isn't broken? The overwhelming majority in the polls are against another ball change. Yes, I understand that is a very very small fraction of the table tennis playing population that participates in these polls.

RED Letters: Do you have facts on this? Who doesn't allow celluloid products?

Good luck with that. There were not many balls that got leaked to the public.
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Active Member
Oct 2012
I understand that too, that those reviews are on pre-production balls. However, if they are having so much difficulty finding a material to use and/or a manufacturing process to produce a viable poly ball, will they figure it out in another year?

And again.....Why change something that isn't broken? The overwhelming majority in the polls are against another ball change. Yes, I understand that is a very very small fraction of the table tennis playing population that participates in these polls.

RED Letters: Do you have facts on this? Who doesn't allow celluloid products?

Good luck with that. There were not many balls that got leaked to the public.

Well, if they don't decide to change back to celluloid ball, it means I can get one.
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Active Member
Apr 2011
I understand that too, that those reviews are on pre-production balls. However, if they are having so much difficulty finding a material to use and/or a manufacturing process to produce a viable poly ball, will they figure it out in another year?

And again.....Why change something that isn't broken? The overwhelming majority in the polls are against another ball change. Yes, I understand that is a very very small fraction of the table tennis playing population that participates in these polls.

RED Letters: Do you have facts on this? Who doesn't allow celluloid products?

I saw it here.


I'm not sure about how they deal with custom to clear their shipment through sea cargo. But the regulation should become tighter nowaday when they deal with something that is label as flammable or inflammable.