5 out of 5 rating for Large Ace R
Adding my own description as I cannot read Japanese and want to review it.
STYLE: two-sided Jpen with rounded head FINISH and APPEARANCE: excellent - an attractive red & thin JPen handle out of wood - looks great & will not get dirty/deteriorate as cork does. Two lenses on the handle - white Nittaku Large Ace & red LA at the tip. Has a black edge guard and is slightly sanded FEEL: rather hard THROW: rather flat, I tried it with a Rhyzm rubber and it was too flat, matches very well with high throw rubbers SPEED: towards OFF+
MY OBSERVATIONS: - suited for a very aggressive style with rubbers on both sides close to the table/mid distance. I use JP01 on FH and 388C-1 on RPB side. - offers a very stable JPen grip plus good wrist movement - encourages fast strokes and swings - excels in the fast game: TPB block/punch, TPB-smash, FH-smash, powerful topspins - I flick serves & pushes & occasionly punch with medium pips RPB - great for both relentless attacking and combination play