List of Players (Game Strategy)

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List of Players (Based Strategies Butterfly Blades)

Some topic where there is a list of National Selected Players (or elite category) and ranked where you can see what game strategy (BLADES) they use (game strategies that Butterfly applies to its BLADES)

* other brands use five and / or up to nine classifications on their timbers, others use numbers ... but it is understood that on average there are seven classifications !!!

DEF + / ALL-

*based on the 7 game strategies that Butterfly applies to its BLADES and also in the information you provide according to according to your BLADES !!!

For example...

LIST (Seniors - Men Singles November 2020)

Rk.1 CHN FAN Zhendong Butterfly Viscaria OFF+

Rk.2 CHN Xu Xin Stiga Xu Xin Dinasty Carbon OFF

Rk.3 CHN Ma Long DHS W968 OFF+

Rk.4 JPN Tomokasu Harimoto Butterfly Harimoto Innerforce ALC ?????

Rk.5 CHN Lin Gaoyuan Butterfly Lin Gauyuan ALC ?????

Rk.6 BRA Hugo Calderano Cornilleau Gatien Conquest Off OFF

Rk.7 TPE Lin Yun-Ju ????? OFF+

Rk.8 CHN Liang Jingkun ?????

Rk.9 SWE Mattias Falck Yasaka Ma Lin Soft Carbon OFF-

Rk.10 GER Timo Boll Butterfly Timo Boll ALC OFF

Rk.11 GER Dimitrij Ovtcharov ????? OFF+

Rk.12 CHN Wang Chuqin ?????

Rk.13 JPN Koki Niwa Victas Quartet AFC OFF

Rk.14 KOR Jeoung Youngsik Butterfly Petr Korbel OFF

Rk.15 ENG Liam Pitchford Butterfly Viscaria OFF+

Rk.16 GER Patrick Francisca Butterfly A.Mazunov OFF+

Rk.17 JPN Jun Mizutani Butterfly Mizutani Jun ZLC OFF

Rk.18 KOR Jang Woojin ?????

Rk.19 FRA Simon Gauzy Andro Gauzy ?????

Rk.20 NGR Quadri Aruna Joola Aruna OFF OFF

Rk.21 HKG Wang Chun Ting Butterfly Zhang Jike ALC OFF

Rk.22 KOR Lee Sangsu ?????

Rk.23 CHN Zhao Zihao ?????

Rk.24 SWE Kristian Karlsson Butterfly Korbel SK7 OFF

Rk.25 POR Marcos Freitas Butterfly Marcos Freitas ALC OFF

Rk.26 BLR Vladimir Samsonov Tibhar Samsonov Force Pro Black Edition OFF

Rk.27 USA Kanak Jha ?????

Rk.28 DEN Jonathan Groth Butterfly Viscaria OFF+

Rk.28 AUT Robert Gardos Butterfly Timo Boll ALC OFF

Rk.30 TPE Chuang Chih-Yuan Butterfly TBA ?????

Rk.31 IND Achanta Sharath Kamal Tibhar Samsonov Carbon OFF+

Rk.32 IND Gnanasekaran Sathiyan ?????

Rk.33 SVK Wang Yang Butterfly Joo Se Hyuk DEF

Rk.34 SLO Jorgic Darko ?????

Rk.35 JPN Uda Yukiya ?????

Rk.36 AUT Daniel Habesohn ?????

Rk.37 CRO Tomislav Pukar ?????

Rk.38 EGY Omar Assar ?????

Rk.39 GER Benedikt Duda Victas Quartet AFC OFF

Rk.40 KOR An Jaehyun ?????

Rk.41 FRA Emmanuel Lebesson Tibhar Lebesson ?????

Rk.42 GER Ruwen Filus Butterfly Joo Se Hyuk DEF

Rk.43 SWE Jon Persson ?????

Rk.44 BRA Gustavo Tsuboi ?????

Rk.45 JPN Jin Takuya ?????

Rk.46 KAZ Kirill Gerassimenko ?????

Rk.47 CRO Andrej Gacina Butterfly Petr Korbel OFF

Rk.48 JPN Morizono Masataka DHS Kyo Leopard King ?????

Rk.49 GRE Panagiotis Gionis Butterfly Petr Korbel OFF

Rk.50 CZE Pavel Sirucek ?????


Alexander Shibaev (RUS) OFF+

Gionis Panagiotis (GRE) ALL

John Hilton (ENG) DEF+ / ALL-

Evgueni Chtchetinine (BLR) DEF

Vincent Purkart (FRA) DEF

Desmond Douglas (JAM) OFF- / OFF


LIST (Seniors - Women Singles November 2020)

Rk.1 CHN Cheng Meng Stiga Carbonado 45 OFF+

Rk.2 JPN Mima Ito Nittaku Acoustic Carbon OFF

Rk.3 CHN Sun Yingsha ?????

Rk.4 CHN Liu Shiwen ????? OFF+

Rk.5 CHN Wang Mangyu ?????

Rk.6 CHN Ding Ning ????? OFF

Rk.7 CHN Zhu Yuling Stiga Carbonado 45 OFF+

Rk.8 TPE Cheng I-Ching Butterfly Zhang Jike ALC OFF

Rk.9 SGP Feng Tianwei Butterfly Innerforce Layer ZLC ?????

Rk.9 JPN Kasumi Ishikawa Butterfly Innerforce Layer ALC OFF

Rk.11 JPN Miu Hirano Stiga Clipper Wood OFF

Rk.12 CHN Wang Yidi ?????

Rk.13 CHN Cheng Xingtong ?????

Rk.14 AUT Sofia Polcanova Butterfly Innerforce ZLC OFF

Rk.15 HKG Doo Hoi Kem Stiga Infinity VPS V OFF

Rk.16 KOR Jeon Jihee Butterfly Innerforce Layer ZLC ?????

Rk.17 JPN Hitomi Sato Butterfly Custom ?????

Rk.18 CHN He Zhuojia ?????

Rk.19 PUR Adriana Diaz Butterfly Zhang Jike Super ZLC OFF

Rk.20 GER Petrissa Solja Joola Greenline Fast ?????

Rk.21 CHN Qian Tianyi ?????

Rk.22 JPN Miyu Kato ?????

Rk.23 KOR Suh Hyowon Butterfly Joo Se Hyuk DEF

Rk.24 ROU Bernadette Szocs Tibhar Texo OFF OFF

Rk.25 GER Han Ying Victas Koji Matsushita DEF

Rk.26 TPE Chen Szu-Yu ?????

Rk.27 USA Lily Zhang Joola Nobilis PBO-c OFF

Rk.28 HKG Soo Wai Yam Minnie ?????

Rk.29 JPN Hina Hayata Stiga Sense 7.6 OFF

Rk.30 NED Britt Eerland Butterfly Innerforce Layer ZLC ?????

Rk.31 ROU Elizabeta Samara Butterfly Korbel SK7 OFF

Rk.32 USA Wu Yue Joola Viva ?????

Rk.32 EGY Dina Meshref ?????

Rk.34 CAN Mo Zhang ?????

Rk.35 POL Lo Qian Butterfly Hadraw Shield DEF

Rk.36 JPN Honoka Hashimoto Nittaku Goriki Super Cut DEF

Rk.37 JPN Saki Shibata ?????

Rk.38 UKR Margaryta Pesotska ?????

Rk.39 GER Nina Mittelham ?????

Rk.40 CHN Gu Yuting ?????

Rk.41 THA Sawettabut Suthasini Butterfly SK7 ?????

Rk.42 LUX Ni Xia Lian Donic Persson Powerspeed Pen ?????

Rk.43 GER Shan Xiaona Butterfly Ishlion X ?????

Rk.44 MON Yang Xiaoxin ?????

Rk.45 HKG Lee Ho Ching Butterfly Zhang Jike ALC OFF

Rk.46 RUS Polina Mikhailova Butterfly Gionis Carbon Def DEF

Rk.47 BRA Bruna Takahashi ?????

Rk.48 SWE Mathilda Ekholm Butterfly Liu Shiwen ?????

Rk.49 JPN Miyuu Kihara ?????

Rk.50 SGP Yu Mengyu ?????


Linda Bergstrom (SUE) DEF+ / ALL-

Debora Vivarelli (ITA) OFF-

Mizuki Morizono (JAP) DEF+ / ALL-

Ni Xialian (LUX) DEF+ / ALL-

Please ... It would be very good to know other world elite players who are also especially
DEF + / ALL-

in advance thank you very much !!!
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Nov 2017
When I saw player listings trying give some 'style' details, it was 99%: shakehand, offensive, both wing attacker.
How does that help distinguish Hugo from Timo, Franz or Simon, who all clearly play very differently?

Like with the playing characteristics of rubber and blade to me sticking a number or category does not tell me much, but you have to resort to plain, simple prose. E.g.

Hugo: all out attacker, usually close table, special strength backhand + flip - notable: uses two handed backhand far from table, very high toss serve.
Timo: very spin, serve oriented, very balanced between fore- and backhand. Notable: hand switching shots
Franz: bringing all his physical force to the table, dangerous, risky backhand opening - notable: his T2 appearance with some out of the world shots
Simon: extreme spin oriented, creative, brings all the fruits (banana, strawberry flicks) - notable: not afraid of fishing, lobbing game even if not using the box to Xu Xins extent.

Currently Wang Xi seems almost unbeatable in the TTBL. In what category could you place him? His forehand is getting ever more aggresive after this hard to handle jab serve. Is he still Def as he chops with his backhand?

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Jun 2020
Some topic where there is a list of National Selected Players (or elite category) and ranked where you can see what game strategy they use (especially with their blades)

DEF + / ALL-

For example...



Xu Xin (CHN) OFF

Mattias Falck (SUE) OFF-

Patrick Francisca (ALE) OFF+

Simon Gauzy (FRA) OFF+

Yang Wang (ESL) DEF

Hugo Calderano (BRA) OFF+


Suh Hyowon (COR) DEF

Linda Bergstrom (SUE) ALL-

Debora Vivarelli (ITA) OFF-

Mizuki Morizono (JAP) DEF+

Adriana Diaz (PUR) OFF

Bernadette Szocs (RUM) OFF

Please ... in advance thank you very much !!!
Gauzy OFF+? He plays like an allround european player from the 90's

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says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
Timo Boll OFF
Vladimir Samsonov ALL+
Lin Yun Ju OFF+
Alexander Shibaev OFF+++++ (“red haze” territory)
Gionis Panagiotis ALL
John Hilton ALL-
Evgueni Chtchetinine DEF
Vincent Purkart DEF—
Desmond Douglas OFF-

Mima Ito OFF++
Hina Hayata OFF+
Ding Ning OFF
Liu Shiwen OFF+
Ni Xialian ALL-
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Reactions: DJ-RoGeRs-BS
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Apr 2020
But it doesn't say strategy, it just says that the blades they are said to use are rated as Off- or Off+.

Strategy is different, it's more about the types of shots a player chooses to play and how likely they are to let the other player make the first attack or to drop back a bit for lobs.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
But it doesn't say strategy, it just says that the blades they are said to use are rated as Off- or Off+.

Strategy is different, it's more about the types of shots a player chooses to play and how likely they are to let the other player make the first attack or to drop back a bit for lobs.

Yep. I was going to say it differently. But you certainly beat me to the issue here:

DEF + / ALL-

It is a sad state of affairs when someone could confuse the ratings given to blades for a summation of variations on game strategy.

The categories listed for blades have nothing to do with strategy or even play style of a player.

For strategies, you are looking at game tactics for winning points. Like, why does Ma Long ever push when we know he could attack almost every ball he is given?

What did it mean that, when ZJK used to open with the Banana, that he completely changed the spin on all his returns, from MASSIVE topspin, to almost dead. Compare that to FZD's BH openers which often have much more speed, but somehow seem much less lethal despite what amazing angles he gets.

Why would a player choose to slow loop with a lot of arc instead of just ripping the ball? When would something like that be effective?

Ma Lin used to use spin/no spin variations on his serves as a powerful weapon. How would a serve with no spin be an effective weapon? How would a no spin serve give you an advantage? What kinds of returns could you expect from a no spin serve? And how would you use the spin serves to help make the no spin serves an effective weapon?

There is so much more. But All+ or Off- definitely does not say anything about strategy or even play style.
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Jun 2020
ask that to ...

Brand Cornilleau
Strategy OFF+
Weight 75
Layer 5

Used by Athletes (1)
75 grams, 5 layers, it's about his blade, man, Gauzy is weak in strength, has smooth touch, he uses a powerfull blade, but he's an allround player rather than a ball killer. His style, excepting the banana & strawberry flicks is very similar to the style of european great players of the 90's. A lot of close to the table players don't use extraoffensive blades.

Matthias Falck, for example, is an extraoffensive player, you'll never see him 2m far from the table, but he doesn't use off+ blade because of the short pimples, they usually work better on allround blades.

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Xu xin uses his (Xu Xin Stiga Dynasty)
Lin Gaoyuan uses his (BTY Lin Gaoyuan ALC)
Harimoto tomokazu uses his (BTY Harimoto Innerforce ALC)

...are updated!!!
<body id="cke_pastebin" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; left: -1000px;">Are updated!</body>
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And he's not using cornilleau anymore, he switched to Andro Gauzy

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It updates! * ... although it is ideal that you put to the side which blade strategy they use !!!

<body id="cke_pastebin" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; left: -1000px;">It updates! * ... although it is ideal that you put to the side which blade strategy they use !!!</body>