As with many topics in EJying, the "feel" of a blade is very, very subjective. Depending on your sensitivity for certain characteristics. Some are more sensitive in the hardness of the top ply, some are more sensitive to the feedback (vibration) a blade gives, some are reacting the to the stiffness etc. All this together makes one blade marvelous for a group of people, while others will dislike one or several of the "features".
I try a lot of blades and can tell, that I have a tendency for certain combinations, but I'm also honest with myself, that most probably in a blind test, I would not be able to tell a difference between a 800$ W986 and a regular HL5 (and maybe even a 35$ Stuor copy) as long as they are in the same weight range.
And another truth from long term EJing. It does not change your USATT, TTR or any other rating. In TT we need to adapt to so many different conditions (light, table, floor, balls etc) that as long as you play your material for a certain period, it won't influence your win/loose chances to a great margin, as you will adapt to it (maybe leaving out special materials like anti, long pips etc).