Australian 2xOlympian. Highest Men's World Ranking: 61...
Australian 2xOlympian. Highest Men's World Ranking: 61...
Someone in my Skool Community asked "Ball of choice - or does it matter"?
I thought I'd share my experience and thoughts being on the pro circuit and hopefully this gives you guys good insights to the ball change since plastic balls arrived in 2014
"In the past, nittaku has been known to be of the best quality. Even today, its ball uses a more premium plastic compared to the rest. I'm not sure how much the other brands have developed or not, they seem to be quite good.
When the plastic ball first came out in 2014, they SUCKED! broke very easily, wobbly to play with, not very solid or consistent. Even from 2015-2017 those exact same model of balls improved. From 2018-2022 when I finished off the final years of my career, and on the international stage of Table Tennis, the balls dramatically became more consistent amongst different brands. I still felt nittaku was somewhat different to the rest of the other brands, but noticeably felt improvement in the double fish and DHS brand balls, with the rest being average and not great.
Is that still the case today? I'm honestly not sure and couldn't tell you".
At the end of the day, business is a huge part of sports and the sponsor of the event will get the pleasure of being ball host. I'm curious though, what has your experience been with balls?
I thought I'd share my experience and thoughts being on the pro circuit and hopefully this gives you guys good insights to the ball change since plastic balls arrived in 2014
"In the past, nittaku has been known to be of the best quality. Even today, its ball uses a more premium plastic compared to the rest. I'm not sure how much the other brands have developed or not, they seem to be quite good.
When the plastic ball first came out in 2014, they SUCKED! broke very easily, wobbly to play with, not very solid or consistent. Even from 2015-2017 those exact same model of balls improved. From 2018-2022 when I finished off the final years of my career, and on the international stage of Table Tennis, the balls dramatically became more consistent amongst different brands. I still felt nittaku was somewhat different to the rest of the other brands, but noticeably felt improvement in the double fish and DHS brand balls, with the rest being average and not great.
Is that still the case today? I'm honestly not sure and couldn't tell you".
At the end of the day, business is a huge part of sports and the sponsor of the event will get the pleasure of being ball host. I'm curious though, what has your experience been with balls?