My Personal Guide to Rubbers on Aliexpress

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I tried Sanwei Target National. It was good but not grippy enough. I found Sanwei Target provincial, Big Dipper and Mercury II on Aliexpress. The first two feel "hybrid" like but not too much catapult. The only I like is Mercury II which is like $6.8 a sheet including shipping and import tax (from the BEO store on Aliexpress). It is very very grippy. After boosting lightly, the speed is about 80% of hurricane. The spin is really like the same as hurricane. I am so impressed that I splurged and paid $40 for 4 sheets of medium and 2 sheets of soft to try it out more. I will try them out on different blades (carbon blades of different speed) and see how I like it.

Another rubber I like is Sanwei T88 ULTRA Spin Table Tennis Rubber Half-sticky Speed Training Pimple. It says it is a training rubber for $4.99 Plus misc fees. But it plays really well!

Loki Rxton 1, Rxton 3 and Rxton 5, I really do not have an opinion yet. I like the soft black sponge of Rxton 1. But it is a bit too soft and I often hit the ball into the net. In that series, I got pink and blue Rxton 3 so the prices I paid for these four rubber ranged from $12-$14 a piece. Rxton's topsheet is tacky but not sticky sticky for Hurricane.

So you want a "hybrid" rubber, I actually find Sanwei Target (provincial or national), Big Dipper, Sanwei T88 and Rxton family to be very good choices.

But if you want to a true Hurricane replacement, I have to say the $.6.80 per sheet of Mercury II is up to the task!!!

The only problem with Mercury II is that I have trouble feeling my loop or missing the loop completely. I think Mercury II only comes in 2.0mm. H3 neo I have bought has always been 2.2mm (the ESN rubber I use on the backhand side are all max sponge too). That slight difference can account for a couple instances where I miss the loop completely (I brush very thinly to generate a lot of top spin). Also the speed is a factor so I need to adjust my angle a bit. Regardless, weird, the cheapest rubber is the only one that intrigued my interest enough that I "splurged" $40 to get 6 more sheets to play around with! Once I get the new treatment, I need to boost the Mercury II sponge with three layers at least and see if it comes alive more! But the stickiness of the top sheet is just beautiful.....
Hi JJ,
I'm a "Chinese rubber" noob...
Do You know what the difference between an H3 and an H3 neo is?

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Jan 2018

Over the past 12 months, I have sought to find and test the best rubbers available on Aliexpress. I wanted to write this personal Guide to the best rubbers on Aliexpress so everybody else can buy the rubbers easily. Most of the rubbers are available for under $15. I will categorize the rubbers as FH and BH rubbers, and will rank them by my opinion of their overall quality. These are just my opinions, and I am heavily biased towards a topspin offensive style emphasizing spin and power. I also gave preference to rubbers that don't need booster.

FH Rubbers

Friendship Bloom Power - Bought for $11, but price has risen to $17 now. This is my favorite rubber and has great speed and great spin, but also feels controlled. It is very tacky, and can pick up a ball for a few moments. Unlike many Chinese rubbers, this does not have that dead feeling, and it is bouncy and fast. While being fast, it still feels like a Chinese rubber. It doesn’t suffer at all in the short game. Also, the purple sponge looks very nice. Overall, outstanding rubber that I cannot praise enough.

Yinhe Big Dipper - $14. Another amazing rubber, with outstanding speed and spin. It is a hybrid rubber and has a very innovative and modern look and feel to it. Less controlled than Bloom, and feels more tensor. It has a clicky speed glue feeling. This rubber will give you overwhelming topspin loops. Short game control is much better than tensors, but a tad less control than Bloom. This is a rubber that I recommend to everybody that I play with.

Yinhe Jupiter 3 - $15. I’ve read that Jupiter 2 was supposed to be Yinhe’s version of H3 and that Jupiter 3 is a big upgrade on Jupiter 2. Actually, I think this rubber is closer to Big Dipper than H3. It is about the same tackiness as BD, and less tacky than H3. But it is bouncier and faster than H3, probably because its factory boosted. Probably has a denser and more traditional feel than BD, whereas BD has a more clicky feel. Excellent choice for a FH rubber, capable of strong spin and speed.

Loki Rxton 5 - $11. This is another rubber quite similar to H3. The sponge feels very hard and dense. It has a somewhat traditional Chinese dense feeling, but bouncier and faster than H3. It has a quality looking grippy topsheet, but maybe a tad less grippy than H3 and Target. It’s not factory boosted, so out of package it is a little harder and more difficult to use than BD or J3.

Friendship Battle 2 - $24. I think this is quite similar to Bloom. Very tacky and spinny topsheet, with a faster bouncier sponge than H3. It is more expensive than Bloom though, so I would personally just recommend Bloom. If you don't mind the extra cost though, this is everything you want in a fast and spinny FH rubber.

DHS Hurricane 3 Neo - $23. The spinniest rubber, with excellent grip. However, it is very very slow, with an extremely dead feeling. I can’t recommend this rubber unless you plan to boost it. If you do boost it, and if you can generate enough power on your own, this rubber can produce extremely overwhelming topspin loops. And of course the short game control is world beating.

Reactor Thunder - $11. Bought this rubber because there were some positive reviews on TTD. Quite light and somehow “modern” looking with a quality looking black sponge. Topsheet is tacky and grippy, but the rubber itself is slow without booster. I can’t recommend this rubber without booster, but with booster, this would be a fine choice for producing powerful FH loops.

Target 90 - $11. I think of this rubber as a mini H3 or a H3 lite. It shares many traits of H3 with high spin and high short game control. It is semi-tacky (hence the 90). Despite being semi-tacky, the topsheet grip is superb. This is a very spinny rubber, and keeps the grip for a long time. Even after weeks of play, the topsheet still looks very grippy and new. The sponge does have a somewhat dead feeling. But because it's less tacky than H3, it doesn’t feel as dead as H3. The red sponge on the black topsheet looks very luxurious though, so that can be appealing for some. Overall slightly less demanding than H3, but shares many traits.

Loki GTX - $23. Bought this rubber based on another review, and the idea of a tacky topsheet on a porous sponge sounded very interesting. But this is a very disappointing rubber. Topsheet really isn’t very tacky, and lacks grip. The sponge feels rather dead out of the package, and has a very strange, dull, and unappealing feeling when hitting. With booster, the rubber transforms and increases in speed dramatically. But still the rubber feels uncomfortable with the lack of dwell time and arc. Loops have a tendency to either go into the net or go long, due to the lack of dwell/arc of this rubber. Unlike HK1997 though, at least the rubber is hard as advertised. Update: After applying booster, I applied a light layer of baby oil. This seems to have fixed many of the initial problems and greatly increase the dwell time and control. With the combination of booster and baby oil, speed and dwell/arc are added to the rubber, and it becomes very similar to a boosted Hurricane.

Reactor Tornado V5 - $7. This is probably the best rubber for $7. Quite a high quality topsheet, and it feels very grippy. Sponge is not super fast, but because of the high spin, you can produce high quality topspin loops. For the price, it feels like quite a bargain. With booster, it performs a lot better.

Palio HK 1997 Gold - $12. Rubber is marketed with the AK47 line, but actually it is completely different. Topsheet is on the low side of medium tacky. Sponge is porous, but not very hard. Sponge is much softer than advertised (49d but feels more like 39-40d). Rubber is slow and dead without booster, so I wouldn’t recommend it out of the package. It’s still a pretty cheap price though. With booster, it has some decent speed, but it lacks power on the top end. The sponge is way too soft and tops out very quickly.

Loki Arthur Asia - $30. Medium fast rubber with medium tack. The tack goes away quite quickly, and the speed just doesn’t live up to the price. Much better options for half the price. Also, this rubber is the heaviest rubber I have seen, so it can be quite uncomfortable to use. The higher price is probably due to being made in Germany, but its not worth it. The rubber itself isn't bad, but it just feels overpriced.

BH Rubbers

Palio AK47 - $13. This is the best Chinese made BH rubber overall. Light, fast, bouncy, elastic. Matte topsheet look. Not a perfect replacement for tensor rubbers, but very close. Red is the fastest, but yellow and blue are also similarly fast and bouncy. Topsheet grip is quite good as well and produces surprisingly good spin. Overall very good value for money and my best recommended BH rubber on Ali.

Friendship Presto Speed Max - $22. Presto Speed is actually a little faster and more elastic than the AK47. The sponge is supposedly made in Japan. This is a very good alternative to the more expensive tensor rubbers. Sponge is quite soft. Topsheet is grippy as well. It does cost more than AK47 though, so for most people I would just recommend AK47. But if you don’t mind spending a little more money, Presto is a little higher quality. Half price compared to most ESN rubbers, and the speed/spin is similar to ESN.

Yinhe Moon Speed - $13. A good alternative to AK47. I think it has slightly less speed, and slightly more spin than AK47, but it's basically a substitute. Topsheet has a more attractive, richer color than AK47. Also, I think the sponge is the same as Big Dipper, so I think this rubber would react very well to booster. Overall, I highly recommend this rubber. Also because the rubber looks so nice, I enjoy having this on my blade and playing with it.

Loki T3 - $17. A little more expensive than other popular rubbers. Comes with a black sponge, and is quite fast. Also, it has little placement marks on the topsheet to show you where to cut the rubber and how to line it up with the wings of your blade. These little placement marks and even the packaging gives the rubber a fairly premium feeling. Matte looking topsheet rather than the richer/flush look of Moon Speed. I think it's basically the same speed as AK47 (and slightly faster than moon speed) and is a very good option for BH. AK47 has a slightly more light and “airy” feeling, while T3 has a more solid feeling. I don’t think it's worse than AK47 or Moon Speed, and in fact it has a slightly premium look and feel to it. But I don’t think it's necessarily worth the extra $4, hence its slightly lower on the list.

Palio Hadou 40+ - $12. Medium soft porous sponge with a medium tacky topsheet is a interesting combination. The spin and arc is good, but it is slow out of package. This rubber probably needs booster if you plan to use it.

Friendship Aurora Max - $12. Similar look and feel to Moon Speed with a rich red topsheet color and nice looking red sponge as well. Maybe slightly slower than Moon Speed, but I’m not certain. A fine option, but feels less dynamic than the others on the list.

Reactor Ckylin Pro - $11. This is Reactor’s attempt to clone Donic Bluefire, so it has a similar look. It’s slightly slower than AK47, but easier to control. However, the biggest downside is that the topsheet is significantly smoother and less grippy than AK47l. Not bad by any means, so if you really want to save an extra dollar or two you can go for it. But it feels slightly less dynamic than other rubbers on this list. Probably makes sense if you aren’t ready to unlock the potential of the higher rubbers on this list.

Loki Rxton 1 - Bought this for $5, but price has now risen to $7. A good all-around rubber that can do a little bit of everything. Feels like very good quality for the money. The look of the rubber does not look like $7, but feels quite high quality. It’s not very fast, but not slow either. Maybe slightly faster than H3, but some may find it lacking in speed for BH. Still, enough speed and spin for most people.

Yinhe Mercury 3 - $15. Some revspin users called this a true tensor, so I was curious about this rubber. It's very disappointing, because it is not very fast. It has a soft and user-friendly feeling. But it just doesn’t have enough speed and rebound to be a great BH rubber.

Loki Arthur Europe - $30. Similar to Arthur Asia, but less tacky. Medium fast rubber, with decent grip. Not as heavy as Arthur Asia, but there are just better options for a cheaper price. The higher price is probably due to being made in Germany, but its not worth it.

I have been trying to search the Friendship Bloom Power, the one i get in the search results are mainly - Friendship 729 Provincial BATTLE II

Can anyone please point me to right link?

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Oct 2022
AFAIK, not much difference - H3 neo is slightly softer.

Check out this -
I believe you are right that there is probably very little difference. I actually just ordered the H3 Hard (non-neo) from TT11 to test out.

Especially if you're planning to boost the rubber anyways, there probably isn't a big difference to Neo.
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Sep 2017
Read 1 reviews
Another low-cost (I bought it for less than $10) Chinese branded rubber, definitely worth trying is, Yinhe Earth II... It does not seem very popular, nor is it easily available..

it seems to have medium-high speed, without boosting, and has a fair amount of bounce, arc, and catapult.. Currently I've (speed)-glued it to an ALL blade, and even though it's on an ALL blade, the speed is incredible,, It's not the spinniest rubber out there, but still produces respectable amounts..

Where you found it under $10? On Ali I see it for $27
Hi JJ,
I'm a "Chinese rubber" noob...
Do You know what the difference between an H3 and an H3 neo is?

Not much difference. In my collection I have a mix of H3, H3 neo and H3 Skyline neo. They all need boosting. The labeling between H3 and H3 neo is the SAME. Skyline at least has something different printed on the front to say Skyline in Chinese so you can tell them apart. H3 neo supposedly has the "high tension" neo sponge. But I boost all of them with three layers of boosters. Honestly for us mere mortals, they all play about the same.

The key is the tackiness. Really, I cannot find other Chinese rubber to be as tacky as hurricane. It is weird. DHS has some secret formula or something like that. The only note is that all the hurricanes I bought is from TT11 and they only carry 39 degree in stock so I am just used to 39 degree hurricane in general.

Mercury II is really the only rubber I have used to rival Hurricane in terms of stickiness. That's why I bought six more to figure it out more.

If you are new to Chinese rubber, I do recommend you trying Sanwai Target National or Sanwei Target Provincial. If you like it, THEN you go play with Hurricane.

I cannot recommend Mercury II just yet. I need to get the shipment to arrive and heavily boost them this time to render a more complete opinion. But tackiness = hurricane, yes. Speed = 80% of hurricane, most likely.
says Fair Play First
says Fair Play First
Well-Known Member
Jan 2012

802 mistery 1.7 мм is the best economical exemplar to play with instead of japanese Nittaku products. Nittaku waste money a lot. Chinese products money saver, a very close analogue to Nittaku short pimps, similar to Mima own choice. 802 mistery rubber came out some hot bestseller amongst the evergrowing Mima followers and admirers. 👏👩‍🔬👨‍💻👨‍✈️👨‍🎤👩‍🎤👨‍🎨👩‍🎨👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚒👩‍🚒👮🕵💂👷🤴👸👳
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Not much difference. In my collection I have a mix of H3, H3 neo and H3 Skyline neo. They all need boosting. The labeling between H3 and H3 neo is the SAME. Skyline at least has something different printed on the front to say Skyline in Chinese so you can tell them apart. H3 neo supposedly has the "high tension" neo sponge. But I boost all of them with three layers of boosters. Honestly for us mere mortals, they all play about the same.

The key is the tackiness. Really, I cannot find other Chinese rubber to be as tacky as hurricane. It is weird. DHS has some secret formula or something like that. The only note is that all the hurricanes I bought is from TT11 and they only carry 39 degree in stock so I am just used to 39 degree hurricane in general.

Mercury II is really the only rubber I have used to rival Hurricane in terms of stickiness. That's why I bought six more to figure it out more.

If you are new to Chinese rubber, I do recommend you trying Sanwai Target National or Sanwei Target Provincial. If you like it, THEN you go play with Hurricane.

I cannot recommend Mercury II just yet. I need to get the shipment to arrive and heavily boost them this time to render a more complete opinion. But tackiness = hurricane, yes. Speed = 80% of hurricane, most likely.

Perfect, thank you.
I will get a sheet H3 neo and some booster next time I order. Thank have several blades now so the waiting time for the boaster to set will be less of a problem.

Perfect, thank you.
I will get a sheet H3 neo and some booster next time I order. Thank have several blades now so the waiting time for the boaster to set will be less of a problem.

Great. Yes you cannot go wrong with H3 neo. I have used Haifu seasmoon, Haifu seamoon national yellow and falco tempo long. I don't think it matters. Once you put three layers of each of them on the rubber, the rubber just curves up like crazy. I leave it for 24 hours before applying another layer.

I have done two layers before. I don't think that's enough. I think three layers will really chemically break-in the sponge.

I love my hurricane. Forehand serve is very spinny. Short game is good. Topspin loops feel very nice.

Really not interested in any hybride.

And the tackiness will not die! My old beat-up hurricane is still working very well.
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Oct 2022
Great. Yes you cannot go wrong with H3 neo. I have used Haifu seasmoon, Haifu seamoon national yellow and falco tempo long. I don't think it matters. Once you put three layers of each of them on the rubber, the rubber just curves up like crazy. I leave it for 24 hours before applying another layer.

I have done two layers before. I don't think that's enough. I think three layers will really chemically break-in the sponge.

I love my hurricane. Forehand serve is very spinny. Short game is good. Topspin loops feel very nice.

Really not interested in any hybride.

And the tackiness will not die! My old beat-up hurricane is still working very well.
I went away from Hurricane for a while, but now I got a new sheet coming in next week. I got the 41d Hurricane 3 non-neo. Because the Neo is basically just a sheet of glue, I dont think I need it.

I remember the boosted hurricane was an amazing rubber, so let's see if I can make it amazing again.

I think playing with really good rubber isn't as fun as taking a slow and dead rubber and boosting it to make it amazing. That is very satisfying
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I went away from Hurricane for a while, but now I got a new sheet coming in next week. I got the 41d Hurricane 3 non-neo. Because the Neo is basically just a sheet of glue, I dont think I need it.

I remember the boosted hurricane was an amazing rubber, so let's see if I can make it amazing again.

I think playing with really good rubber isn't as fun as taking a slow and dead rubber and boosting it to make it amazing. That is very satisfying
A couple thoughts. Yes after boosting regular H3, along with H3 neo and H3 Skyline neo, I agree. I think neo is just a a sheet of glue! They say neo is factory pre-tuned, so then why is everyone still boosting it? I got a shipment of H3 regular coming in from Dandoy and after three booster layers, they play just fine.

I swear, after playing it for a couple months, when you take it off and boost it again, it feels even more amazing! It is quite strange. The sponge just feel even more bouncey that way. And the tackiness is just about right at that moment as well.

H3 ages so well and it is so cheap. Consider I am EJ'ing different blades right now, I am just pull all the old H3 to put on various blades. It makes EJ'ing so much easier and I can compare different blades better now.

I just don't see myself moving away from hurricane now unless Mercury II gives me the same speed after heavy boosting.
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Oct 2022
A couple thoughts. Yes after boosting regular H3, along with H3 neo and H3 Skyline neo, I agree. I think neo is just a a sheet of glue! They say neo is factory pre-tuned, so then why is everyone still boosting it? I got a shipment of H3 regular coming in from Dandoy and after three booster layers, they play just fine.

I swear, after playing it for a couple months, when you take it off and boost it again, it feels even more amazing! It is quite strange. The sponge just feel even more bouncey that way. And the tackiness is just about right at that moment as well.

H3 ages so well and it is so cheap. Consider I am EJ'ing different blades right now, I am just pull all the old H3 to put on various blades. It makes EJ'ing so much easier and I can compare different blades better now.

I just don't see myself moving away from hurricane now unless Mercury II gives me the same speed after heavy boosting.
Why did you order from Dandoy?
Why did you order from Dandoy?
They have Hurricane 3 on their special right now (regular hurricane) for $18.50 a sheet. They also have Rakza 7 soft on special (which is my curren favorite backhand rubber). Finally I picked up Rasanter R47 and Xiom Vega X on their special too.

Usually I go with TT11, but I am not ready to get a large $300 order so I went with Dandoy this time.

Currently TT11's week specials do not interest me. Dandoy's has a couple specials that are interesting.
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Jan 2018
Hello all, those who have used the rubbers mentioned in the post #1, which among them can be used to develop techniques. Focuses on linearity (you get, what you put)

I have used Tenergy 05 for 5-7 years and switched to a commercial Hurricane 3 Neo. I have been playing it without boosting and would continue the same for any tacky/chineese rubbers.

After playing with Hurricane, i never would want to go back to Tenergy / similar rubbers! Here is my short training video. ( i am the one playing with yellow shoes and blue T shirt)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
Hello all, those who have used the rubbers mentioned in the post #1, which among them can be used to develop techniques. Focuses on linearity (you get, what you put)

I have used Tenergy 05 for 5-7 years and switched to a commercial Hurricane 3 Neo. I have been playing it without boosting and would continue the same for any tacky/chineese rubbers.

After playing with Hurricane, i never would want to go back to Tenergy / similar rubbers! Here is my short training video. ( i am the one playing with yellow shoes and blue T shirt)

If your happy with Hurricane, just use that. But if you want a cheaper linear substitute, Rxton 5 is your best bet.
Hello all, those who have used the rubbers mentioned in the post #1, which among them can be used to develop techniques. Focuses on linearity (you get, what you put)

I have used Tenergy 05 for 5-7 years and switched to a commercial Hurricane 3 Neo. I have been playing it without boosting and would continue the same for any tacky/chineese rubbers.

After playing with Hurricane, i never would want to go back to Tenergy / similar rubbers! Here is my short training video. ( i am the one playing with yellow shoes and blue T shirt)

I don't know what is the shipping situation in India. Let us say you buy bulk from TT11, then H3 or H3 neo would go from $26 to $20 a sheet. But you need to order $300 so you need to get a few people together.

However right now Dandoy in Germany is running H3 regular for $18.50 a sheet. That is very very affordable. I think shipping to N. America with free shipping you have to buy around $100 which is easily doable if you want to buy a few sheets of Hurricane yourself (but again, I don't know Dandoy shipping policy to India).

Finally on Aliexpress, I have bought from BEO store. They are legit. I can only speak of rubber I have tried several times. Mercury II (listed at $4.99 but with tax and shipping to N. America, it will be $6.80 or something), medium hardness, has the same tackiness with Hurricane. Speed is about 80% of Hurricane. You cannot beat the price. They have H3 neo for $22 and you do NOT need to buy bulk from them. Sanwei Target Provincial for $15 is a good Hurricane alternative. Without boosting Sanwei Target Provincial is faster than Hurricane and the tackiness might be 80% of Hurricane so you trade speed for a bit of less spin.

By the way, if you are looking for a backhand rubber. Sanwei T88 ultraspin for $4.99 is a good choice. Not sticky but semi tacky. Good bounce.

I don't find Big Dipper to be a good replacement for Hurricane. I have only play with Rxton 1, Rxton 3, Rxton 5 a little bit. I don't think they are a replacement for Hurricane; the Rxton series can be good backhand rubbers though. I have to play with Rxton a bit more later this month to render an opinion.

But you can tell, from the above, pricing, I am not sure for a few dollars, you want to switch away from Hurricane. Hurricane is really not that expensive. However, if you want to pick up a few cheap rubbers to play with and see how you like them, I would recommend Mercury II medium or hard, where I am not sure if the hard version will make up for some lack of speed to make it close to hurricane, and Sanwei T88 ultraspin.

If money is a concern, then don't experiment with other rubbers. Just stick with Hurricane and you will do just fine!!!!