Need advice for backhand rubber

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New Member
Nov 2024
I need advice for backhand ruber. I play with stiga titanium 5,4 wrb blade and on fh have big deeper black 38 and on bh yinhe mercury II . I will change mercury and I think about next ruber: moon 12 m +, dhs neo 37/38 red 2,1 , palio red/blue or some different rubber. Please some advice for this. I am advanced player how want to make bh strokes more safe but still powerful. I am very happy with big deeper on fh.
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Yinhe Mercury II might be a bit slow for your backhand then. I used Big Dipper 38deg on backhand before, but now found the Moon 12 Blue/Green rubbers. I feel that these are as grippy as Big Dipper, but with a bit softer sponge. Not much softer, but it gives me more control in the blocking game and it's way more easy to topspin.

I feel that the DHS 37/38 Neo rubbers were a bit too hard for my backhand. Big Dipper was softer and more suitable there for me.

If you look for something untacky like Palio - AK47 rubbers, check out 729 - Aurora Max, 729 - Focus III Snipe, LOKI - T3 Speed or 729 - Presto Max Spin/Speed (a bit faster, more advanced). If you like softer, but tacky perhaps Pimplepark - Epos might be really good. It has a very light catapult as well.