Need help with DHS Hurricane 3

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Mar 2024
I am an intermediate player currently using Rakza series rubbers, Rakza Z on FH and Rakza 7 on BH. I was slightly curious about trying the Hurricane 3 rubbers and was wondering what the main difference is in throw angle and feel. To me, I feel like the throw angle on Rakza Z is pretty high due to its high tackiness. From what I've heard, DHS Hurricane 3 is known for its extreme tackiness, does that make its throw angle very high as well? Or is it lowered by its hardness and lack of catapult effect that european rubbers have?

Also, if I were to buy myself some sheets of Hurricane 3, is there really a big noticeable difference between the commercial $25 sheet and the provincial $43 sheet?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
I am an intermediate player currently using Rakza series rubbers, Rakza Z on FH and Rakza 7 on BH. I was slightly curious about trying the Hurricane 3 rubbers and was wondering what the main difference is in throw angle and feel. To me, I feel like the throw angle on Rakza Z is pretty high due to its high tackiness. From what I've heard, DHS Hurricane 3 is known for its extreme tackiness, does that make its throw angle very high as well? Or is it lowered by its hardness and lack of catapult effect that european rubbers have?

Also, if I were to buy myself some sheets of Hurricane 3, is there really a big noticeable difference between the commercial $25 sheet and the provincial $43 sheet?
get the commercial first and boost it. you may love it
says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
Well-Known Member
Jul 2020
Read 11 reviews
Recently DHS changed the make up of the H3 top sheet, now it is less tacky than it was previously.
Give H8-80 a try, 37 degree for BH and 38 degree for FH.
some of the Loki rubbers are good, along with Friendship 729 Battle 2 (various versions available) and Battle 3

Otherwise just give H3 or H3Neo a go!!
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I currently play with H3 provincial 39 Orange sponge and it has made wonders for my FH.

BUT, when I end up in position 3 behind the table I’m in trouble. Luckily it doesn’t happen to often.

At closer range it’s a dream to play with.

Expect it to be a lot slower than both Rakza Z and Rakza 7.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
Recently DHS changed the make up of the H3 top sheet, now it is less tacky than it was previously.
Give H8-80 a try, 37 degree for BH and 38 degree for FH.
some of the Loki rubbers are good, along with Friendship 729 Battle 2 (various versions available) and Battle 3

Otherwise just give H3 or H3Neo a go!!
Did they also change tackiness of H8 and H2? or just H3?
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
The H3 and H3 neo on the market these days are hardly tacky.
Maybe they are the new hybrids 😁
I was slightly curious about trying the Hurricane 3 rubbers
So just buy one and give it a try and don't bother with the provincial or national versions. Throw angles and bounciness is not only rubber dependent but also blade dependent
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This user has no status.
Mar 2024
I am currently trialing 3 different bats. One has Rakza 7 soft on both sides the other has Rakza Z on both sides and the other has hurricane 3 neo [not boosted] on both sides. I would say the 7 soft is the slowest and easiest to play with, great spin, but doesn't cause the opponent as much trouble. The Neo may be a bit quicker on drives but is easier to chop and block with, it is also no where near as tacky as when I purchased it. The rakza Z seems to have the most powerful loop and cause the most trouble at the other end and both Rakza rubbers are as good as the day they were purchased. In all honesty there is not a massive difference between all three setups and I can swap reasonably easily between bats. I can say I have been a little under whelmed by the Hurricane as it is not clearly better than either Yasaka rubber and the tackiness has all but gone. It is still grippy however and still seems to provide a powerful loop. I am basically a topspin player off both sides with a decent FH loop and smash. I think if had to choose today I would go Rakza Z FH and Rakza 7 soft BH. I think my opinion of the hurricane is affected by the blotchy appearance of the rubber after a couple of months and the loss of the tackiness, as I look after my bats and the Yasaka rubbers look brand new and they are two months older.
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
says Hi In first i want to thank you for your interest...
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Feb 2015
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They sre changing the top rubber to something like tacky but not sticky.. I hate latest h3 provincial just rubish i throw it away after two games... Vouldnt pick up heavy backspin at all.
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Active Member
Oct 2022
I came from using tenergy 05/19 for nearly two years. I am now using the latest version of the h3n. it's about the same level of tack as the dignics 09c, at least by appearance. this hurricane rubber works very well for me. I am able to loop all sorts shots that come in with varying amounts of backspin. just like anything- technique is more important than everything. you have to use your legs, have the correct bat angle, and what is especially important with this rubber is to swing fast!

I can tell you that the arch on the DHS hurricane 3 neo is much lower than on the tenergy, but also much more spinny. this results in a very deadly forehand loop that can't really be matched by the tenergy IMO.

this is what i did- i got the commerical version of the neo. i played with it for 2-3 weeks until i boosted it with 2 layers of seamoon. after the boosting, the rubber domed and expanded outwards. i believe this created a slight "catapult" effect. it's been about 3 months now and it still feels pretty good. i might try one more layer of booster just to see what would happen. i only am doing this because after i bought my first DHS3, i ended up buying 4 more sheets..including a prov OS and prov BS.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
I came from using tenergy 05/19 for nearly two years. I am now using the latest version of the h3n. it's about the same level of tack as the dignics 09c, at least by appearance. this hurricane rubber works very well for me. I am able to loop all sorts shots that come in with varying amounts of backspin. just like anything- technique is more important than everything. you have to use your legs, have the correct bat angle, and what is especially important with this rubber is to swing fast!

I can tell you that the arch on the DHS hurricane 3 neo is much lower than on the tenergy, but also much more spinny. this results in a very deadly forehand loop that can't really be matched by the tenergy IMO.

this is what i did- i got the commerical version of the neo. i played with it for 2-3 weeks until i boosted it with 2 layers of seamoon. after the boosting, the rubber domed and expanded outwards. i believe this created a slight "catapult" effect. it's been about 3 months now and it still feels pretty good. i might try one more layer of booster just to see what would happen. i only am doing this because after i bought my first DHS3, i ended up buying 4 more sheets..including a prov OS and prov BS.
The OP needs to ask a leading national expert, like Sergey TSOS about how to treat and use H3.
  • Haha
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Mar 2024
I currently play with H3 provincial 39 Orange sponge and it has made wonders for my FH.

BUT, when I end up in position 3 behind the table I’m in trouble. Luckily it doesn’t happen to often.

At closer range it’s a dream to play with.

Expect it to be a lot slower than both Rakza Z and Rakza 7.

Hmmm maybe H3 might actually be better for me because my shots go over the table more often than I'd like. I don't know if its my technique or if the rubber is too fast for me as I am still working on developing consistent form.
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This user has no status.
Mar 2024
I am currently trialing 3 different bats. One has Rakza 7 soft on both sides the other has Rakza Z on both sides and the other has hurricane 3 neo [not boosted] on both sides. I would say the 7 soft is the slowest and easiest to play with, great spin, but doesn't cause the opponent as much trouble. The Neo may be a bit quicker on drives but is easier to chop and block with, it is also no where near as tacky as when I purchased it. The rakza Z seems to have the most powerful loop and cause the most trouble at the other end and both Rakza rubbers are as good as the day they were purchased. In all honesty there is not a massive difference between all three setups and I can swap reasonably easily between bats. I can say I have been a little under whelmed by the Hurricane as it is not clearly better than either Yasaka rubber and the tackiness has all but gone. It is still grippy however and still seems to provide a powerful loop. I am basically a topspin player off both sides with a decent FH loop and smash. I think if had to choose today I would go Rakza Z FH and Rakza 7 soft BH. I think my opinion of the hurricane is affected by the blotchy appearance of the rubber after a couple of months and the loss of the tackiness, as I look after my bats and the Yasaka rubbers look brand new and they are two months older.
Have you tried Rakza Z EH before? I originally considered getting it but decided to go with Rakza Z normal since the EH version is heavier
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This user has no status.
Mar 2024
Recently DHS changed the make up of the H3 top sheet, now it is less tacky than it was previously.
Give H8-80 a try, 37 degree for BH and 38 degree for FH.
some of the Loki rubbers are good, along with Friendship 729 Battle 2 (various versions available) and Battle 3

Otherwise just give H3 or H3Neo a go!!
Hm interesting, I've never seen or heard of H8-80 before. Do you know how it compares to H3? Is it easier to use? I've heard online that H3 requires very good form to get the most out of it and I'm still working on getting better form. I can land forehand attacks somewhat consistently but I'm still ironing out some of my bad habits.
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Hmmm maybe H3 might actually be better for me because my shots go over the table more often than I'd like. I don't know if its my technique or if the rubber is too fast for me as I am still working on developing consistent form.
With a slower rubber you are forced to hit harder, with a faster rubber you may be forced to hold back…

In my world it’s always better to hit the net rather than too long.

When you get comfortable you just go up in rubber speed…

They key is with the slow rubber you get a chance to learn correct strokes…
