New Blade for player with wrist problems and physically weak

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Oct 2020

its me again xD

I have still a little wirst problems but it gets better. After longer training i still feel it. Thats one reason why i want a light blade, maybe balsa and soft light rubber.
The next thing is i am physically weak and i dont have a good technique, it is okay but more on safty and not power. Thats another reason to make this up with a faster blade and rubber. I know i am training but i am 27 and yeah i try to do my best. I am also not the strongest.
Thats why i thought about an Donic Balsa Carbo Fibre with 2 Bluestorm Z3 or Vega Europes for a light, controlled but still fast enough set up for a weak player.

My other thought was a xiom offensive s with a slow rubber like mark v or battle 2 for my forehand because it is bad and so i have to train it and a vega europe for the backhand.

What do you think about these two options and what are your opinons?

I hope i get answers :)
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Active Member
Jul 2017
It age 27 I would suggest to get stronger. You don't need to be Arnold but do some push ups, squats and sit ups every day and for the wrist do forearm training like squeezing a tennis ball or stuff like this

I understand if older people need lighter equipment but at 27 you can get stronger :)
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Oct 2020
Well yes form my body sure but also the wrist problem is there as well.
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Active Member
Jul 2017
Is there a structural damage to the wrist? Often training the forearm muscles Will help wrist pain because the muscles support the wrist tendons more.

Unless you have an accute inflammation, then you need to rest it first.
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Oct 2020
I do train it and its getting better, thats why i thought about the second option
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Feb 2020
Alternatively, you can join the dark side and start playing chop blocking with long pips OX or anti for some of that sweet low effort points. It may limit your maximum level to some extent but if you're in this for fun and not to be an olympian and represent your country, why not? You may find some lower leveled player start being afraid and avoid playing with you however.
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
Let's say a heavy outfit is 200gr + and a light- weight might come in at 170gr ( not using defens . pimple out rubbers or Ox)
Difference about 30gr.
Buy a 100gr block of chocolate divide it into 3 and see just how little weight that is.
It is not the weight of the unit that hurts your wrist it is what you smash a TT-ball.
The fix could well be to find out what is actually wrong with your wrist, then fix it and then start playing TT again when you are healed.

As a comparison only , no judging here : I am over 70. None of my setups are under 195gr. There is not much on my skeleton that does not hurt.
That is why they invented painkillers which i take before i go to the club 😁
says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
says Making a beautiful shot is most important; winning is...
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
Let's say a heavy outfit is 200gr + and a light- weight might come in at 170gr ( not using defens . pimple out rubbers or Ox)
Difference about 30gr.
Buy a 100gr block of chocolate divide it into 3 and see just how little weight that is.
It is not the weight of the unit that hurts your wrist it is what you smash a TT-ball.
The fix could well be to find out what is actually wrong with your wrist, then fix it and then start playing TT again when you are healed.

As a comparison only , no judging here : I am over 70. None of my setups are under 195gr. There is not much on my skeleton that does not hurt.
That is why they invented painkillers which i take before i go to the club 😁

Hell yeah! Halleluyah & praise the lord for Vicodin & Scotch!

There are many blades in: DEF, ALL, OFF++ both light and heavy. The question you need to ask is: what is my playing style? Do you like to stay close to the table for a fast paced style, or step back? Or??

Get a coach, play some friends, let them provide some input. Ask to try some blades too (you can then form an informwd opinion). Post a video here.
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Oct 2020
Sure playing with pain and problems for the rest if my life, great idea…

I would say i push until there is a ball i can topspin and most of the time this is the point, if it gets blocked i need to topspin again but yeah thats it than, no big balls just the lowest class
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
Sure playing with pain and problems for the rest if my life, great idea…

I would say i push until there is a ball i can topspin and most of the time this is the point, if it gets blocked i need to topspin again but yeah thats it than, no big balls just the lowest class

Sometimes we have to be "philosophical" . We get dealt the cards, now we have to play with what we got.
What class we play in is not all that important..............having fun and be with friends is what really counts.
Don't you think ???

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Jul 2016
Plus 1 for the Donic Balsa with 2 max thickness bluestorm.
Just go 2 feet away and smash and spin the ball on the other side with not that much effort and a large margin for error
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Oct 2020

Sometimes we have to be "philosophical" . We get dealt the cards, now we have to play with what we got.
What class we play in is not all that important..............having fun and be with friends is what really counts.
Don't you think ???

Of course fun is important, thats why i thought about the balsa blade with soft rubber.

says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020

Of course fun is important, thats why i thought about the balsa blade with soft rubber.

[h1]Donic Balsa Carbo Fibre weighs 85 grams, that is not light .[/h1]
this one here is about 20 us dollars . If you ask him to get you an extra light one he might have one under 70grams

XVT high-end Balsa Limba Pro table tennis blade with Ultra Spin and Control

Brand: XVT

Name: Balsa Limba Pro

Structure: 5 ply wood + 2Carbon Fiber


[color=rgba(211,49,21,255)]Weight: 75g±3g[/color]

Type: OFF


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Jul 2016
I tried an applegren allplay with both bluestorm z3 2.1 / 1.9
i like the weight because of the small head size, and i dont have problem and on the backhand in 1.9 it is awesome.
but forehand not so much. i think about a vega intro maybe?
So this would be a good option for you too
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Aug 2021
Sure playing with pain and problems for the rest if my life, great idea…

I would say i push until there is a ball i can topspin and most of the time this is the point, if it gets blocked i need to topspin again but yeah thats it than, no big balls just the lowest class

I played football for 18 years and playing with some form of pain or niggle was the norm. You learn to live with it. Having taken up table tennis again I am using muscles I haven't used in a long time as well as an old shoulder injury that flares up now and then. The first thing I would do is get your wrist examined by a sports doctor or orthopedic surgeon to see what the underlying issue is. The second thing I would do is get a strength and fitness program made up for you by a personal trainer. There is some cost to this. Otherwise as others have suggested start running, do push ups, sit ups etc. There's a ton of information on youtube to make a start.

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Jan 2021
Read 1 reviews
[h1]Donic Balsa Carbo Fibre weighs 85 grams, that is not light .[/h1]
this one here is about 20 us dollars . If you ask him to get you an extra light one he might have one under 70grams

XVT high-end Balsa Limba Pro table tennis blade with Ultra Spin and Control

Brand: XVT

Name: Balsa Limba Pro

Structure: 5 ply wood + 2Carbon Fiber


[color=rgba(211,49,21,255)]Weight: 75g±3g[/color]

Type: OFF


+1 For XVT Balsa Pro ..However, I'm not sure of the 79± gms weight .. I think it's more..

I have the Hinoki+Balsa+Carbon blade, and it's just pure joy to play with it .. Weight is around 65gms, give or take.. However, at 10mm thick, it may not be suitable for double-inverted play .

You could also look at the Sanwei Feather Carbon.. Infact, Sanwei has a series of blades called Super Light...The last time I checked, they had 3-4 different blade options under this series..

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Oct 2020
I was able to test the donic balsa carbo fibre today and it was not bad. He had a donic baracuda big slam and a bluefire m3, both in max and it didnt feel heavy at all.
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Oct 2020
[h1]Donic Balsa Carbo Fibre weighs 85 grams, that is not light .[/h1]
this one here is about 20 us dollars . If you ask him to get you an extra light one he might have one under 70grams

XVT high-end Balsa Limba Pro table tennis blade with Ultra Spin and Control

Brand: XVT

Name: Balsa Limba Pro

Structure: 5 ply wood + 2Carbon Fiber


[color=rgba(211,49,21,255)]Weight: 75g±3g[/color]

Type: OFF


Where can i buy the xvt balsa blade?
