New Butterfly 2015 blades

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Apparently, Butterfly prepares to release these blades this year. I don't know if some are just rebadge/updated, but for sure there are 3 new blade series.

Innerfiber Layer Series (AL, ALC, and ZLC)


New Garaydia Series. 3+2 ply, hinoki outer ply. (ALC, Tamca5000, ZLC)


New Hadraw Series, 5-ply allwood blades.


Also, Hadraw Series, 7-ply allwood blades.


Note that this information is from another forum. I'm still searching online for more information but I can't seem to find one.
We'll see in a few days/weeks...

Note also that the designs/colors are now more subtle and "calming"(?) haha. Previous Butterfly blades especially composite ones have been too colourful. :D

And who cannot notice the new Butterfly logo which looks like a pair of...insect eyes. :cool:
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How is the innerfiber series going to be different from the current innerforce series? Would it be slower, the same way innerfiber zlf is slower than innerforce zlf?
I really don't know the answer. But I think the innerfiber layer series blades are just rebadge innerforce blades, maybe a bit slower, but very similar.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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How is the innerfiber series going to be different from the current innerforce series? Would it be slower, the same way innerfiber zlf is slower than innerforce zlf?

Do you mean Innersheild? I know there is a Butterfly Innersheild ZLF. That is a defensive blade with a head size of 166mm x 153mm which is pretty big. But I can't find anything on Innerfiber ZLF.
Do you mean Innersheild? I know there is a Butterfly Innersheild ZLF. That is a defensive blade with a head size of 166mm x 153mm which is pretty big. But I can't find anything on Innerfiber ZLF.
Yeah, sorry about that. You're right, I meant the innershield zlf. So this innerfiber will most likely be a rebranding of the innerforce series.
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Yeah, sorry about that. You're right, I meant the innershield zlf. So this innerfiber will most likely be a rebranding of the innerforce series.

I think so. But it may produce a different blade if they change some ply thickness and gluing job, or even the handle. Just like the Liu Shiwen and Ai Fukuhara ZLF, which is basically a "variation" of the Innerforce ZLF.

But I think it will play pretty close to the innerforce series.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Yeah, sorry about that. You're right, I meant the innershield zlf. So this innerfiber will most likely be a rebranding of the innerforce series.

I don't know. It could be different wood with the two plies before the composite ply. Like it could be a Koto top ply. But I don't know. I am not sure those are even real. I don't find anything if I search for it on the web and those photos don't really look like Butterfly products to me. If you zoom on the photos, the wood looks weird. So I don't know. If they are real, when Butterfly releases information on what makes them different we will know if they are just making another line with the same blades as Innerforce or if they are something different.
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I don't know. It could be different wood with the two plies before the composite ply. Like it could be a Koto top ply. But I don't know. I am not sure those are even real. I don't find anything if I search for it on the web and those photos don't really look like Butterfly products to me. If you zoom on the photos, the wood looks weird. So I don't know. If they are real, when Butterfly releases information on what makes them different we will know if they are just making another line with the same blades as Innerforce or if they are something different.

The pictures indeed are dodgy. I've searched online but can't find them. Anyway, I just shared this information from another tt forum. If this is not real, then I'm sorry guys..
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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The pictures indeed are dodgy. I've searched online but can't find them. Anyway, I just shared this information from another tt forum. If this is not real, then I'm sorry guys..

Oh, no worries. You are presenting good information. It is hard to say at this point if it is real or not. It really might be. But it would be hard to say what the blades will play like from just photos. :)
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I don't know. Maybe they wanted to simplify their design, or just make it a bit more abstract? Like what Apple did with its iOS7 flat design. I like the older one though.

Unfortunately, no new info as of this moment.

EDIT: Ooops, here it is. The source,that is.
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Mar 2012
does the butterfly website already posted info about these already?if not, then we can not be sure if these are real...but who knows, maybe its real...i agree with harvey about their looks, its not too colorful like the previous models of butterfly, especially the handle...its like more "professional look" for me..hehehe..