I would recommend tabletennis11 shop.
The service is just fast and clean,and the prices are pretty fair,with dozens of choices and reviews.
Im a kind of offensive-agressive player,with some pace-control counter-attack game,based in topspin and drives,and today i just tried DHS skyline 2 neo,which i found great for FH,and fine(great blocks and lifts,not much speed) for BH.
In the blades oppinion,you could go for and OFF one,like Der_Echte said,it might suit you well for attack,and still with a good ball feeling,and if you think you need faster,then you look for something with carbon,or even an off+.
Blades (looping offensive close to mid distance from table,and at a good price/performance relation,classified as OFF+,but the feeling is great,so i fell like they seem between OFF/OFF+):
-Xion Extreme S -
-Yasaka Max Wood(the one im using) -
-DHS pg7 -
All of these blades are within same ball feeling(wood constrution),and same speed and control,being the variation quite small between them.
The quality of them are very good normally.
Im speaking in terms of experience with this blades,not of reviews checking.
And could say more of them here,but the prices would go higher,and maybe they are not what you really need.
About rubbers...
Price/performance,always ...:
-g666 (many loopers are using this,guess why

) -
-Donic desto f3 big slam -
-Tibhar Aurus (good rep rubber amoung the forum) -
-dhs tg2neo/tg3neo (tried and loving it) -
and many other choices
Just look around the site and check(not advertising),by the reviews you may find something that calls your attention,if you know what i mean
Good luck with that...
keep trainin'