4 out of 5 rating for Power G7
I bought this blade because of curiosity and also because I feel that in some shots my Timo Boll Forte lacks some hardness, especially after switching to the poly ball. I have played with it for ~2 months with some older Acuda S1 on FH and S2 on BH. My blade weighs 92g.
I noticed from the first shot that the PG-7 will deliver me a good amount of speed, which helps a lot in away from the table play and finishing shots, it's a strong OFF, if not a OFF+.
I expected this blade to be quite uncontrolable, considering its speed and price, but I was pleasantly surprised. This blade has a very good amount of control, though not as controlable as my TBF.
Harder than my TBF, but not a rock, allowing to have good spin on loops while keeping them aggresive.
At the first sight, the handle seems small, but this type of handle allows you to have a firm grip with your fingers on the rubbers, so this is not the story with the small handle on the Timo Boll Forte.
Until now no durability issues. I don't use edge tape on this blade, and the rubbers don't cover the full head of the blade. It only has a small bump because I have hit the edge of the table while serving. And also, this is a 23$ blade, so you may not be afraid to play, even if it breaks, you can easily get a new one, but I really doubt this blade will break fast.
Sweet spot
This is an all-wood blade, so it has a smaller sweet spot than a carbon blade. Your timing has to be better than with a carbon blade if you want your shots to be well placed.
This is, in my opinion, the biggest minus of this blade. Yes, it has good speed, good control, nice dwell time, but it lacks a more solid feel. This vibration isn't helping you, it is irritating and kinda gives you a false feedback of what's happening while the ball is on the racket. And my blade is 92g, which is heavier than the average weight, so, theoretically, it should feel more solid than a lighter PG-7.
The DHS Power G-7 is a blade that will suit a forehand-oriented aggresive player. This blade is pretty heavy has a large head, which makes it feel even heavier. Because of this backhand flicks become more difficult to make, and you don't have too much freedom of movement with the backhand.
The DHS Power G-7 is a cheap blade (~25$) that is able to replace a more expensive one. It stands in the range of OFF/OFF+, being able to deliver a good amount of power when needed, while having good control and dwell time. It will work better for forehand-oriented players that like to play mid-distance or away from the table. Because of large head size + the weight, the racket feels a little head-heavy, and the backhand flicks are harder to execute. Biggest minus of this blade is the lack of a solid feel, the blade having a quite strong vibration. It also doesn't have the sweet spot of composite blades.