Finally I had my first training session with the H3. To say it in one word: WOW
Every mentioned point was true! As I started to warm up at the table I thought I have to push more forward to get a good ball without topspin to warm up with. First ball went long. Not expected that! Than next ball just like always, and okay, on the table so I kept going. In my warm up I changed nothing. Pro H3. Than light Topspin. I thought, okay change nothing just try to play. First topspin, over the table. I felt that I didn't hit the ball in the sweetspot and that was the thing. Okay next Topspin were good. After 20-30 light Topspins near and maybe 2 meter off the table I started to play harder topspins. Every single ball, that I played from the sweetspot was a rocket with a nice throw. Again Pro H3
Than I played Topspin against Topspin and there came out everything what the H3 has. High throw, good speed and honestly all that with a high amount of control! Maybe it was to early to say that I love the Rubber but I really enjoyed playing.
After 2 or 3 exercises we started to make a Match because we'll have some tournaments next week. My Partner is about one League better than me I really have to have a wonderful day to beat him so I didn't expected so much because of that and my completely new rubber. First set was like expected. Not really a chance, but not really because he was dominating me, I wasn't just hitting the balls on the table

I was really struggling with my Serve! I changed my serve a bit with a little longer stroke and little more wrist and that was it! in the past sets I was really satisfied with my serve! I had more spin and a good lengthcontrol with the rubber. But I have to put some more time in the next trainingsession in my serve.
Next thing what was really great is the first topspin on backspin. It felt so easy to get the ball on the table, no matter how much spin my partner put in the ball! The from you mentioned service receive was great! My return was consistence and controlled.
All this sounds great and it was effectiv! I beat my partner 4:1 and I felt great with my rubber. Now I'm looking forward to the next sessions to get a
What I have to really look after is that I have a good footwork to stand good to the ball and hit the ball in the right place. The rubber has a really little range for a perfect shot but if you don't hit it there you'll get an error. But thats a thing that is good for me and maybe for everyone! To get better I have to move better and thats what the H3 forces me to!
I forgot a thing to mention! Countertpospin near the table: Amazingly easy!
After the first session, all in all I'm on love