Pushing is so annoying Help!

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Mar 2020
I dont knwo if chopping is the right word to use but I play at a Begginer-intermediate level and after a backsping serve me and the opponent just keep pushing the ball (making backsping with just the touch of the rubber) it can be until 10+ pushes if we are consistent enough, and none will topspin because we both know we cant do it well, and I find it annoying, want to know other alternatives other than keep pushing.
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Nov 2020
Flick or banana, strawberry. If the ball is close to the net you can flick the ball that will make the game open for topspin. If the ball is in the middle of the table you can try banana or strawberry

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Oct 2020
You say you can topspin well than why dont you open up against underspin with a topspin?
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May 2013
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I dont knwo if chopping is the right word to use but I play at a Begginer-intermediate level and after a backsping serve me and the opponent just keep pushing the ball (making backsping with just the touch of the rubber) it can be until 10+ pushes if we are consistent enough, and none will topspin because we both know we can do it well, and I find it annoying, want to know other alternatives other than keep pushing.

There is no alternative after backspin serves for beginner-intermediate players - you have to try and loop the ball in order to escape pushing rallies.
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Open up and kill that chyt! Imo backspin is usually not that heavy on pushes where you are able to loop and open up the shot compared to someone chopping. Overall be the bigger man an go for that loop! That's all it really takes more topspin negates the effects of backspin easily when done correctly the faster less contact the better I.e. that's why flicking works well on opening up...
says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
Well-Known Member
Jul 2020
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When serving yourself, serve topspin, at least then the chances of a topspin return is increased. So that could be a 50% of the points being topspin rallies.
if your opponent can’t flick return a backspin serve then it’s a push return 100% .
so as the others have said learn to open up against backspin, and learn to flick return your opponents short backspin serve.
Sometimes a good backspin serve requires a short push return, then you wait for either a long push return and open up with topspin, or if the push is still short, treat it like flicking a backspin serve !!!
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Nov 2020
Also try long services with lot of underspin at the side that your opponent isn't comfortable to attack. He will return a long ball with underspin that you will be able to do a topspin.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2016
Make topspin serves when you serve. When you return try to loop, you will never learn if you Do not try. Also think it is possible to push with a pretty close racket, like you push No spin. Hard for the opponent to get backspin om next push.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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t I play at a Begginer-intermediate level....it can be until 10+ pushes....

I wrote wrong we CANT.

I suggest, in your head, you redefine your level. If you cannot attack a push, to the extent that you end up in a pushing rally that goes on more than 1-2 pushes without you wanting to push, then you should consider yourself to be a straight, plain and simple, Beginner.

Then, you need to go through the process of learning how to loop those pushes, whether they are over the table or long. Someone above suggested getting a bucket of balls and to practice looping backspin over and over. That would be one way. I recommend you do some of that and some of the drill I describe below:

1) You serve backspin
2) Opponent pushes to FH side
3) You attack with FH
4) Play out the rally as though it was a point


1) You serve backspin
2) Opponent pushes to BH side
3) You attack with BH
4) Play out the rally as though it was a point

If you do that over and over and over, hundreds of times, you will learn to attack backspin. If you alternate, like you do 10 and then your opponent does 10, then you can both learn.

When you can attack backspin with both FH and BH, then the push in the drill can go anywhere.

When doing the drill, do not worry if your attacking shot lands on the table. You just have to keep trying to attack the pushes. Once you learn how, the ball will go on the table. Without trying, you won't learn. You just keep trying till you are topspinning the ball over the net and onto the other side.

When you can attack backspin with either wing, then you can consider yourself beginner/intermediate. Until you have that skill, you should not think of the word "intermediate" having anything to do with your level because that is an essential basic skill.
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Jan 2020
One thing you got to be warned though. Although it looks and sounds rather straightforward, it does take a lot of time practising. You won’t have it by just hearing the trick unfortunately :cool:

Regarding UpSideDownCarl drill, if the push is too heavy for you, start with a long, lighter push first to learn what “top spin” really means and why it’s different from “smashing”. You won’t be able to use it in matches very soon so be patient.
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May 2017
If the ball is long force yourself to loop, even if you miss. You will probably lose a lot in the short term but eventually beat these people after some time.

You can also vary the spin by pushing heavy then pushing no-spin. This can force the opponent to miss as reading spin is not easy, even for very good players.