Rubber comparation to Tenergy 05

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Mar 2011
I suggest you to try Donic Barracuda, I think it is quite similar. In speed it is slower, in spin it is as good as T05 or even better, in arc it is as high as T05 and in control it is better than T05, because of the speed. I am not saying Barracuda is slow, it is quite fast rubber, but not as fast as T05. Thats my opinion. Plus in cost it is two times less than T05.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
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I've heard that Xiom Omega IV Pro is an excellent rubber that's almost comparable to tenergy 05. A lot of people have said that it's like a glued-up Bryce.

Nothing really compares to Tenergy but Omega IV is great rubber. It has a different feeling than Tenergy but it is pretty much as good. Omega III the same. Then you take your choice of Euro, Asia, Pro, Elite. What is the difference? I just looked it up. Asia is hard, Europe is softer, Elite is softest sponge, all with the same topsheet; Pro is harder topsheet with a sponge that is slightly softer than Asia.

Omega IV is supposed to be the step up from Vega Pro which is also a great rubber and costs considerably less than Omega IV. USD Omega IV = $50.00; Vega Pro = $40.00.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
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Aurus is everybit as controlable as T05, but the arc is more medium and the spin more linear, but the top gear is faster than T05's. Nothing made on this planets does the same stuff the same way as T05. yet, Aurus has made me forget about paying an arm and 2 legs for a sheet of t05. Calibra LT is a great rubber with entirely different feel and playing properties compared to T05, yet it has also made me forget about paying $$$ for T05.
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Aurus is everybit as controlable as T05, but the arc is more medium and the spin more linear, but the top gear is faster than T05's. Nothing made on this planets does the same stuff the same way as T05. yet, Aurus has made me forget about paying an arm and 2 legs for a sheet of t05. Calibra LT is a great rubber with entirely different feel and playing properties compared to T05, yet it has also made me forget about paying $$$ for T05.

Hi Der Echte, do you mean Aurus (standard) or Aurus Soft or Aurus Sound ? This Aurus standard is given as being 47 hardness, isn't it playing a bit like a chinese rubber (i mean a really hard rubber) ?
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Hi amaya66

I have used donic acuda s1 and s2 and I found them to be very good rubbers to play with. I liked the speed of acuda S1. Acuda S1 is more similar in terms of feel but still does not compare to tenergy in quality terms. I found that S1 kept getting a bubble in the rubber, especially on my forehand side. I have heard good things about some Xiom rubbers though.
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says Hello guys!!! :) Im new here. I would be happy if...
Jan 2012
I Use Acuda s3 (Best Rubber ever xD ) If u compare to tenergy: acuda is faster than T. T and acuda has same spin, maybe acuda have a bit less. Acuda is soft rubber i mean its not hard it dont have pips. (normal rubb) . Control of thesee rubbers are same. Acuda is better for me. before acuda i used T and acuda is really nicer and better rubber. It cost only 35 euros. I rly recommend it. I recommend S3 not S2 or S1. :)
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says Hello guys!!! :) Im new here. I would be happy if...
Jan 2012
I was testing all tenergy's before acuda(I didnt know for acuda yet) T 05 was the best. when my Coach (Bojan Rak, SLO men's National coach :p ) told me aboute them,i test them when my T get's old and ungripy. T was max too. then i tryed Acuda s3. I acutaly like them more than T :) If someone is using Timo Boll forte blade, And if using tenegy, Try the acuda s3, U will see and fell the difference when u hit the 1st spin and counter. I will use Acuda s3 for entire life. :) Best ever, I rly recommend them for all Fast attacing players. :D
Like I allready said Acuda S3 is allot slower and less spinier then T05 when u have a good techniqe and a fast arm stroke. If ur techniqe isn't that good and you only use a little wrist on your backhand for example the katapult of the S3 will help you generate allot of speed and soft spinnie rubbers generate spin more easy to.
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Nov 2010
Rakza 7 Soft Max and T05 play in similar ways. Similar spin and stroke

The biggest difference is the sound and that the Rakza 7 soft max feels a little softer than T05. I haven't tried Rakza 7 max. It may be closer. I have Rakza 7 1.8mm and it isn't quite as spinny but it hits a blocks well.
says Aha, sorry. Trodde du var en annan Millesom spelar i...
Rakza 7

The biggest difference is the sound and that the Rakza 7 soft max feels a little softer than T05. I haven't tried Rakza 7 max. It may be closer. I have Rakza 7 1.8mm and it isn't quite as spinny but it hits a blocks well.

Yasaka Rakza 7 Max is the rubber that is almost identical to T05. Also Xiom Sigma is very similar. And the Stiga Calibra LT is a good rubber, but not with the spin as in the other rubber that i mentioned here.