Ryu Seungmin: Korea's Women's Team Can Threaten Japan

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
It's reported SYB is down with a shoulder injury.

"힘들지 않다"던 신유빈 투혼의 銅… 어깨근육 부분파열 진단
신유빈은 스웨덴과의 8강전을 앞두고 파리올림픽 선수촌 내 대한체육회 치료실에서 남몰래 주사를 맞아가며 경기에 나섰지만 주변엔 일절 내색하지도 불평하지도 않았다. 신유빈은 올림픽 현장에서 부상 정도, 몸 상태를 물을 때마다 "괜찮아요. 선수들 원래 다 아파요. 안 아픈 선수는 없어요. 언니들도 다 아파요"라며 웃으며 답했었다. '일본 에이스' 하야타 히나와의 여자단식 동메달 결정전 막판 신유빈은 오른쪽 어깨를 만지며 불편한 기색을 보였고, 중계화면에 오광헌 여자대표팀 감독이 탁구공을 대고 어깨를 꾹꾹 눌러주는 모습이 포착되기도 했다. 대한체육회는 중국과의 단체전 4강전부터 전담 트레이너를 배치해 신유빈의 부상을 살폈다.

신유빈은 귀국 직후 검사차 찾아간 병원에서 어깨 근육이 부분파열됐다는 진단을 받았다. 오른쪽 어깨뼈에 염증과 함께 근육 일부가 파열된 상황, 신유빈 측은 "다행히 팔 근육이 발달된 덕분에 아주 심한 손상은 아니라고 한다. 회복을 위한 약간의 휴식이 필요하다"는 판단을 하고 있다. 한달 여의 치료와 휴식 후 복귀할 것으로 보인다. 실로 오랜만에 라켓을 내려놓고 짧은 휴식을 가질 계획이다.
Shin Yu-bin secretly received injections at the Korea Sports Council treatment room in the Paris Olympic Village ahead of the quarterfinal match against Sweden, but she did not show it to anyone around her or complain. Whenever asked about the extent of her injury or her physical condition at the Olympic site, Shin Yu-bin would smile and answer, “I’m okay. All athletes are sick. There is no athlete who is not sick. My sisters are all sick too.” At the end of the women’s singles bronze medal match against ‘Japanese ace’ Hayata Hinaga, Shin Yu-bin touched her right shoulder and showed signs of discomfort, and the women’s national team coach Oh Kwang-heon was caught on the broadcast screen pressing a ping-pong ball on her shoulder. The Korea Sports Council assigned a dedicated trainer to Shin Yu-bin’s injury starting from the team event semifinal against China.

Shin Yu-bin was diagnosed with a partial tear of her shoulder muscle at the hospital she visited for a checkup right after returning to Korea. Shin Yu-bin's side said, "Fortunately, it is not a serious injury because her arm muscles are well developed. She needs some rest to recover." She is expected to return after about a month of treatment and rest. She plans to take a short break after putting down her racket for the first time in a long while.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
and she is how old?
I have been involved with juniors table tennis for a while and I have not seen so much injuries to youngsters.
it will only get worse due to the scheduling.

I'm looking at the Austrian league schedule, 3 matches in 6 weeks (say play twice, so 6 matches)
compared to WTT schedule (which zeio adores and even hint there is no over loading in terms of scheduling), 6 weeks is easily 4 WTT events
factor in resting time, recovery time, this is how injuries are getting more and more serious
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This user has no status.
Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
9 Sep - 15 Sep 2024
WTT Champions Macao 2024
and she is how old?
I have been involved with juniors table tennis for a while and I have not seen so much injuries to youngsters.
it will only get worse due to the scheduling.

I'm looking at the Austrian league schedule, 3 matches in 6 weeks (say play twice, so 6 matches)
compared to WTT schedule (which zeio adores and even hint there is no over loading in terms of scheduling), 6 weeks is easily 4 WTT events
factor in resting time, recovery time, this is how injuries are getting more and more serious
9 Sep - 15 Sep 2024
WTT Champions Macao 2024
It is stated...
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
According to JJH, JWJ is mulling a hiatus from WTT events to focus on the various leagues, citing his losses to Calderano at Paris 2024 and Thakkar at ATTC 2024 as the last straw.

If true, the hope of Tieba users rests on AJH, Oh Junsung and then 이승수/李承洙/Lee Seungsoo...

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
SYB's post-match interview after 3-1 JCH at WTT CS Montpellier 2024, saying her injury sustained at Paris 2024 had gotten worse.

【インタビュー】韓国代表・シン・ユビン 同士討ちを制して初戦突破「五輪で怪我が悪化してしまい、久しぶりの大会になった」|WTTチャンピオンズ モンペリエ2024
  • Wow
Reactions: KiwiPong
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
New KTTA president (이태성) elected after RSM announced his resignation in September to run for the presidency of Korean Sport and Olympic Committee.

이태성 세아홀딩스 대표이사, 제26대 대한탁구협회장 당선!
