Should I boosted H3 blue provincial 40 degrees in this era?

says Feeling blue
says Feeling blue
Sep 2023
Hi guys, so basically, I just fked up two h3 blue (one national 39 degrees and one provincial blue 41 degrees) in like a month or so.
So basically, I just boosted it once or twice then it is really discomfort, it became so bouncy and werent dwell the ball as it use to be. The national blue is weird, i boosted once with 1 layer haifu white, it barely had any effect beside a bit more bouncy (really hard to notice), i boosted it again 2 layers then it became unplayable, the ball trajectory is so straight with little spin on there and i cant smash loop or spinny loop like i use to. Now i wish i didnt boost it.
The 41 degrees after boosted twice it became hard to play also on my w968, one really high level chinese guy (college team in China) in my spots tried and he had difficulty keeping the ball on table with his loops also (the ball kept flying out), he said it gave a lot of power without trying (the ball just touch and go), but when he increased the power it's hard to control it into the table.
This might be the only time i deteriorate rubbers this fast and I'm tired of boosting tbh. There's something weird going on with the H3 rubber which make boosting out of control. I remember the last 2 times before when I play H3, i can boost and reboost anytime and it's still keeping mostly same characteristic (those time I played h3 blue 40 and WCQ star version 41.5).
I was trained with D09C and H3 on my FH ever since i got coach (rn i'm 21). I'm using Xiom C55 right now for like a month already and tbh i'm pleased with its consistency and I can bottom out all of it (like I felt I can penetrate the rubber since it has enough dwell and shoot the ball fast after, i can feel the ball on my racket before it leave) but I still want to try the last H3 blue (40 degs) i have lol on my 2nd blade (same model).
How's everyone opinion?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
H3 isn't for any one
blue sponge isn't every all H3 users
boosting requires skills

not sure what your level is, but what you need to use is based on your skills
what you want to use is very different to what you need to use.

you are welcome to not boost and see for yourself (it doesn't feel like you are in a tight budget, so test and see)
and then maybe add a light layer of booster and see, etc
says Feeling blue
says Feeling blue
Sep 2023
H3 isn't for any one
blue sponge isn't every all H3 users
boosting requires skills

not sure what your level is, but what you need to use is based on your skills
what you want to use is very different to what you need to use.

you are welcome to not boost and see for yourself (it doesn't feel like you are in a tight budget, so test and see)
and then maybe add a light layer of booster and see, etc
I'm 1700-1900USATT rn it's 1800 but last time i played tournament was 11 months ago. So do u boost H3 and what results u want to see after with the rubber?
i just feel guilty making a rubber unplayable man. cuz i know an unboosted h3 blue can be played for like 2 yrs like the one I installed on my friends blade (used to be mine blade but I sold to him). It's national blue 40 degs and it plays so good rn (maybe because my friends has already break in it by playing it for a year). Maybe it's because his blade also (super vis compare to my fzd alc).
Some people says that boosting accelerate the break in process, i dont know if it's true.
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This user has no status.
Jan 2024
Hi guys, so basically, I just fked up two h3 blue (one national 39 degrees and one provincial blue 41 degrees) in like a month or so.
So basically, I just boosted it once or twice then it is really discomfort, it became so bouncy and werent dwell the ball as it use to be. The national blue is weird, i boosted once with 1 layer haifu white, it barely had any effect beside a bit more bouncy (really hard to notice), i boosted it again 2 layers then it became unplayable, the ball trajectory is so straight with little spin on there and i cant smash loop or spinny loop like i use to. Now i wish i didnt boost it.
The 41 degrees after boosted twice it became hard to play also on my w968, one really high level chinese guy (college team in China) in my spots tried and he had difficulty keeping the ball on table with his loops also (the ball kept flying out), he said it gave a lot of power without trying (the ball just touch and go), but when he increased the power it's hard to control it into the table.
This might be the only time i deteriorate rubbers this fast and I'm tired of boosting tbh. There's something weird going on with the H3 rubber which make boosting out of control. I remember the last 2 times before when I play H3, i can boost and reboost anytime and it's still keeping mostly same characteristic (those time I played h3 blue 40 and WCQ star version 41.5).
I was trained with D09C and H3 on my FH ever since i got coach (rn i'm 21). I'm using Xiom C55 right now for like a month already and tbh i'm pleased with its consistency and I can bottom out all of it (like I felt I can penetrate the rubber since it has enough dwell and shoot the ball fast after, i can feel the ball on my racket before it leave) but I still want to try the last H3 blue (40 degs) i have lol on my 2nd blade (same model).
How's everyone opinion?
Just use another booster then. I also couldn't play with my H3 Blue National after boosting it with Haifu--for me, this booster is too aggressive, doesn't raise the ball trajectory, doesn't soften the rubber, it just adds CRAZY SPEED.

I use Falco Tempo Long--it adds little speed but softens the rubber, adds a bit of spin, and raises the trajectory. In other words, Falco makes playing with H3 just so much easier and pleasant, although the ball difficulty won't be as severe for the opponent.
Another good bonus is that for me Falco Long retains its effect for 3months/forever unlike Haifu/Kailin which evaporate in several weeks.
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I'm 1700-1900USATT rn it's 1800 but last time i played tournament was 11 months ago. So do u boost H3 and what results u want to see after with the rubber?
i just feel guilty making a rubber unplayable man. cuz i know an unboosted h3 blue can be played for like 2 yrs like the one I installed on my friends blade (used to be mine blade but I sold to him). It's national blue 40 degs and it plays so good rn (maybe because my friends has already break in it by playing it for a year). Maybe it's because his blade also (super vis compare to my fzd alc).
Some people says that boosting accelerate the break in process, i dont know if it's true.
I use H3 provincial 39 Orange. I boost it with 2 layers of Seamoon, not too thin and not too thick. The rubber plays great. I takes a little break in 1-2 sessions and last one season (1/2 year) and that's stretching it a bit...
It is a little difficult to engage the sponge but it brushes like a wet dream...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
Hi guys, so basically, I just fked up two h3 blue (one national 39 degrees and one provincial blue 41 degrees) in like a month or so.
So basically, I just boosted it once or twice then it is really discomfort, it became so bouncy and werent dwell the ball as it use to be. The national blue is weird, i boosted once with 1 layer haifu white, it barely had any effect beside a bit more bouncy (really hard to notice), i boosted it again 2 layers then it became unplayable, the ball trajectory is so straight with little spin on there and i cant smash loop or spinny loop like i use to. Now i wish i didnt boost it.
The 41 degrees after boosted twice it became hard to play also on my w968, one really high level chinese guy (college team in China) in my spots tried and he had difficulty keeping the ball on table with his loops also (the ball kept flying out), he said it gave a lot of power without trying (the ball just touch and go), but when he increased the power it's hard to control it into the table.
This might be the only time i deteriorate rubbers this fast and I'm tired of boosting tbh. There's something weird going on with the H3 rubber which make boosting out of control. I remember the last 2 times before when I play H3, i can boost and reboost anytime and it's still keeping mostly same characteristic (those time I played h3 blue 40 and WCQ star version 41.5).
I was trained with D09C and H3 on my FH ever since i got coach (rn i'm 21). I'm using Xiom C55 right now for like a month already and tbh i'm pleased with its consistency and I can bottom out all of it (like I felt I can penetrate the rubber since it has enough dwell and shoot the ball fast after, i can feel the ball on my racket before it leave) but I still want to try the last H3 blue (40 degs) i have lol on my 2nd blade (same model).
How's everyone opinion?
Try adding baby oil, it might give it more dwell time and fix the bounciness problem.