So I play at home with my dad and friends (but my dad was coached in the 90s and I plan to join a club asap) anyways I have come to a crossroads. I am a penholder and I started with a yinhe 5 ply blade with h3 neo FH and focus 3 snipe on the BH and then I got a yinhe u3 (clipper clone) with 802 on the FH and focus 3 snipe on the bh. I now am unable to decide whether I want to play sp forehand or inverted forehand for the life of me. I am definitely still developing my exact style but can loop, drive and block great with my Rpb but I have more problems with inverted fh, I can drive and initiate loops fine but I find that my counter loops and blocks aren't very powerful or consistent but when I do it right I find that the topsin helps put the ball away. With short pips I find that I can effortlessly block and counterhit hard and consistently but I cannot put away balls very easily because of the lack of topspin. I tend to play a different game with both rackets ( further away and more spin variation with inverted) so I could really adapt to whatever. I have no aspirations of being a pro or competitive table tennis player, I just really love the sport and I would play all day if I could, but would it just be better in the long run for me to just improve my technique with inverted or should I just play short pips?