Strategy for dealing with Harimoto's screaming

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Harimoto's screaming is a cheap tactic - he disrupts his opponent's concentration, forcing his opponent to lose focus during that critical moment right after making a mistake - when one runs through the scenario in their head, analyzing what they did wrong and what they should have done while the memory is still fresh.

I propose the following tactic for leveling the playing field agains Harimoto: Scream when Harimoto screams - yell chole at your full volume when Harimoto yells chole as his full volume. (Doesn't even have to be a chole, you could just yell S.O.B, or drop an F-bomb). This works better in disrupting Harimoto's concentration versus only yelling chole when you win a point. It serves to confuse Harimoto and make him reconsider/hesitate yelling the next point he wins.

I would if I was playing him. Would you? If not, what would you do (if anything)?
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Mar 2020
I come from a Tennis background, where i was taught the difference between appropriate and inappropriate times to cheer. I never cheer / scream / cho after I won a point due to my opponents unforced error. During a winner after a long rally? absolutely.

It's the one thing i despise about professional table tennis. Cheering after every point makes players look like classless morons.
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Mar 2019
I propose the following tactic: grow a pair of balls and stop complaining about it.

If I were playing him I'd worry about my game, and since I'm not a lame complainer like most of the people who are still re-hashing this topic after 3 years, I'd be able to tune it out and do my thing. Seems like that tactic has worked for most of the players who have played against him thus far.
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Oct 2016
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I think There is a lot stupid guys who called him screamoto.
Listen he is the biggest talent in history, with Celluloid balls he should chilling on every point with anybody like Koki niwa was blocking Fang Bo topspin.
The pressure on him is higher than Chinese pressure on Ma Long and FZD x10 because people in China know that National sport table tennis is Dead and there is no
Long rallies
But in Japan they want only success and he is teenager.
Ma long looks on camera in 06 wttc like skinny model so yall should accept screaming and not make any tactics
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Dec 2019
Harimoto for me is a guy that is a roller coaster, his best is very good, his bad is very poor.

He has a decent ranking but not truly reflective of consistent results. I think like alot of young players under new table tennis trend, come out hot and firing and putting pressure on top players, but the top players find ways to figure them out. We see this time and time again. Needs a game style super consistent at top level. Watched a video good way to really play against him is stay close to table and play against his forward, strength more his backhand.

CCY has had recent success to, shows veterans on tour used to older style with old ball have adjusted well with new ball and new players hitting the Tour.

Hopefully Harimoto continues to progress, still very young and plenty upside, like a young Ma Long ready to break out to new heights, hope he continues his screaming, shows passion for the game.
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Nov 2013
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He is an amazing player. Especially when age is taken into account. His progress is stalling currently and his mind seems weaker now he is on top and not an underdog.
I hope he, LYJ, and some other up and comers keep improving. But until his mind and hopefully respect for the sport improve I am happy to see him fall behind the silent assassin.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
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Jan 2017
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Personalities differ. To me, Harimoto gives the impression of an introvert, a shy boy, taught to build confidence by externalisation techniques.

There are and have been many players willing or even eager to disrupt their opponents concentration (and the overall flow of the game) in multiple ways. Delaying, verbalisation, antagonisation, generally seeking to pull triggers for the opponent’s irritabilities.

I do not believe Harimoto’s verbalisation to be that. I think the intensity of celebration is purely meant to fuel his own fire, his own flow.

Either way, any player just has to deal with the entirety of what the opponent does. If an opponent manages to unhinge your game by pulling your strings, that is, in the end, because you are offering these strings to pull.
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says Aging is a killer
Whatever is your view of Harimoto, he is the only player in the world right now that has the potential to significantly raise awareness/popularity of the sport.
China is not a popular country in the eyes of the world right now. Having Harimoto scream his way to victory over the Chinese players would be a big attraction to the media at the Olympics. Whenever that takes place.
My advice to him; expand his skill in English speech.
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says regularly shitposting
says regularly shitposting
Jul 2019
I call him the banshee and can't enjoy enjoy his matches because he's an annoyance that screams his lungs out like his life depends on it. Some call this a gentleman sport, you apologize for a net and edge points, but screaming like you've just hit your toe on the table's foot for a point , oh i guess thats fine cause he's a talented child, yea guys you are not hypocrites at all. But I guess fans will be fans.

There is nothing more enjoyable than his sad wittle face after the chinese destroy his chooing ass and remind him he will always belong under them. Always.

And the tactic against him is again best deployed by the chinese too, starting chooing too, kind of proves that even if they are not complaining, its obviously some kind of annoyance and they are happy to provide some of his own medicine.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2019
Read 4 reviews
I call him the banshee and can't enjoy enjoy his matches because he's an annoyance that screams his lungs out like his life depends on it. Some call this a gentleman sport, you apologize for a net and edge points, but screaming like you've just hit your toe on the table's foot for a point , oh i guess thats fine cause he's a talented child, yea guys you are not hypocrites at all. But I guess fans will be fans.

There is nothing more enjoyable than his sad wittle face after the chinese destroy his chooing ass and remind him he will always belong under them. Always.

And the tactic against him is again best deployed by the chinese too, starting chooing too, kind of proves that even if they are not complaining, its obviously some kind of annoyance and they are happy to provide some of his own medicine.
Agreed. I am reluctant to watch his matches just because that constant screaming is annoying me. He is a great player, but constant chooing is getting on my nerves.
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Mar 2019
Harimoto for me is a guy that is a roller coaster, his best is very good, his bad is very poor.

He has a decent ranking but not truly reflective of consistent results. I think like alot of young players under new table tennis trend, come out hot and firing and putting pressure on top players, but the top players find ways to figure them out. We see this time and time again. Needs a game style super consistent at top level. Watched a video good way to really play against him is stay close to table and play against his forward, strength more his backhand.

CCY has had recent success to, shows veterans on tour used to older style with old ball have adjusted well with new ball and new players hitting the Tour.

Hopefully Harimoto continues to progress, still very young and plenty upside, like a young Ma Long ready to break out to new heights, hope he continues his screaming, shows passion for the game.

His bad is very poor - like what, except for the Pletea and arguably Sathiyan loss?
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Active Member
Mar 2019
Whatever is your view of Harimoto, he is the only player in the world right now that has the potential to significantly raise awareness/popularity of the sport.
China is not a popular country in the eyes of the world right now. Having Harimoto scream his way to victory over the Chinese players would be a big attraction to the media at the Olympics. Whenever that takes place.
My advice to him; expand his skill in English speech.

He speaks a decent amount of Chinese and I believe it was posted before that his mothers primary goal for him is still to attend a good American university.
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Active Member
Mar 2019
Personalities differ. To me, Harimoto gives the impression of an introvert, a shy boy, taught to build confidence by externalisatuon techniques.

There are and have been many players willing or even eager to disrupt their opponents concentration (and the overall flow of the game) in multiple ways. Delaying, verbalisation, antagonisation, generally seeking to pull triggers for the opponent’s irritabilities.

I do not believe Harimoto’s verbalisation to be that. I think the intensity of celebration is purely meant to fuel his own fire, his own flow.

Either way, any player just has to deal with the entirity of what the opponent does. If an opponent manages to unhinge your game by pulling your strings, that is, in the end, because you are offering these strings to pull.

Hit the nail on the head, based on what I've heard from people who've met or know him in person.
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Active Member
Mar 2019
I call him the banshee and can't enjoy enjoy his matches because he's an annoyance that screams his lungs out like his life depends on it. Some call this a gentleman sport, you apologize for a net and edge points, but screaming like you've just hit your toe on the table's foot for a point , oh i guess thats fine cause he's a talented child, yea guys you are not hypocrites at all. But I guess fans will be fans.

Try the mute button or don't watch his matches, plenty of other table tennis to watch. This isn't the 1930's where table tennis is played in a parlor, screw that "gentleman's sport" shit. I don't understand people who get uptight about the firmness of post-match handshakes, what degree of celebration is okay, etc. So many other things one could be worrying about lol.

And the tactic against him is again best deployed by the chinese too, starting chooing too, kind of proves that even if they are not complaining, its obviously some kind of annoyance and they are happy to provide some of his own medicine.

Yes because the Chinese never cho'd before Harimoto came along. NO POSSIBLE OTHER EXPLANATION for them cho'ing in a match against of their most formidable rivals other than that they are playing petty mental games in an effort to extract revenge against the little devil. You guys have no idea how pro players think and operate.

There is nothing more enjoyable than his sad wittle face after the chinese destroy his chooing ass and remind him he will always belong under them. Always.

You get that much pleasure out of seeing a child lose and cry? Kind of sadistic dude.

Always belong under them? Yeah okay. You spend this much time hating other loud cho'ers who aren't nearly as good as Harimoto? I doubt it.

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