Table Tennis TV News & Highlights show!

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This user has no status.
Oct 2011
Hey everyone, I just wanted to share my table tennis news & highlight video show for those who haven't seen it yet. Here in the US we NEVER get any mentions, much less coverage, of table tennis. We have many 30+ minute shows on other sports though. So I did my own version for our sport, and hopefully prove there's an audience for it.

I also have podcast interviews with table tennis personalities at my website (in my sig) in case you are interested. Thanks for checking it out!


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 76 reviews
Hey everyone, I just wanted to share my table tennis news & highlight video show for those who haven't seen it yet. Here in the US we NEVER get any mentions, much less coverage, of table tennis. We have many 30+ minute shows on other sports though. So I did my own version for our sport, and hopefully prove there's an audience for it.

I also have podcast interviews with table tennis personalities at my website (in my sig) in case you are interested. Thanks for checking it out!

Ill check the video out when i get on my laptop at home :)

Welcome to the site PongCast. I have heard your pongcasts before and they are great. I highly recommend you check them out guys :)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using tapatalk
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This user has no status.
Oct 2011
Ill check the video out when i get on my laptop at home :)

Welcome to the site PongCast. I have heard your pongcasts before and they are great. I highly recommend you check them out guys :)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using tapatalk

Thanks for the endorsement Dan! Keep up the great work on the site, I know you're working hard at it. And next time you see your friend Ma Long let him know I'll have him on anytime (after you interview him first of course) ;)


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 76 reviews
Thanks for the endorsement Dan! Keep up the great work on the site, I know you're working hard at it. And next time you see your friend Ma Long let him know I'll have him on anytime (after you interview him first of course) ;)

Hey no worries. Hehe yes it takes up so much of my time but i really enjoy it. Can be bit tedius a times but getting great responses and feedback which makes it worth it :)

Haha yeah ill send him my regards for you :p. An interview with him would be awesome, ill see what I can do.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using tapatalk


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 76 reviews
Wow!!!!! Just watched the video! This is out of this world! Can I ask, how long did it take to make?

If you can churn these out fairly quickly there is a market for this im sure! Awesome work! Just one little tip if you don't already know and thats that be careful with which music you pick as when youtube notice this they can ban the audio of your videos. And we don't want that.

Amazing work PongCast! Very professionally done and very informative
This user has no status.
This user has no status.
Oct 2011
Thanks for all the complements! I really do appreciate it. They really help encourage me when making them!

Wow!!!!! Just watched the video! This is out of this world! Can I ask, how long did it take to make?

If you can churn these out fairly quickly there is a market for this im sure! Awesome work! Just one little tip if you don't already know and thats that be careful with which music you pick as when youtube notice this they can ban the audio of your videos. And we don't want that.

Amazing work PongCast! Very professionally done and very informative

Hmmm...I hate to think about it but I'm conservatively guessing ~20 hours. I really enjoy seeing the final product but 1/2 the time it's lots of tedious things which aren't so fun. I'm taking this week off from doing a full episode but still releasing a mini version before the weekend. I really want to get more efficient at making these so it doesn't feel like a chore, so I'm using this time to do some preparation for the next few episodes.

And thanks for the advice about the music. I know I'm playing with fire but I had to give it a try. I think it's fitting to put great music with great action and really presents the sport well so I couldn't resist. It just takes a nice, professional presentation to make non-TT players amazed at our sport! I used very tiny loops from my own original music in the first episode because I ran out of time, so I'm still figuring out what to do. Thanks for the checking it out!


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 76 reviews
Thanks for all the complements! I really do appreciate it. They really help encourage me when making them!

Hmmm...I hate to think about it but I'm conservatively guessing ~20 hours. I really enjoy seeing the final product but 1/2 the time it's lots of tedious things which aren't so fun. I'm taking this week off from doing a full episode but still releasing a mini version before the weekend. I really want to get more efficient at making these so it doesn't feel like a chore, so I'm using this time to do some preparation for the next few episodes.

And thanks for the advice about the music. I know I'm playing with fire but I had to give it a try. I think it's fitting to put great music with great action and really presents the sport well so I couldn't resist. It just takes a nice, professional presentation to make non-TT players amazed at our sport! I used very tiny loops from my own original music in the first episode because I ran out of time, so I'm still figuring out what to do. Thanks for the checking it out!

Thats ok.. Hehe i video edit myself and new that video would be tedius to hell!! But you will soon find ways to churn them out faster by self learning. Took me ages to make my first videos but then i found faster ways and got better at things and now it dnt take long at all.

Obvs your vids are bigger projects but still relates :)

Yeh with the music i know what u mean.. It makes the video so much better. Be sure to check out Xray dog. All there music is un copyrighted and legal to use. Their music is awesome and intense for TT.

Keep up the hard work :)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using tapatalk
Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
Hi pongcast, just want you to know what you're doing here is simply out of this world buddy! I enjoyed every minute of it. I visited you site, and I think that you're doing a wonderful job over there in the US. I know it's not easy and time consuming, but it takes dedication and love of the game to do what you do. Thanx mate.