You cheeky bugger calling me Mehul, the boy that...
Table Tennis vs Ping Pong
The average Joe, believes Ping Pong and Table Tennis is the same thing!
Ping Pong is now a separate sport with its own governing body that holds a World Championship once a year. This event is held in London England (Alexandra's Palace) hosted by Match Room (Barry Hearn's) enterprise.

The game is played up to 15 points best of 3, with a sudden death point at 14 all and a double point ball played once on your serve. The bats are all the same, blue sandpaper on a wooden blade. - I have a limited amount from the actual event if anyone wants to purchase, £10 each plus P&P.
The event hosts 64 players from around the world whom qualify via their host nations qualification system. The event is televised on Sky Sports and runs like clock work. The atmosphere is very special, created by the: umpires, fans, television, commentators, lights, layout and of course the charismatic competitors.
Unfortunately that's about all their is for the fans of blue sandpaper bats.
As for Table Tennis, it's an Olympic sport and the second most participated sport in the world, with an estimated 300 million players across the globe it's a sport that has so much to give but possibly the most undervalued sport on the planet!
The worlds top 50 make a lot of money; playing for clubs, sponsorship deals, tournament prize money, exhibitions and endorsements. Yet many don't know or believe a living can be made from table tennis.
Even though table tennis has all the right attributes of being a spectators sport, it seems to lose out to Ping Pong once a year!
So what is table tennis doing wrong?
In Germany,France and a few other European countries, clubs are funded and supported by the local council's, sponsorship and even football clubs. They attract up to ten thousand spectators for a single match in some clubs and yet this beautiful sport does not get Media coverage. Table Tennis is rarely seen on national or international TV, giving TT a stigma as a social game anyone can play in their garage.
Why is Ping Pong, (with no real structure) able to attract huge sponsorship deals, crowd's, media coverage and Sky sports televise the whole event (Worlds champs)?
The answer is simple, all it takes is one tycoon (Barry Hearn) for Ping Pong to tweak the game in terms of points and level playing field (creating uncertainty) with a substantial amount of Prize money.
Table Tennis needs to take note and there's plenty of Tycoons playing table tennis, all the sport needs is one person to take up the challenge. One that is willing to invest a little but potentially gain a lot more than invested.
I want to propose a similar format to Ping Pong and provide three table tennis bats; 1 offensive 2. All round and 3. Defensive, the players can choose according to their playing style and let the battle commence.
Today table tennis is dominated by the Chinese, possibly due to their investment of the sport and of course hard work and dedication. But unbeknown to everyone 'technology' gives them another edge over the rest! They use rubbers, unavailable on the open market and ones that are only used by the Chinese national team. These rubbers have been specially designed and created to produce more spin and speed alongside control compared to the other traditional TT rubbers.
I would like to see a level playing field in terms of equipment and see if the Chinese are really the best on the planet or does equipment (technology) give them the edge over the rest?! What are your thoughts TTDaily?
Twitter: @elibaraty
Facebook: Eli Baraty
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The average Joe, believes Ping Pong and Table Tennis is the same thing!
Ping Pong is now a separate sport with its own governing body that holds a World Championship once a year. This event is held in London England (Alexandra's Palace) hosted by Match Room (Barry Hearn's) enterprise.

The game is played up to 15 points best of 3, with a sudden death point at 14 all and a double point ball played once on your serve. The bats are all the same, blue sandpaper on a wooden blade. - I have a limited amount from the actual event if anyone wants to purchase, £10 each plus P&P.
The event hosts 64 players from around the world whom qualify via their host nations qualification system. The event is televised on Sky Sports and runs like clock work. The atmosphere is very special, created by the: umpires, fans, television, commentators, lights, layout and of course the charismatic competitors.
Unfortunately that's about all their is for the fans of blue sandpaper bats.
As for Table Tennis, it's an Olympic sport and the second most participated sport in the world, with an estimated 300 million players across the globe it's a sport that has so much to give but possibly the most undervalued sport on the planet!
The worlds top 50 make a lot of money; playing for clubs, sponsorship deals, tournament prize money, exhibitions and endorsements. Yet many don't know or believe a living can be made from table tennis.
Even though table tennis has all the right attributes of being a spectators sport, it seems to lose out to Ping Pong once a year!
So what is table tennis doing wrong?
In Germany,France and a few other European countries, clubs are funded and supported by the local council's, sponsorship and even football clubs. They attract up to ten thousand spectators for a single match in some clubs and yet this beautiful sport does not get Media coverage. Table Tennis is rarely seen on national or international TV, giving TT a stigma as a social game anyone can play in their garage.
Why is Ping Pong, (with no real structure) able to attract huge sponsorship deals, crowd's, media coverage and Sky sports televise the whole event (Worlds champs)?
The answer is simple, all it takes is one tycoon (Barry Hearn) for Ping Pong to tweak the game in terms of points and level playing field (creating uncertainty) with a substantial amount of Prize money.
Table Tennis needs to take note and there's plenty of Tycoons playing table tennis, all the sport needs is one person to take up the challenge. One that is willing to invest a little but potentially gain a lot more than invested.
I want to propose a similar format to Ping Pong and provide three table tennis bats; 1 offensive 2. All round and 3. Defensive, the players can choose according to their playing style and let the battle commence.
Today table tennis is dominated by the Chinese, possibly due to their investment of the sport and of course hard work and dedication. But unbeknown to everyone 'technology' gives them another edge over the rest! They use rubbers, unavailable on the open market and ones that are only used by the Chinese national team. These rubbers have been specially designed and created to produce more spin and speed alongside control compared to the other traditional TT rubbers.
I would like to see a level playing field in terms of equipment and see if the Chinese are really the best on the planet or does equipment (technology) give them the edge over the rest?! What are your thoughts TTDaily?
Twitter: @elibaraty
Facebook: Eli Baraty
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