TableTennisDaily Team | Ep 1 | The Beginning

says TTDCast is now out!
says TTDCast is now out!
Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
This is it! The first ever episode of the TableTennisDaily Team! Join us on our quest to the reach the European Champions League!

This year we start in British League division 1 with a dynamic squad of players and other team members who you will all get to know along the way!

The first episode features day 1 and our two first matches on our 2019/2020 mission for promotion.

This years team consists of Tom Maynard, Garth Kinlocke, Umair Mauthour, Jan Surwilo and Christoph Zickert. Our chairman is Peter Ives and our manager is Anthony Kent! Lets go!

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May 2016
Fantastic stuff! Hahaha hoping one day my own team will become that strong :p
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says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!


says New video with Benyamin Faraji out now!
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 76 reviews
Thanks for watching guys!

Started the video just to see what it was all about. Stayed the whole 31 minutes.

That is some quality content man, really nice.

Thanks for the comment Vegita, you're right 31 minutes looks off putting, however I wanted to build the context and characters in the first episode. Thanks for watching, stay tuned for ep 2 :)
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This user has no status.
Oct 2014
Thanks for watching guys!

Thanks for the comment Vegita, you're right 31 minutes looks off putting, however I wanted to build the context and characters in the first episode. Thanks for watching, stay tuned for ep 2 :)

Great video, Dan. I think you will win that division comfortably. It would be interesting if you could list what rubbers and blade all the team are currently using. Thanks.
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This user has no status.
Apr 2017
I really enjoyed watching that. It was a good idea to profile your team mates for the forthcoming season
I’m already looking forward to the next episode/match.
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Very cool video.

Question for how league play within teams works.

Our club runs 1 tournament a year but I think it would be cool if we could add a 2nd team tournament to add withing the year but I don't know how those are typically set up?

Are they round robins? Everybody plays everybody and you count total team wins up at the end to determine a winner? Thanks to anybody who has some thoughts.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2018
Read 2 reviews
Very cool video.

Question for how league play within teams works.

Our club runs 1 tournament a year but I think it would be cool if we could add a 2nd team tournament to add withing the year but I don't know how those are typically set up?

Are they round robins? Everybody plays everybody and you count total team wins up at the end to determine a winner? Thanks to anybody who has some thoughts.

It's typically a league which lasts for a season. Each team meets each other home and away (or more times). Some countries play singles only and some have singles and doubles in each (league) team match. The English system seem to be best out of 9 matches for each team match. A team match is usually awarded 2 or 3 points and a draw 1 point in the league table. The team with the most points wins the league when the season is over and is either national champ or gets promoted. The bottom team(s) gets relegated to the lower division.

I believe that the German Bundesliga is first team to 3 victories with no doubles at all.
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