This is already some time ago, and my memory is imprecise. Also, I just don't want to re-read all of it again, so please bare this, it's my recollection. If I remember correctly, zeio got 3 weeks ban, while BB got 1 week. I am not even sure it was so, I only remember the feeling of in-justice.
Also, it is not the 1st time, that after BB made one of his extempores, and people reacted, that you wrote a post saying, BB is often right and that he sometimes posts valuable stuff. Basically in a way, standing up for him. This repeats, and he doesn't learn anything anyway. I don't remember you doing something like this for zeio. Perhaps there was no need, or no occassion.
And in that discussion itself, which eventually led to zeio's demise. Basically zeio refuted one BB's claim after another, and BB always comes back and says: but tell me X. Which zeio ignores. Then zeio wins another point, and BB says: but tell me X. And again and again. Then zeio left, I discussed with BB for some time (I was more neutral back then). Eventually it was revealed that the X was something like (I exagerate): tell me what I had for lunch yesterday. At that moment I abruptly stopped all communication with BB.
It's good to hear you like Zeio. I understand your motivation. It went side-ways. Factually, in the discussion, zeio was right and BB was wrong. But that was ignored, by you and Dan. It was perceived like 2 people attacking each other, both equally wrong. They were not equally wrong, in my opinion.
And yes, reading zeio's posts is always exciting, and new.
Regarding that point about bringing back zeio. My impression is that he respects authorities, if he can. I hope I have explained my view a bit.
Hey Lula, cheers. Don't take it too serious, please

. I disagree, with both the hope and the value!