I tried tenergy 05 on a timo boll alc at my club. Just loved it. Forehand was so crisp and coming from dignics 09c it felt way easier and faster to play. I was just ripping balls. I play with a viscaria. Will tenergy 05 feel the same on viscaria like it did on timo boll alc? Or does tenergy 05 feel better on timo boll alc as the blade is harder than viscaria? What do you guys think?
I tried tenergy 05 on a timo boll alc at my club. Just loved it. Forehand was so crisp and coming from dignics 09c it felt way easier and faster to play. I was just ripping balls. I play with a viscaria. Will tenergy 05 feel the same on viscaria like it did on timo boll alc? Or does tenergy 05 feel better on timo boll alc as the blade is harder than viscaria? What do you guys think?