Tenergy 19 Review | Better Than Tenergy 05?

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Jul 2020
I just put Tenergy 19 on my Viscaria. I have to say, I was not impressed. It seems like if you want more dwell time and touch for shorter pushes, etc, then why not use Dignics 09C. If you want faster attacking, more direct, go with Tenergy 05. I found Tenergy 19 to be something in between. Because I have another Viscaria with Dignics 09C on it, I was able to compare back to back. For me personally, I greatly prefer the Dignics 09C. And if I wanted to switch, I'd switch to either Tenergy or Dignics 05. I kind of felt like Tenergy 19 was neither here nor there. A $200 disappointment for me.
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Dec 2013
Read 2 reviews
I just put Tenergy 19 on my Viscaria. I have to say, I was not impressed. It seems like if you want more dwell time and touch for shorter pushes, etc, then why not use Dignics 09C. If you want faster attacking, more direct, go with Tenergy 05. I found Tenergy 19 to be something in between. Because I have another Viscaria with Dignics 09C on it, I was able to compare back to back. For me personally, I greatly prefer the Dignics 09C. And if I wanted to switch, I'd switch to either Tenergy or Dignics 05. I kind of felt like Tenergy 19 was neither here nor there. A $200 disappointment for me.

Hi, could I ask if you tried it on your backhand or forehand?
I'm currently using Dignics 05 on my backhand on Viscaria. While the spin is great, I would appreciate the easier access to power of the Tenergy series, since it is more difficult to execute far-from-table BH loops with the D05 in light of its shorter arc. Thinking of trying the T19, and was wondering if you would recommend T19 for my playstyle

says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
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Nov 2010
Read 8 reviews
I will probably like it. I like rubbers that have almost no pips at all, like Stiga Mantra. I wish there was a Tenergy like that.
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Jul 2020

Hi, could I ask if you tried it on your backhand or forehand?
I'm currently using Dignics 05 on my backhand on Viscaria. While the spin is great, I would appreciate the easier access to power of the Tenergy series, since it is more difficult to execute far-from-table BH loops with the D05 in light of its shorter arc. Thinking of trying the T19, and was wondering if you would recommend T19 for my playstyle

I had the Tenergy 19 on both sides of paddle 1 and Dignics 09C on the both sides of paddle 2. I have been playing with Dignics 09C for awhile now and really like it. I didn't compare it to Dignics 05, so it's hard to say. Compared to the 09C, the T19 definitely has more direct power. But I would rather sacrifice some power for more control and spin. It was only one session, so I'm definitely going to try the T19 again, but after one session, I strongly prefer the 09C.

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Butterfly's Tenergy 19 is here and everyone wants to know how it compares to Tenergy 05. Well in this video we find out!

I use theTimo Boll ALC blade and Tom used his Hybrid Wood. Let’s see how it performs:
Dan, that chart You made is awesome.

Two things:
1. You have reviewed a lot of rubbers that are not on the chart.
Would it be too much to ask that You added some of them (like EL-S and FX-S ).?
2. Is the chart downloadable somewhere on this site?

Keep up the great work.

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Dan, that chart You made is awesome.

Two things:
1. You have reviewed a lot of rubbers that are not on the chart.
Would it be too much to ask that You added some of them (like EL-S and FX-S ).?
2. Is the chart downloadable somewhere on this site?

Keep up the great work.


Probably too many to list down.

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This user has no status.
Jul 2015
Read 1 reviews

Nice review guys!
I've watched a Russian interview with Kirill Gerasimenko and he said that he uses T19 on fh cause he can produce more spin with it. And he keeps T05 for bh cause it's more controlled. He said that T19 = D09C topsheet on a T05 sponge and that it grabs the ball better than T05 :)

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Probably too many to list down.

The ones that was tested recently should not be impossible. It’s a great idea and since it’s done by just a few people it should be more correct. Once you learn Dan &. co’s perspective you can correlate with your own...


says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016

Nice review guys!
I've watched a Russian interview with Kirill Gerasimenko and he said that he uses T19 on fh cause he can produce more spin with it. And he keeps T05 for bh cause it's more controlled. He said that T19 = D09C topsheet on a T05 sponge and that it grabs the ball better than T05 :)

Can you please post the link to this interview.

Do you know what blade he is using?

says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
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