Tip for backhand rubber (current rubber rakza 7)

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New Member
Jul 2024
i currently use rakza 7 in backhand but i feel like i whant a little faster and more spinnier backhand rubber. I mostly block and punch with my backhand but i whant to have a better loop. does anyone have any tips for a better backhand rubber for me?
says Pimples Schmimples
says Pimples Schmimples
Well-Known Member
Sep 2022
How good is your BH loop already?
It will have to be fairly brilliant before another rubber will improve it over what you can do with a Rakza 7.
By this I mean that coaching your loop will likely get you a LOT further then any other BH rubber will cos Rakza 7 is already very good.
If your loop is already amazing and you really just need a superior rubber that you can get the maximum from then I will defer to others.
I now using Rakza 7 and Rakza X soft as BH on 2 setups I use currently and it'll be a while before I can move past these!
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May 2023
If you say that you want to have a better loop, it sounds like you are still practising that shot.

In that case, Rakza 7 is perfectly fine. The only thing that I would maybe consider is a rubber that has not alot of catapult effect, but rather a moderate catapult effect (I found Rakza 7 too catapulty).

Lazer recommended Hybrid MK, thats a good one. I used Fastarc G1 and Evolution MX-S while learning BH looping, and it helped me alot.

There is not alot of reason to change rubbers though, just throwing in some spinnier alternatives that are still controllable.