5 out of 5 rating for Tomokazu Harimoto Innerforce ALC
Compared to the hype of the launch of Dignics 05, it seems pretty quiet over here, though understandable. This blade is pretty much a rebranded Innerforce Layer ALC, minor changes here and there, so if you think you like the idea of getting a inner ALC layered blade, but don't want to spend that much on it, check out Innerforce Layer ALC. But I'd like to point out that you get a noticeable larger sweet spot as a result of having a larger head size. Also, the weight isn't changed much, at least mine was even a few grams lighter than my Innerforce Layer ALC at 86g, and with both sides Dignics 05 it weighs 183g. And the handle designs looks pretty cool, with the darker blue and black combined with the Harimoto tag, it looks much nicer than the handle of Innerforce Layer ALC (totally subjective). Downside of this blade is of course, like all other Butterfly equipments these days, the high price tag. So it is up to you to decide whether the larger sweet spot and cool graphics design are worth it or not.