TTX is what the 4th August is all about - the new revolution of table tennis!

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Mar 2015
I actually won 10$ bet on calling it right what the big announcement will be. It was just between friends so I'm buying some balls with the winnings instead of him hehehe!
Friend 1 suggested it will be announcement of a higher net
Friend 2 suggested it's new partnership with a company and it's money based
Friend 3 suggested Trump is building a wall around China to stop them from jumping over and taking our winnings
Anyway I called it on being this thing
All they've done is Ver.2.0 , taken it out of the water so it can be played in big cities outdoor that don't have beaches, original shape racket restored, and added some funky rules for scoring......

*Tips fedora*
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
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What's all the fuss about? Table tennis still exists, will always exist. TTX is a completely different sport and from what we can gather - it is not for the purist / nothing should ever change table tennis players. TTX is for a generation or a player base that currently has no farghking interest whatsoever in table tennis. I know what those people are talking about because I love table tennis but when I go to my local club I come away from it thinking, WTF. If TTX has more atmosphere more excitement (and yes, agreed, table tennis can be very exciting too), it will create appeal for a new generation and type of player. More players. More competition. More money behind the sport. More success. More interest from different countries. These are good things for table tennis.

This sounds like wishful thinking. Like chess vs speed chess. Somehow I doubt this will go anywhere.

But, if anything could make table tennis more popular, I would be okay with it. I just think this won't do it.

Sent from Deep Space by Abacus
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
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This rule alone:

***No rules for how to serve, so freestyle it and serve it your way. The ball just needs to touch your side of the table once, before going over the net.

Ensures that douche bag rules are in effect. Let's hope that these rules that basically allow cheating and douche bag maneuvers don't send the sport backwards 40 years. Guilt by association.

If the current table tennis serving rules are used, you need to develop the skill to have good serves.

With hidden serves, finger serves, leaning over the table to get an angle, all of a sudden, people are going to get confused and think this kind of chicanery is okay in Table Tennis because it is encouraged in TTX.

Sent from Deep Space by Abacus
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New Member
Aug 2016
You guys are so quick to judge! I just spent my weekend away from computers :) I am / Arghk is not affiliated in any way with the ITTF (and not paid by them) but is a channel / website that will be launching in September that is interested in the culture and subcultures around table tennis / ping pong - and for us that will obviously include looking at where TTX may go. We don't come from a competitive table tennis background but we love the game, play a lot, and frankly enjoy the spin side of it. If we have a vested interest (as alluded to on another forum) it is that we want table tennis to be more popular - and in the mainstream - and for to be more popular and a place for anyone to read and see more of the culture of table tennis. Yes, we have have an article about TTX, but this is just one of many articles that are being developed - and the only one in the first 10 that is about TTX. Our preceding article was about He Zhili the former world champion from China who then played for Japan and won the Asian Title. Interesting story.
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Feb 2014
yea why promote the sport by having actual high definition video of the tours with replays from every angle , amazing crispy clear resolution and slow motion cameras to replay every match in amazing level of detail and commentary.

Lets just make a TTX and people will think thats pretty much table tennis and be done with it. When they see the actual sport they will think whats that those arent the rules? How can anyone apreciate TT more if they are being shown something completly different that doesnt showcase the level of skill a sport like this requires?

Marketing, technology, HD streams of the big tournaments, etc. We still have to sit through the ITTF highlights of the games made on aparently 12 FPS and a smartphone camera from 100 miles away from the table.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
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I thought of this: I play at a place where there are a lot of people who played basement pong as kids. Frequently these kinds of players are just playing to have fun and they will make up their own rules for the game.

I have never seen a problem with it or anything. But I have noticed that as people get more interested and start wanting to improve, they also start wanting to know the actual rules.

This game they have created is not all that different than the rules that some people just use on their own when they don't know the rules.

I just am not sure how formalizing basement rules Ping Pong would be good for anybody.

But.....time will tell. Who knows, while I am thinking they are total fools, this could be just the thing to turn Ping Pong into a more popular GAME around the world.

I really doubt it. But, it still will probably not do much for TABLE TENNIS.

Sent from Deep Space by Abacus
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
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Why would the ITTF associate itself with something like this??? It would be like FIBA trying to regulate playground or one on one basketball.

That is the question. I like Der_Echte's barbed wire solution.

Sent from Deep Space by Abacus
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2015
I played a few matches of TTX with modified rules, no wild card points, games to 5 win by 1. We used wood paddles. Basically a no spin game with no control with the ball wanting to sail off the end. So anybody can play and take a whack at it. Should be a great bar game. If the players are skilled with no spin the serves aren't as hard to receive as you might guess.