MZ... Looks like you are trying to do the Kim Jung Hoon Style of BH "Push" Counter-Attack.
Nothing wrong with that. Actually, that shot is even better for you if the ball comes a little too far inside your strike zone. This shot strikes the ball well even if it is almost in your "middle".
You are not using enough back coiling and forward extension and your grip is not FIRMING at impact. You need a huge firming right at impact (stay loose until then) When you can time the ball arrival to the impact point, you can deliver a big counter punch to the ball and often finish the point. This shot is a great choice if the ball is coming too inside your strike zone (between the middle of your strike zone and your body).
Here is a Korean vid (I might have made a thread on this KJH vid years ago.
Here is a vid from the head coach of the Samsung Life team. He made this vid a few years ago as part of a series where he and youtuber "Takkyu" were training up a few amateur players to gain several levels. They also call this BH counter attack a BH Push. Their style of this BH counter is much closer to the type of BH Counter I prefer to use.
I use a a little wrist and a little lower arm with firming right at impact. I help my chances out with a tiny step towards the ball or a little of my body. I can counter incoming drives or incoming HEAVY slow topspin balls with this shot. Very easy to get into play, few moving parts, very consistent. You just need to discern the arrival time/point of the ball when it gets to your strike zone.
Here is the vid and it has ENG subs. I might have made a thread on this vid as well, I make a lot of threads on Coach Lee's technique vids, which many are already in ENG subs a week after the vid posts.