Videos of Lower Rank Choppers?

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May 2016
There are a good many pro chopper matches out there... but at the lower level, their style of play is pretty much non-existent! Nobody bothers to loop chops that much, and so for game strategy, I'm trying to find some players to emulate that are a bit more realistic. Say in the 1500-2300ish range.

Any ideas?
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Jul 2015
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This gentleman (the chopper) was my first table tennis coach. He is probably 2300-2400 but it is hard to estimate. Hopefully I will meet him this summer (after 9 years or so). Although his game is quite oldschool, he can execute any technique in table tennis with ease. Including fancy sidespin loops from both sides.

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Nov 2015
There are very few videos of U2000 choppers out there - the one I know of with several videos on YouTube is Sho Miyazaki (he's from around New York City). Going higher (2300+) is Earl Alto - like his style.

In the end, at lower levels you need to develop close to the table LP shots, since very few people will loop to you - why bother if they can simply abuse your BH with soft no-spin balls and wait for your mistake.

P.S. Also - look for Bogeyhunter channel on YT.
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May 2016
There are very few videos of U2000 choppers out there - the one I know of with several videos on YouTube is Sho Miyazaki (he's from around New York City). Going higher (2300+) is Earl Alto - like his style.

In the end, at lower levels you need to develop close to the table LP shots, since very few people will loop to you - why bother if they can simply abuse your BH with soft no-spin balls and wait for your mistake.

P.S. Also - look for Bogeyhunter channel on YT.

Are you saying at lower levels you need to develop a more offensive game with the LP? Since no one really loops the chops?
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Nov 2015
Are you saying at lower levels you need to develop a more offensive game with the LP? Since no one really loops the chops?

Yes and no - being able to punish high ball to your BH is helpful, but also is ability to consistently push, block, roll, bump ( or whatever else these are called) with LP. After all, anyone who has any experience playing against LP will test your BH, and will exploit any found weaknesses.

And it's also not like they don't loop the chops - sometimes they don't loop, period, especially to your BH.
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Nov 2015
I was debating whether to post videos of Kaz (who has hugely entertaining style) - but thought that OP wanted someone in 1700-2300 USATT range, and most of these guys are somewhat higher and face opponents that are good enough to produce traditional attack/defense matchup not that different from what you see at the pro level.

Don't know OP's level, but most likely he's looking for videos of NukeSkywalker, myself, and other 'aspiring choppers' :).
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Well for not an elite pro, I like Jian Li.

He's probably out of the range you're looking for being I think USATT 2600 something. So he's really, really good but fun to watch.

Big FH, good chopper. Nice bump attack with the LPs vs backspin.

This is also a good youtube channel to sub to.


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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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I was debating whether to post videos of Kaz (who has hugely entertaining style) - but thought that OP wanted someone in 1700-2300 USATT range, and most of these guys are somewhat higher and face opponents that are good enough to produce traditional attack/defense matchup not that different from what you see at the pro level.

Don't know OP's level, but most likely he's looking for videos of NukeSkywalker, myself, and other 'aspiring choppers' :).

Based on the OP's OP, you are exactly right. 1500-2300 range is what he seems to have listed.

Well here is someone in the higher end of that range. But this guy can really make you want to commit suicide:

Philippe Dassonval:


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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Anyone knows what Philippe is using on his BH - some sort of long pips, I presume.

I have not seen him in years. But last time I saw him it was definitely some kind of LP. I can ask him though.

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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Can anyone explain how can he be the best 3rd league player and beat strong 2nd league players (his opponent here 89% 2nd league) ?

Philippe Dassonval is 2300. I remember watching him beat an Egyptian guy named Imad who is 2700. Sometimes that stuff is matchups and smart play by the chopper.

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