Around 50 hours in for the FZD ALC, I tried nittaku hurricane turbo blue forehand, fastarc g1 and battle2 national blue sponge and it felt perfect for me and hurricane 8-80 38 on the backhand. The SALC setup is only 20 hours in. The main difference between the two setup for me rn is the handle. I am so not used to a slimmer handle and it's really hard to adjust to the grip. SALC feels slower than FZD ALC when hitting through the core of the blade, that's what I feel at least.
I don't think there's really much 'upgrade' from FZD ALC tbh and if you say the combo you played on it felt perfect then maybe it's as simple as going back to it?
I've never played SALC but I've read lots about the Mizutani after admiring it visually but I quickly learned it wasn't for me.
If I remember rightly ZLC means expect it to be stiffer but softer than ALC with a lower throw. Maybe the slower you're feeling is the softer?
Either way it's just different so perhaps it's just a sideways move that actually doesn't suit you...
I totally get you on the handle though. The handle in that FZD is probably the nicest I've tried. Its definitely fatter than most others and I've had an issue myself with too slim a handle as I can't get comfortable with my Nittaku Acoustic. If I ever buy another blade I will go for the Anatomic shape handle.
I read a post in here about someone removing and replacing their handle, if I can't sell the Acoustic I might have a look at doing this and making the current handle fatter with a couple of thin veneers....