Your estimates are way off, I fear. The numbers would indicate essentially (extended) world class - neither of them are world class (no disrespect meant).
Some of these players play (or have played) in Germany and therefore have a TTR (Table Tennis Rating), which itself is borrowed from the elo system - in other words:
TTR and ELO are pretty much the same. I believe that we recently had a similar thread (, in which ttarc also pointed out that TTR and ELO are virtually the same.
Louis Price (Beast) is very likely the strongest one, with a TTR of around 2250 (he recently beat german 2. Bundesliga player Vincent Senkbeil - who happened to play for one of our neighboring clubs when he was a junior - during a Challenger tourney and who has a TTR himself of > 2200.
Tom is still very good, but has lost "recent" matches with Louis (more or less close ones). He did play Regionalliga in Germany some time ago, didn't he? Louis plays at a higher level. I'd say Tom is somewhere between 2100 and 2200.
Mikka is around 2100 TTR currently in Germany (This is from a recent tourney;
). Him and Otto also almost always have close matches when they play each other, so I'd say Otto is around 2100 as well (although I haven't found any official TTR rating for him yet).
I also think that some people underestimate Dan's level. He is certainly a very solid 2000 TTR level player; actually I would put him near Mikka's and Otto's level.
Emil? He is a funny dude, but he is light years away from 2000 TTR (ELO), just like me...
Short overview of my (
in part) TTR/ELO estimates:
Louis: ≈ 2250
Tom: 2100 - 2200
Mikka and Otto: ≈ 2100
Dan: 2000 - 2100
Emil: < 2000