What TT case/bag do you use?

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Ar....cases....I am obsessed with cases....:p
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I think I can still pick one that I like best. I bought it from taobao and it carries an embossed Yasaka label at the corner (unofficial I believe). The soft and durable leather like material feels good to the touch and two large compartments with net inside makes it so practical. I tried to fit 4 rackets inside and it zip up just fine without any stretching. Too bad I think they stop making this one anymore.
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i dont think its only cases you are obsessed with judging from your edge tape collection and all of your collections :p hahah

im using a nittaku hard case and that seems to be treating me quite well
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May 2015
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Ar....cases....I am obsessed with cases....:p
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I think I can still pick one that I like best. I bought it from taobao and it carries an embossed Yasaka label at the corner (unofficial I believe). The soft and durable leather like material feels good to the touch and two large compartments with net inside makes it so practical. I tried to fit 4 rackets inside and it zip up just fine without any stretching. Too bad I think they stop making this one anymore.
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Turbo, the factory owner.... :D

I know i'm repeating myself, but this is truely amazing....
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Well-Known Member
May 2015
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Im always mixing TurboZ and Suga D up!
One of them (or is it both?) have a seeeeerious TT-"drug" problem!

I must admit, i spend way too much (for my girlfriend's like) on TT equipment, but i'm not even close to Turbo...
His collections make me look like a little kid who just started. :D

Turbo, this leaves me speechless...
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Jan 2013
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I must admit I have to take those pictures in a hurry behind my wife's back and pack them all back up before she came home. Why I feel guilty like I am cheating on her? :rolleyes:

I plan to line them up nicely on the table for the shooting but I ran out of space all too soon and end up piling them in a mess. I think I still have about a dozen that missed the shots. I have to stop....until I see something I can't resist. My mind is weak you know. :p


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Sep 2015
I use Giant Dragon. It is suitable just for one racket.

gaurded and handy

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Ar....cases....I am obsessed with cases....:p

I think I can still pick one that I like best. I bought it from taobao and it carries an embossed Yasaka label at the corner (unofficial I believe). The soft and durable leather like material feels good to the touch and two large compartments with net inside makes it so practical. I tried to fit 4 rackets inside and it zip up just fine without any stretching. Too bad I think they stop making this one anymore.

Hmmm, and I was thinking Carl was the biggest EJ on this forum. But after the edge tape thread and this reply, I think no one has any doubt anymore about who's the BIG EJ on TTD.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Dec 2010
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Hmmm, and I was thinking Carl was the biggest EJ on this forum. But after the edge tape thread and this reply, I think no one has any doubt anymore about who's the BIG EJ on TTD.

Hahaha. After seeing the tape and the cases, I can feel assured my penchant for being an EJ is well under control.

I think there are 8 or 9 blades that I have bought. And I have somehow been given about as many more. But, I have never really gone all out spending money on equipment. And rubbers don't last so I get them one at a time.

I have tried a lot of equipment but part of that was a unique circumstance at a club in NYC's Chinatown that is no longer open. One of the guys who worked there was a friend from when I was a professional in-line ramp skater. At this club there were literally hundreds of members and this guy loved trying people's rackets. So he would get pretty much everyone at the club to let him test out their rackets. And a lot of the time he would be hitting with me. And he would make me try everything too. So, for the first two years of playing I got to try so many different rackets, I can't even remember half of them.

But seeing rackets like those Ross Leidi hand made rackets that look so cool makes me want one of them as well. Hahaha.

But, right now I have exactly what I want. Actually, I have a few rackets that are exactly what I want.

So have joined EJs anonymous.

Say, is that an OSP Martin over there? Gotta Go!

Sent from Godric'sHollow using the ResurrectionStone
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Oct 2015
I use a normal red butterfly case ( not a hard case) with two oppertunitys to pack your racket in. For me something like the case is not important. Important is that what you play at the table ;-)