I didn't know what you were referring to with that stmt but I do know I was answering to a combination of stmts by Takkyu / Yoass so in that context you were missing that conversation. Do I have to read the whole thread just to respond to a couple of comments.
And to clarify my little contribution, here's what triggered me. There's this perception, repeated over and over, that TH's game has been read by now. His game is deeply flawed, his technique fatally flawed, the surprise factor is over, the CNT (as a whole, apparently) now easily manoeuvers into a full exploitation of these fundamental weaknesses.
To me, a focused discussion on one aspect of TH's game is very interesting. There are much merits to this, and I find the development of TH's technique (and tactics) of TH as a still physically fast developing young adult very interesting. Rapid growth is a phenomenal thing to watch. However, it is also an easy trampoline for an echo-chamber for that "TH's FH is crap" meme.
So here we have TH going through a tournament. I've followed it, and having seen quite a bit of serious high-level play from both TH and his opponents throughout, do think it a bit respectless to pretend any easy wins. Even the belief that a
deeply flawed player could achieve this is is beyond me.
And then, the ZZ final. Remember that ongoing theme, repeated over and over again, about the glaring deficiencies in TH's game, now fully decoded and easily exploited by the CNT, with that pathetic excuse for a FH as a cornerstone assumption? Well, here's a CNT player. One with serious capacities. The match was a strong one.
And with all that talk about TH being pwned by the CNT by now, his FH being a laughable excuse, what I've seen is a match where a powerful (and fullgrown) CNT player chose to press the BH. I didn't see an easy exploitation of a fundamentally unsound FH. What I did see was pretty much contrary to that. It was actually the usual scheme of things: once a top level player gets to unleash full FH power, the point is over.
So I put a little weight on countering that "weak FH easily put to shame by the CNT" meme. Using fewer words. And I did that in a litle bit of conversation in which we did discuss zeio's video, and some of us (including me) were saying we'd been observing positive development in precisely this area ("all hall the Nu FH").
It's a matter of perception and judgement. Preconceptions play a role; people tend to enforce their preconceptions, and dismiss contrary evidence (two well-known psychological, detrimental, mechanisms). I do not believe for one second that I'm an exception to that bit of human cognitive psychology. Yet I also think oft-repeated easy dismissals, such as the easy dismissal of TH because of a supposedly metaphysically flawed FH at 15, form memes that constitute and enforce such preconceptions, and consider it useful to tone them down a bit. Or much, if possible.