Which hybrid rubber do you see being used

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Aug 2021
I've seen a few ZGR rubbers and D09c.

Personally, I think Big Dipper is extremely underrated, affordable, and very enjoyable hybrid to use for FH and BH.
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I bought Big Dipper due to reviews on a site, and also bought Neptune LP OX also from same site reviews, now i am only thinking about which blade to buy for both, either Yinhe same brand or DHS, all wood either 7ply or 5ply, i hope this BD rubber could be a nice hybrid rubber and it is AH-credible cheap.
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I bought Big Dipper due to reviews on a site, and also bought Neptune LP OX also from same site reviews, now i am only thinking about which blade to buy for both, either Yinhe same brand or DHS, all wood either 7ply or 5ply, i hope this BD rubber could be a nice hybrid rubber and it is AH-credible cheap.

Big Dipper works really nice with a bit faster blades like Yinhe V14 PRO and Sanwei V5 PRO. This is if you play a more aggressive looping game. If not, slower blades work fine as well. Big Dipper is really nice in many ways, so hope it will work good for you. Did you buy the 38deg hardness?

says toooooo much choice!!
says toooooo much choice!!
Well-Known Member
Jul 2020
Read 11 reviews
Hybrids I've seen being used - D09C, Tibhar K series.
Personally I love a hybrid rubber!!! Rakza Z / RZ EH, H8-80, Victas TDE, Golden tango / GTPS, DNA Dragon Grip, Loki Arthur Asia/Europe, Donic Blue grip C2 etc etc
currently have a couple of set ups - (on the same blades)
RZ EH on FH, RZ on BH
DNA dragon grip on FH, RZ on BH
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2021
How are the ESN hybrid rubbers? I have never tried Rakza Z or Bluegrip or Dragon Grip. The only one I have tried is ZGR and my impression of it is that the sponge isn't as forceful as D09c. Sponge feels a little too soft to hit penetrating shots.

Are the other ESN hybrids similar?
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Jul 2018
Chinese clubs: Hybrid K3 by far, but always backhands, haven't seen anyone who preferred it over H3 on the forehand.

*Anyone except a Jpen training partner that is. He switched from H3 to K3 a year ago.
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I am kind of surprised, so many mentions of K3, while I've basically barely seen it being discussed on the forums I know.

That's probably because butterfly is much more popular, but people want to make sure they are paying D09c price for really what they need/want. And people can simply buy K3 and try on their own instead of discussion :) Or maybe it is just another esn rubber which might be similar to other esn rubbers, so nothing to discuss

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Big Dipper works really nice with a bit faster blades like Yinhe V14 PRO and Sanwei V5 PRO. This is if you play a more aggressive looping game. If not, slower blades work fine as well. Big Dipper is really nice in many ways, so hope it will work good for you. Did you buy the 38deg hardness?

Nice to hear that, well, i do all, loop or drive or just smash, depends on my opponent style/level and my level, some players are just good in looping, and some i have to just smash, i bought this Big dipper because it is cheap and many reviews, so i assumed it is that good.

Yes, I bought the 38deg hardness, but i wished if it was like 1.8-2.0mm thickness, i ordered it from Aliexpress which they have it at about max or 2.15mm, but never mind, i can test all kind of thickness and hardness, part of practice and testing journey, but i still try to think about a blade all wood only for it and use it for defensive, mimic another defensive setup i am doing, i will use Neptune LP OX for BH, so i have to carefully choose the blade to suit both rubbers, i will look at both options you mentioned, thank you very much 😊👍

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