Following on from the Alternatives to 05 thread, I am keen to know which rubbers players may consider decidedly superior to it and why?.
I suppose it depends on how you define "superior". I think what you mean is something like "possessing higher absolute performance potential."
If that's the case then I don't know the answer (though I'm sure Yogi is right in his response, I just don't know those rubbers).
On the other hand, if by "superior" you mean something like "will better enable most players to perform to the maximum of their current skill level" then I'd say Nittaku Fastarc G-1. In my opinion Fastarc G-1 offers about 85-90% of the absolute performance potential of T-05 and is easier to control. Most non-elite players, I think, would probably play better with G-1 than with T-05. Thus, in that sense, I'd say G-1 is a superior rubber.
But I know that's not what you meant 😉!
Depends on the user but newer rubbers such as Xiom Omega 7 China Ying, Xiom Omega 7 I-Select and the boosted H3 37 are superior..
Now I am curious. What exactly Omega VII I-Select is and where did you see it?
Hands down this one.Following on from the Alternatives to 05 thread, I am keen to know which rubbers players may consider decidedly superior to it and why?.
Some people are suffering from a total void of ability to control a ball... To them feel does not matter...A question I have asked many times over the years, and that NO ONE has answered, is "what can T05 do that other rubbers can't?"
So many talk about feel but it has already been established that by the time you feel anything the ball is long gone. So why does feel really matter?
There are so many opinions but no one has facts.
Butterfly's marketing is much better than their rubbers.
Now I am curious. What exactly Omega VII I-Select is and where did you see it?
Not only have seen it but also have used it since 2019. You can find it in the Xiom Catalogue. It is the most expensive commercial rubber.
Strange enough but I can't see such a rubber in the catalogue. Is it one of the regional rubbers they have listed ?
It's not regional. Try searching for it in the 2021 New equipment thread. I think i. Posted it there last April.