Why does this happen when gluing?

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Nov 2021
hi guys. i’ve tried two glues, haifu and dhs15 but somehow this problem still persists. gluing rubber is easy peasy but the blade, the glue always clumps up. am i not using enough? using too much? i’m using sponges provided with the glue, and gluing at a place that has no ventilation and no wind.
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Nov 2021

1) is your blade initially clean without small pieces of an old glue?
2) Is it immediately with clumps or it takes you some time for them to appear? Maybe you are not doing this fast enough?

i clean my blade well and made sure there’s no old glue.
clumps appear 5 seconds into swiping the glue. often i didn’t even have enough time to cover all areas before it starts clumping up.

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It sounds like you're using too small amount of glue, or perhaps the glue is a bit old, drying up directly?
I had problems with Stigas Attach Power Glue that had not been used for some months, and not too much left in the package. That didn't go so well.
Now I'm using Revolution No 3 Normal viscosity (thinnest). It works really good.

Also if you glue several layers, see to that you wait until the previous layer is totally dry before starting with the next one. Else it will be not so good :)
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Another few probabilities:-
1) Make sure to shake the glue solution well before pouring
2) Use new sponges and try not to recycle as used sponges may still have the previous glue residues
3) ASEAN weather tends to be much hotter than other parts of the world, thus even without wind or ventilation, the heat from the environment is sufficient to cause the glue to dry up faster. For the same reason, i tend to do this during night time when the weather is much cooler.
4) Having sufficient glue to spread to the whole blade. When poured too thinly and couple with the hotter weather, glue tends to dry faster.
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Active Member
Jul 2017
I would also guess either old glue or glue that has been stored badly (either too cold or too hot for example when staying in a car for a too long time).

I don't think the brand is the issue here.
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
I think it would be best if you posted a video of yourself gluing. Maybe from a few different angles. Then we would really have a better idea of the direction to guide you. 😉

Totally agree !
I could not actually visualize how a glue that is smooth out of the bottle could "CLUMP" the moment it hits a blade surface.
If it would simply be a matter of the blade being too warm, there would be no reason why not to but it in the fridge for 10 minutes before applying the glue.

C/mon, show us the CLUMPING 😂

says Table Tennis - the sport for life.
says Table Tennis - the sport for life.
Jan 2013
Some blades have outer plies made of very porous wood, which can absorb the water in the glue very quickly, which gives you very little time to spread the glue. The solution is to seal the blade, which will slow down (or stop in the case of polyurethane sealers) the absorption of the water in your glue. I wish manufacturers would just seal all their blades, but currently many blades are not sealed.