Why I’ve been gone

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Hello wonderful people!
I’ve been absent from the forum for a while, mostly because high school life is REALLY busy, and quite stressful. Everyone is doing an “arms race” to maliciously one up someone else in studies. Paired with the much harder curriculum, it adds up to a lot of stress.
I am in an international division. This means I have to learn all the Chinese curriculum classes, pass the graduation certification exam (not Gao Kao), as well as get 115+ on Toefl, 1550+ on SATs, 3-5 AP classes (full marks), and a lot of competitions like Biology Olympiades or American debate. I want to apply for a biology major, so I have to complete 1-3 college graduate level original scientific research (experiment+ published paper). When everything is ready, I will write my applications.
But the important thing is, if all goes well, I will see you guys in America in about 3 years!
I still occasionally play TT, and I might post some videos during vacations. But I might not be here that often anymore. I’d like to thank you all for acquainting me through my middle school years!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2019
Read 2 reviews
Keep it up, high school isn’t about the sprint at the beginning, everyone is still feeling fresh to the new environment, it’s easy to do well in the first semester, the hard part is staying focused for the entire three years. But at the same time, don’t forget you have a life outside of school, nothing more depressing when you finally graduate and realize that all you’ve done for three years is school work.
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Apr 2022
Nice! With your english level, Toefl should be no problem, +1550 on the new SAT should be no problem too (don't mess with unofficial prep books, just do the tests in the official prep book and get a good nights sleep). In American high school, my favorite AP classes were BC Calc and Physics C Electricity & Magnetism. For those classes, I was lucky to have some great teachers.

Are you going to take AP chinese for an easy 5? 😁
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Nice! With your english level, Toefl should be no problem, +1550 on the new SAT should be no problem too (don't mess with unofficial prep books, just do the tests in the official prep book and get a good nights sleep). In American high school, my favorite AP classes were BC Calc and Physics C Electricity & Magnetism. For those classes, I was lucky to have some great teachers.

Are you going to take AP chinese for an easy 5?

Toefl 117 first try with no prep FTW!
Thanks for the advice on the SATs, and I’ll be sure to check out the AP classes you mentioned. AP Chinese is of little value to me, so as of now I’m not planning to take it.😁

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Apr 2022

Toefl 117 first try with no prep FTW!
Thanks for the advice on the SATs, and I’ll be sure to check out the AP classes you mentioned. AP Chinese is of little value to me, so as of now I’m not planning to take it.😁

Awesome. Yeah, there is no educational benefit for you taking AP Chinese, but it does help you pad your "AP stats' for bragging rights 😏. Every 5 counts. Just kidding!

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