WTT Cup Finals overdelivered???
I absolutely want WTT to succeed (more money for players, large audience, etc), but if success is lowering their standards and declaring victory, that's not progress imho. WTT Cup Final replaces World Tour Grand Finals which in the past had more money ($1 million vs $600K prize pool) and my recollection was the WTGF had greater audience and excitement. Even the picture used in the link above, the audience is sparse, And from what I can tell from YouTube highlights, even the finals looks like mostly empty seats.
I actually think despite 1st day gremlins, the 2021 WTTC was a success as I didn't think they'd get as a large of an audience as they did for table tennis in the United States. So I was pleasantly surprised by that.
But the 2021 WTT Cup Finals was mostly a disappointment imho.