XIOM C55 Impressions and Comparison with H3N

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Jan 2022
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Update :

- It has extremely little stickyness, 09c is much more sticky ( and I use chinese rubbers for a while and clean them with distilled water and dry with hairdryer before putting protective sheet , to make it as sticky as possible )
-Still Heavy, moved back to h3 37 boosted, and reduced 6 grams on my blade.
-Brushing does not work very well, you need to engage rubber more european style than chinese style , if you brush it will either slip or give a slow loop which will get smashed on higher level.
-Very affected by humidy, more than hurricane I would say, you have to wipe it with your hand or something each point.
-I swear I played with Xiom Omega 7 pro and the loops with this rubber feels very similar, as if they changed 5%.

Overall Conclusion:
-a good forehand rubber , good with xiom blades, bad for backhand, bad for w968 (on backhand)
-Not a replacement for h3 neo
-Rakza Z or new Rakza Rising Dragon might be better choise for those looking to get into chinese-style rubbers.
-Xiom really good at marketing.

I will put it on a harder blade and test again sometime after tournament season, I might like it, but not on this setup...
Strange - ive used D09C a lot and none of my sheets are anywhere near as tacky as my C55 sheets.

Brushing works well for me with C55, similar to H3.

it’s still the best alternative to boosted H3 for me.
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Nov 2020
So this is my C55 after 5 weeks, cca 40 hours. Changing tomorrow back to Rxton 9 40,5.

It is a very very good rubber, but the durability is not optimal for hOBby player ;-)


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Apr 2013
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So this is my C55 after 5 weeks, cca 40 hours. Changing tomorrow back to Rxton 9 40,5.

It is a very very good rubber, but the durability is not optimal for hOBby player ;-)
Did you actually notice a big drop in performance?

I know someone that used Glayzer 09C for 6 months and it looked awful, but it was still tacky and played well.
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Nov 2020
Did you actually notice a big drop in performance?

I know someone that used Glayzer 09C for 6 months and it looked awful, but it was still tacky and played well.

I wouldn't say the drop is big, but it feels noticeable now. It's like it grabs the ball less. I wouldn't care that much in exchanges, where you use more power, but it's not right in openings, especially slower openings. If it were off season, I'd happily play with it for another 5 weeks, but now I want my setup to be in top condition. It is also a psychological thingee ;-) Also, my BH rubber (which coincidentally I'm going to swap now too), looks so much better, and it is used for 3-4 times longer time.
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Nov 2020
I've been thinking of giving Rxton 9 a go, but have been discouraged by reports of inconsistent quality. Is there a supplier you've found reliable?

So far I bought it in "Global Sports Store" on Aliexpress, except the last one, which I glued today - that one I got from my friend, but I don't know where he ordered it. All 3 samples I had were/are OK.

I played last season (2023/24) with the 2 samples (1 for 3 months, each reboosted after cca 6 weeks). Off season I tried couple of other rubbers, now going back to it.

Will see how it goes, now I think its also possible I'd go back to H3 BS prov. And off season - that is far away - but speaking about plans ;-) ... there is a player, he trains with me, he's really better player, and he always turns the head in disbelief, we argue about using chinese rubbers every other day ... he wants me to play with tenergy or dignics ;-) His arguments start to drill a hole in my head, but I love the chinese sponge response feeling...
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Nov 2020
Guys, I'm pretty much spamming between D09C and H3 blue sponge for my whole career. So this C55 i just ordered should perform like what?
One noticeable change i made when switching is that when i use d09c i closed my paddle more after hitting and go forward more.

Opinions will and do differ ;-) For me C55 is closer to H3 BS, than to D09C, because of the response, I think people call it power curve... If we would consider just the tackiness, then yes, it would be closer to D09C... Let us know how you see/feel it when you have it...
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Oct 2020
So far I bought it in "Global Sports Store" on Aliexpress ...

... I love the chinese sponge response feeling...

Thanks Latej, I think I'll give it a try.

I know what you mean about the Chinese feeling. I've been using H3 Neo Prov. BS, unboosted, and it's great! From time to time I have a knock with someone else's bat with some ESN rubber and, though they're fine, the balance of the H3 just gives me much more confidence.

I haven't tried Dignics 09c, though. Maybe one day I'll try it, but at that price ...
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Mar 2013
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I've had more sessions with it now. Comparisons aside - it's a really good rubber, offering a great combination of drive power and spin on brushy shots. It feels direct at times - it's still a hard rubber and there isn't loads of low-end catapult. It gives it a tight feel overall, which does remind me of a heavily boosted chinese rubber where the topsheet is very stretched (and some of the tack has been lost). But it also reminds me a lot of the hard-sponged ESN fare (e.g. Rasanter R52), but without some of the downsides of those rubbers. You can play the really sharp drives that R52 gives you (with slightly lower speed), flat hit well, but have massive spin on brush loops. The only obvious issue I'm having at the moment is judging short FH pushes, needs some work from me.

Durability is still a question mark. My sheet looks pretty beaten up already, but still plays really nicely. I'll try to ignore the visuals and focus on what's going on at the table.
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Nov 2020
Thanks Latej, I think I'll give it a try.

I know what you mean about the Chinese feeling. I've been using H3 Neo Prov. BS, unboosted, and it's great! From time to time I have a knock with someone else's bat with some ESN rubber and, though they're fine, the balance of the H3 just gives me much more confidence.

My setup is now 200g, and with C55+O7P I think it was 196g, so I think Rxton 9 is 3g heavier than C55. H3 BS is know for being light-weight... But I believe you'll like the Rxton 9 too...

I haven't tried Dignics 09c, though. Maybe one day I'll try it, but at that price ...

Yes, that were my thoughts too, but my exp. with C55 tells me that it indeed is cca 1,5x more expensive than D09C. On the other hand Rxton 9 is 4x less expensive than D09C, so why not ;-)
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Thanks Latej, I think I'll give it a try.

I know what you mean about the Chinese feeling. I've been using H3 Neo Prov. BS, unboosted, and it's great! From time to time I have a knock with someone else's bat with some ESN rubber and, though they're fine, the balance of the H3 just gives me much more confidence.

I haven't tried Dignics 09c, though. Maybe one day I'll try it, but at that price ...
Here in Germany the H3 prov blue is the same price as D09c
My Sheet doesn't look as beat up as some after 2 months of play 8 to 10 hours a week !! Showing signs of ware in the middle no tack at all now 😭 but extremely Spinny on my F. H loops, it's nowhere near as fast as Rakza XX another rubber that is greatly under appreciated . I'm really enjoying playing with C55
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Jan 2022
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Still liking my sheets very much - probably more now than when I started. I am putting a new sheet of H3 BS 40 on a blade next week to try and make some more meaningful comparisons and make a call as to which I play - right now it's a tough call. C55 is, for me, much better than D09c and feels more like H3 than any of the hard hybrids I have used like K3 / C53 / Dragon grip / Stage Hybrid XH.

Wear is visible on this, the older sheet (2 months x 10h week) but no performance drop off I can feel.

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