Xiom Jekyll & Hyde Rubbers

Xiom Jekyll & Hyde

47.5 V
Weight: 70 grams uncut
Speed: off++
Spin: Very high

47.5 X
Weight: 68 grams uncut
Speed: off+
Spin: Very high














The Jekyll & Hyde series rubbers are the newest addition to the Xiom line this year. I believe this is the newest generation among ESN rubbers in the market today. There are lots of variants for the Jekyll & Series and to be honest it took me a while to fully review all rubbers since I have both 2.1mm and max thickness rubbers of each variant. I think I have a total of 2 dozen+ rubbers received. The Jekyll & Hyde rubbers have quite a strange name for the series. Believe me, I was surprised when Xiom choose the name since it is quite far from the usual nomenclature for their rubbers which are mostly taken from the Greek alphabet. I tested the 47.5 X and V versions with the TMXi and Hugo HAL among other blades that I usually use. Let me just say that some of the ratings that XIom is showing, I will not agree. I do not agree that the Jekyll & Hyde rubbers are faster than some of the Omega VII rubbers especially the Hyper and Tour versions. What I have experienced is different. Based on my opinion, Xiom has designed rubbers specific for specific type of play. The Jekyll & Hyde series has more variants compared to the Omega series. It is not just developing rubbers that are faster and spinnier but for Xiom’s design time, they opted to have rubbers that fairly easy to use compared to the Omega 7 rubbers that have released before.

Both the J&H 47 X and V versions are offensive rubbers. These are fast rubbers and to a certain degree, both the X and V versions are both faster than the Omega 7 Pro and Euro rubbers. They seem to have the same technology and sponge but rather differ in the design. I would rate the J&H V version to be faster than the X. You can feel the difference in speed if you use both in the same blade. Since the grip of the rubbers are more on the grippy and not tacky side, I choose to have the topspin shots that engage more of the sponge. By compressing more of the sponge, you will appreciate the speed of both 47.5 J&H variants. Coincidentally, up to a certain amount of sponge compression, the 47.5 rubbers are easier to increase or pick up speed compared to their harder variants. I also think the longer pip structure of the 47.5 X and V rubbers greatly help with the speed. I would put the speed of the 47.5 both versions to be slightly faster than the Evolution MX-P rubber. The 47.5 V is both better than the 47.5 X in terms of active blocking and smashing due to having less spin sensitivity. The 47.5X on the other hand is much better on spin drives and counter topspins. Both the 47.5 variants have the least spin sensitivity among all other J&H rubbers.

The J&H 47.5 X version is the spinnier one between the 2 variants. The topsheet is very grippy but it is not tacky at all. Most of the proper spin generation for both rubbers is that the sponge compression is needed instead of thinly brushing the ball. The topsheet having longer pip structure compared to other J&H variants, helps the ball sink more and also let the topsheet increase the surface area of the ball being grabbed by both topsheet and sponge. The arc of the 47.5 X is more profound compared to the 47.5 V and if you need more room for error in clearing the net, the 47.5 X is the rubber you need to choose to loop better. The lower arc of the 47.5 V is better for players who have opted for a low and sharp arc loop.

For short strokes, I have not noticed much the difference. For pushes for example, both seem to be equally spinny only that the 47.5V is somewhat a little faster. For drop shots, both are almost the same. I would recommend both 47.5 variants as a great replacement with the MX-P since the topsheet looks more durable and with the improved sponge technology and booster used, especially the 47.5 X, players who are looking for a medium-hard rubber will like both rubbers. If I were to choose which should be the forehand and backhand rubber, I guess the 47.5 X for the forehand and 47.5 V for the backhand.

Xiom Jekyll & Hyde 52.5 X, V and Z versions

52.5 V version
Weight: 69 grams uncut
Speed: off++
Spin: extremely high

52.5 H version
Weight: 70 grams uncut
Speed: Off+
Spin: Extremely High

52.5 Z version
Weight: 72 grams uncut
Speed: Off++
Spin: Extremely high














The Jekyll & Hyde 52.5 Series rubbers are considered the high-performance rubbers in the series. It would be hard to generalize the explanation of these rubbers but to simplify their designs would give an understanding on the specific type of plays and players each of the rubbers are intended for. In my opinion, Xiom went beyond just simply giving different kinds of hardness on sponges for players to choose from because it is already a common practice among ESN-produced rubbers but they took a step further by designing rubbers that are specific to strokes or types of ball contact that a certain player has. With these rubbers, you can, choose which variant of the J&H rubber would be good for you.

The topsheets of the Z, V and H variants are slightly tacky. I cannot consider them as totally grippy because they would stick to the plastic covers easily unlike the regular Xiom Omega VII Pro or Europe versions. The are all covered by a wax paper-like material for dust protection when you open the packaging. The topsheets are very durable as I have been playing with them for a month now and they are very durable in a way where the topsheet eroding is not that evident. Not only I play with these rubbers I use them to feed multiball drills just to test them for durability. I would say the 52.5 Jekyll & Hyde topsheets seem more durable compared to the Omega VII series. The Omega 7 rubbers are very durable do not get me wrong, but the J&H rubbers seem to have a longer lifespan in the topsheets.
So, what are the differences that I have observed during my tests on these rubbers? The H version seem to be the spinniest if you are concentrated on just pure looping either late or peak contact. The H version has the most tack but still less compared to the tackiness that a National H3 rubber has. If you compare the tackiness of the 52.5H with the Omega 7 Guang or Ying, the Omega 7 C Guang and Ying still has more tack. The V 52.5 version has the least amount of tacky though it still can be considered as slightly tacky and not just grippy. The Z version is only slightly less tacky than the H version. All 3 are spinnier than Tenergy 05. I can feel like I am using almost a Chinese rubber when looping or doing spinny pushes.

Overall performance of each rubber including speed, the V version is the fastest among the 3 52.5 variants while the H is the slowest and Z version seem to be in between. Although the Z version and the H version have the same speed rating according to Xiom, the Z version seem to have a little bit more in speed. I am biased towards the H version because the arc is more profound compared to the Z version and V version. V version has the lowest arc but the fastest in terms of speed. The H version is easier to use if you will be asking me and that is the reason why I like it very much. The Z version was made for higher level players. Although the H version is designed to be the spinniest, in terms of combination of power and spin, my money is on the Z version. The Z version was designed to be like a less tacky Hurricane 3 National version but has more speed and sponge response. The Z version when being used with stronger sponge compression, i.e., hitting through the sponge more due to stronger swings, the Z version can outperform the V and H versions with the combination of power and spin it can produce. The Z version although less spinnier than H version has the most kick when the ball lands into the table after you hit with a heavy topspin. In terms of blocking and spin sensitivity, the V version is the best among the 3 and with the H performing the least in this department. I would attribute the slightly longer pip structure of the V version for its extra kick. The Z and H versions have a shorter pip structure but somewhat have a thicker upper topsheet part. I think this design gives them better ability in brushing the ball during topspins and push chops and to some extend doing spinny serves.

As what I have discussed, the Z version is better for advanced players. It was not designed to be the fastest but for advanced players who can hit more and stronger, only this rubber can be fully utilized. I think it was designed to have a stronger effect if the player has better control when using full swings at higher levels of play. The performance of the Z version is on its balance of speed and spin. These 2 factors are in my opinion the 2 variables that companies have a hard time developing. You can develop very spinny and tacky rubbers that are spinnier than Hurricane 3 rubbers but it will cost you in the speed department. You can develop very grippy rubbers but in modern times, if you want an extra amount of spin, tackiness can add to that spin a bit more. Speed can easily be produced because it is less tricky to produce fast and very bouncy sponges but then again, speed is not everything and you would need it to balance with the ability to spin the ball the moment it touches the surface of the topsheet. The V version for me is better for players who hits more and do spin drive more than loops. Although it is already very spinny, I think it is much better to drive and smash with it. If you spin more, loop more and not a top- level player, the H version is more than enough. It has the spin and speed that an advanced player needs. If you are more into slower but spinny loops, the H version is the rubber for you. The H version is the rubber for any spinny shot inside or outside the table. Whether it is for late contact loops or for drop shots, the H version does that for you.

Jekyll & Hyde 50X
Weight: 70 grams uncut
Speed: Off+
Spin: Extremely High






To be honest this is my most favorite Jekyll & Hyde rubbers. It is easily controllable despite being fast and spinny. At first, I was a bit confused with the design of the 50X. It is the slowest among the J&H rubbers (this rubber is still fast compared to many rubbers) and also not the spinniest but the more you use it, it grows on you more and it is easier to produce spinny shots and power shots with the 50X. I think for most of the players I have given this rubber to or people who have tried it, all of them were really impressed by the spin and at the same time they all mentioned that it was easier to use than Tenergy 05 or 05fx. Despite having a 50-degree sponge hardness, there some sort of softness due to the combination of the topsheet and sponge that let the ball sinks into rubber easily. It is slightly tacky but the spin generation for the Jekyll & Hyde 50X is more suited to a sponge compression + brushing to produce a heavy amount of spin. It has this characteristic during loop that the ball suddenly springs into action that the moment you compress and brush it in the sponge, the ball speed kicks in and it has this very spinny kick when it lands on the table. If compared to other rubbers, it has less sharpness in angle due to a more profound medium arc.

It would say the sponge and playing characteristic of the J&H 50X borrows some sponge bounciness from the 47.5 X version but offers more spin due to its slightly tacky surface. The speed is fast but it is not faster than the 47.5V version which on a certain amount of compression is the fastest among the series. I would say the 50X is slightly faster than the Omega 7 Asia. People would think that the O7 Asia is fast but it has this sponge that is not as reactive compared to the Guang or O7 Tour making the Omega 7 Asia more controllable. It acts more like a hybrid rubber that is very springy and at the same time spinny. I think the control and accuracy of the 50X is the best among the J&H variants and I wonder if it will have the H and Z versions, I think it will be much more awesome. Up to this point, these are the only versions of the J&H rubbers but no C version or H version for the 50 and no Z or C version for the 47.5 variants. The C version and V version are the ones missing in the 52.5-degree version but I think the V version is not needed anymore since they have the X version already. Why the 50X has no V version yet? I can only speculate that when you have harder rubbers on 50 degrees hardness and above, there are balancing acts that you would have to make like not neglecting the spin, either you make the topsheet very grippy and somewhat soft to make the ball sink easier and then have the topsheet and sponge wrap around the ball better or make the topsheet a little tacky. I can guarantee most tenergy users here whether you are using the FX or regular 05 version, the 50X is much spinnier and has more kick into it with the sponge. Whether we admit it or not, the Tenergy 05 rubbers lost some amount of spin when the ball changed over to 40+ poly. Nowadays there are lost of Euro rubbers that you can considere to be spinnier than Tenergy 05. Yes, you might say it is still the spinniest for you but that is because you have used that for a long time and you are already accustomed to it but there are new rubbers today that has better and easier playing characteristics.

As I end this review, it is my opinion that the rubbers of today have reached a somewhat plateau in terms of spin generation because the improvement in the spin department seem not that much. I am mostly pointing out to Euro and Japan rubbers. Each company would just have to finely tune their rubber designs to get the most spin improvement while maintaining the speed. The Chinese rubbers have the best spin but the sponges heavily dependent on tuners. Maybe due to keeping the prices lower, the Chinese companies do not produce super-fast sponges. You will see companies like Xiom to further improve the present rubbers that even a small percentage of increase would already be good. To put it on a much simpler explanation, it is like a car in formula 1. There are restrictions on the engine and other specs and you would have to fine tune everything to have just even 1% increase in performance, that would already be great.
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Thank you Yogi for the splendid review. I have a few questions if you don't mind answering :)
1. I use Tenergy 05 on forehand and wanted to know which variant is the closest in terms of feeling.
2. I use Dignics 05 on backhand and wanted to know which variant is the closest in terms of feeling.
3. Where can one buy the different variants? In the US, I only see that the V version is available and X if I'm lucky.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
J&H stock only just been released the past couple of weeks
Stock supply is healthy, it will just take some time for it to filter through to all parts of the world.
I suggest you can check with your local sellers on when they are getting stock (and if they will stock every variant)

The only supply issue is X47.5 in Magenta (pink), there is stock of V47.5 Magenta.
The other models in Max and 2.1mm is available from Xiom HQ for ordering.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
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V is the cheaper version, same price with H
X is a bit more expensive while Z is very expensive.

Maybe people are first topping up with V.
That's what I am seeing in a few countries - including what I'm doing in South Africa
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
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looks like they release it later,hopefully.
But who knows,lot of rubbers who don´t hit the european market sadly.
Yeah they are listed a long time ago,but only the V version hit the german market till now.

These rubbers are only recently available.
My stock is only landing next week (of V and H) - I ordered a bit late, but we talking about early birds is only May. Most only got it in June.

I had a quick google - some stores around the world have ordered X

I think you need to ask your reseller when they are ordering X
And maybe enough "questions" to them, they will order it a lot sooner.

It is not uncommon that resellers choose not to stock everything there is to offer.
But with demand, things could change.

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Active Member
Jan 2022
yeah that would be an option,but i ordered the recently released Joola Fire,also a bit cheaper than the Xioms.
But you guys can write,how things go with the rubber,maybe later this Year all variants are in Stock.
Hf with the new Xioms!
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I've got the chance to play with the Jekylls for over a week and here are my findings.

The V47.5 (Magenta Max) feels similar to a Tenergy 05. The ball digs into the sponge and releases with a fast and spinny shot. Topspins have a medium arc, not as high as Tenergy 05. The speed feels about the same as T05 but the V47.5 definitely wins in the spin department. The V47.5 is less sensitive to spin giving it much more control then the T05. I don't know how they managed to make it spinnier and less sensitive to spin but that is the truth. As for the durability of the rubber, it is hard to judge early as it has been almost 2 weeks but the rubber is not chipping at all. There are no marks or wear and tear.

I've also used the V52.5 and it is very similar to the V47.5. Slightly faster and more direct due to the harder sponge hardness, and also a tad spinnier.

The Z52.5 is also quiet remarkable! I can compare it to the Dignics 05. I will start of by saying the Z52.5 is slightly softer then D05 meaning it is easier to use. However, the speed feels about the same because the rubber catapults more off of the Z52.5. The spin is also about the same as D05. I can not comment about the durability at this time but again, no sign of wear and tear and is not chipping at all. By the way, the Z52.5 is slightly tacky whereas the V version is grippy. The Z52.5 definitely has more control then D05 and is easier to use.

Overall, I am really impressed with these rubbers.
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Apr 2021
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I've been playing with V47.5 as RPB for 3 days and think it's great rubber. Very similar to MXP but crispier, you have to hit harder for the ball to enter the sponge, to make a low and sharp spinny loop which is lethal. Also blocking is great, it's not spin sensitive much, due to the low arc and hard sponge.