Xiom Jekyll & Hyde Rubbers

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Jan 2022

Any new testers out there,i play the V 47.5 but only have 2 Taining sessions in. I think the new series is pretty awesome,but just ground charakteritik wise,for more nuance i have to test them more. But after the dissapontment (peronally) of the Rhyzen Fire,i am pleasantly surprised about the V47.5
especially the linearity and short-short was pretty awesome.

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May 2022
Has anyone else played with the H variant?

Is it actually tacky/sticky?

I've tried out H52.5 on TMXi pro. It is not as sticky as it claims to be. In terms of stickiness, it is similar to Dignics 09c, less sticky than Tau 2, and nothing compared to classic sticky rubbers such as H3 or Victas TD. However I kind of like this new rubber.

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Nov 2021

Есть новые тестировщики, я играю на V 47.5, но у меня есть только 2 сеанса обучения. Я думаю, что новая серия довольно потрясающая, но просто с точки зрения характеристик, для большего количества нюансов я должен протестировать их подробнее. Но после разочарования (в целом) Rhyzen Fire я приятно удивлен V47.5
, особенно линейностью и коротким замыканием - короткое замыкание было довольно потрясающим.

please tell us about joola rhyzen fire, what it looks like, why didn't you like it?

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May 2022

H52.5 feels dead, V52.5 is much more alive if I were to choose

I would say these two are totally different rubbers. H52.5 is a forehand rubber with a slightly sticky topsheet. The performance is better than tau2 if you get used to it. I recently used V52.5 and Victas V>22 DE (hardness 50.0) on an Andro Synteliac ZCO. With these two on the same blade, I prefer using V52.5 as a backhand rubber. Excellent blocking and counterattack.

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I just stumbled into this thread.

I liked to play the V47.5 on my BH. But one day I had to take it off from my DHS 301X and a big mess came up. When I started to take of the old glue (Revolut 3), it damaged the sponge hardly. Finally, the sponge was something like “dark side of the moon” 🤬. No longer playable.

Anybody out there with the same experience?


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Jun 2023
I just stumbled into this thread.

I liked to play the V47.5 on my BH. But one day I had to take it off from my DHS 301X and a big mess came up. When I started to take of the old glue (Revolut 3), it damaged the sponge hardly. Finally, the sponge was something like “dark side of the moon” 🤬. No longer playable.

Anybody out there with the same experience?
Rev glue did that to my mxd also. That's not the rubber and sponge issue, the glue cause the damage.
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May 2023
Thanks @yogi_bear , what an awesome and detailed review!!
I am currenly using Evolution MX-S on my backhand, and it taught me to brush more and go for controlled looping which definietly improved my technique and footwork. I also tried out h3 neo 39 on the backhand (just flipped my racket), definetly a bit too slow but I was really safe on pushes and open ups and it was spinny for sure!

I am curious about trying out omega 7 asia, J&H X50, J&H H52.5 and would like to ask which ones would fit coming from evolution MX-S.
Thank you
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Jun 2024
Hey guys,

I started testing the J&H 47.5V on the backhand of my TMXi pro and liked the first impressions, approximately 9 hours trainnig and gameplay.
I noticed that the topsheet is dense, it seems quite resistant. It offers a low arc that requires angle adaptations and goes very well with flat hits.

Really liking it so far, let's see what it can bring in the next 50 hours at the table.