Yinhe blade equivalents

says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
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I own a Yinhe W6 that I bought less than one year ago for 17 € at Aliexpress.
I recently wanted to buy another unit and noticed that most reputable sellers are selling it for about 45-50 €.
I have also noticed that the prices of other Yinhe blades have gone up a lot.
I wonder if the prices we see in different places are the same and if these price increases may be due to the new import laws in Europe.

I jumped onto AliExpress and man, you're right. There is one supplier selling it for $17USD, and everyone else for $40. I think that one supplier didn't get the memo.

If you look, you may be able to find one or two selling it for ~20$

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says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
Yinhe Pro 5W is similar to Yasaka Ma Lin Extra Offensive (5-ply, walnut/spruce/.../spruce/walnut)
Yinhe Purple Dragon 437 is similar to Stiga Clipper (Note 437s is a little slower than 437)
Yinhe Purple Dragon 537 is like 437 but has walnut instead of limba top layer
Yinhe E3 is the standard 5-ply with limba/spruce/ayous/spruce/limba
Yinhe W6 is 5-ply aneigre/ayous/ayous/ayous/aneigre, very nice blade, recently on sale at Aliexpress for $18 !!
See http://www.princett.com/EN/USD/category-7/page-Galaxy-Yinhe-Milky-Way.html for other blades.
Thanks ejprinz,

Duly noted! : )

I totally should have thought to look at Prince TT to try to find more detailed specs on the many Yinhe blades since Yinhe's website provides very little info!

Man, Yinhe seriously has so many blade variations lol.

says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
Hi Thomas,

These may not have the exact same composition or look-n-feel, but offer similar playing characteristics .
  • Yinhe T-1 = Butterfly Schlager Carbon
  • Yinhe T-2 = Butterfly Primorac Carbon
  • Sanwei King of Carbon Blue (did I get the name right ?) is supposed to be similar to Timo Boll Spirit
Also check-out this chinese brand called Stuor ... Some of their blades look like exact replicas of some BTY blades..
Thanks FFM !

says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016

I briefly tried Yinhe E4 (supposedly, a Violin clone). The blade is well made. FL handle is very comfortable. The blade is ~5.5mm and is good for looping due to its flexibility. At the same time it has enough rigidity for blocking, which I found somewhat surprising in such a thin all-wood blade. I did not feel any strange vibrations confirming the solid quality of the construction. It is not a fast blade.

Thanks Dream!

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This user has no status.
Feb 2020
Hi Ktandean,

What is outer wood of Yinhe 970xx ALC. Limba outer or Koto outer ?

Thank you for your kind reply.
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This user has no status.
Apr 2021
Hey, side note, how do you like the Palio AK-47 Red? Have you also tried the Yellow, Blue and the harder HK 1997 Gold?

They are a series of rubbers I often recommend to beginners or players that don't want to break the bank!

I have the AK47s red and blue on both a Sanwei Fextra 7 and on a Yinhe V-14 Pro. They are very playable rubbers, not very spinny but not too sensitive to spin either. The red is a good forehand rubber although the serve is not the best IMO. Blue is a good inexpensive backhand rubber. I prefer them on the Fextra.
On the V-14 Pro they are playable but this blade with Xiom Vega Pro is a different beast. (I am not using neither of these blades now)

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This user has no status.
Dec 2020
Read 3 reviews
Ah thanks MK! How have you been?

I don't know if I'll be back too much but I'll try. Just moved back to the US from France so it's been hectic between the move, looking for jobs, settling back and fitting in some pong of course! : )

Everything is ok so far. Second half of the season of our local league has been postponed because of Omicron, but we are still allowed to train. So plenty of time to test some equipment. 😂 Hope your settling back works out fine! Do try to post from time to time!

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