Recent content by Dominikk85

  1. How does the German League do it?

    Is it that a lot? I think the bundesliga has a few hundred spectators on average, Borussia is probably towards the higher end. Found this. Düsseldorf averages around 1000 people but the lower Clubs only 200-400. I do not quite understand how the...
  2. Felix Lebrun then and now vs Harimoto

    The lebruns are just extremely competitive. Even when they face each other there seems to be some bad blood almost.
  3. Felix Lebrun then and now vs Harimoto

    He can already beat most players including many Chinese but wcq absolutely has his number and fzd also is still stronger. Can he still improve enough?
  4. Was it a mistake? Should Franziska have been picked for the Olympics?

    His club Saarbrücken was really pissed about the decision. There have been some allegations in the past against the German table tennis federation that it was too close to the Borussia Düsseldorf Club. I think one of the bosses on Borussia is also a high ranked executive in the DTTB, but not...
  5. Ma Long will not play 2024 Olympic singles

    Sucks for him but WCQ clearly has been the best player the last 2 years and also dominated him head to head (I think partially due to his skill and partially due to his style and left handedness which makes it hard for ma long to use his forehand). And FZD might be slightly on decline but he...
  6. Can I bring many rackets with different setup to a tournament?

    This. Your spare racket doesn't need to be the same but you can't intentionally smash your racket to switch to long pips:). Most really good players will have an identical spare racket because they have fine tuned their game towards that setup. Many lower level players of course don't have an...
  7. why wait to dry the glue?

    I don't know exactly why it doesn't work but I assume that the water can't evaporate when you put the sheet on it wet so it never really hard and sticks.
  8. Pendelum Serve like Reverse Serve

    What do you mean with counter movement? How to return that serve? If you mean return I think easiest is to touch the left side of the ball from your perspective. I made this graphic some time ago.
  9. Brushing the ball is useless? (World champion FangBo‘s training class)

    Yeah, modern players use more fast loops but occasionally when the ball is very low they will still use a slow lifting loop. Also against choppers it helps if you can hit slow loops to alternate it with fast loops. It probably is best if you can do both.
  10. Brushing the ball is useless? (World champion FangBo‘s training class)

    I think in Germany the most common way to learn is to first learn to do flat counter hit. When you Master that you learn the slow brush loop and after some time you learn to do a fast loop (kinda in between flat hit and slow loop). Not sure if that is the most efficient way of learning it...
  11. Quadri Aruna - multiball with his daughter

    weak is probably relative. Yeah, compared to jorgic or dima his BH is relatively weak but this is when facing world class quality shots. even the "weaknesses" of pros are amazing when they face balls that just have a little less quality than pro shots. Only really good pros can expose those...
  12. How were pendulum serves returned, before the backhand Flip was more established?

    You don't need a flip, just push it back with good quality (low over the net and either short or long and with good pace). Watch some ma long matches. He does Use the flip sometimes but more often he pushes it back and it isn't always an easy point for the opponent.
  13. Is any current top player better than prime Ma Long (2015-2017)?

    Ma long was and is really insanely strong. What is interesting is that his game really isn't super "modern". He improved his BH over time but still is a very forehand oriented player who sometimes uses some tricks to cover his relative BH "weakness" (still has an amazing BH but not like FZD...
  14. Why it is hard for umpires to call hidden serves

    I saw an interview with a player who was asked about it and he said it doesn't bother him too much because he reads more the first bounce of the ball rather than the opponent motion. Can't really judge that comment though
  15. Why it is hard for umpires to call hidden serves

    Yeah I think players and ittf don't want change. You can cheat a little and punishment only comes if you are going really overboard with it. If you want to regulate it make the rule that at contact no other body part can be closer to the net than ball and bat, I.e you have to hit in front of...