Recent content by JJ Ng

  1. Choice between T05fx, rozena and T19

    I am another person who says, do not mess up with what is good! I mean, if you feel like your play is being slowed down by your rubbers, then go up to 2.1mm. I might go up to 2.1mm on Rozena first before you go up to 2.1mm on the Tenergy. Always always only make one change to your equipment...
  2. Table tennis training in China

    Taiwan is a great choice!
  3. Rubber cost

    The only Butterfly products I use are the glue and Rozena. My forehand is either H3 provincial blue sponge ($60 from Aliexpress) or Sanwei Target National ($30 from Megaspin). My backhand rubber is all ESN except Rozena. Regular prices are $35-$45. With 30% discount from TT11, they are $25-$32...
  4. DHS H3 and all versions

    That is exactly how I feel as well. When I boost the heck out of the orange sponge, it has a certain catapult effect but not too much. I have lightly boosted my blue sponge. When it is time to re-boost, I will try boosting one blue sponge sheet by quite a bit and see how it reacts. I just...
  5. Tibhar MX-D vs. Stiga DNA Hybrid (or Platinum) M or H?

    The evolutions series from Tibhar, MX-D included, are known to be very bouncy and catapulty.
  6. DHS H3 and all versions

    I don't know how you play but you should give blue sponge a try (and blue sponge is only available from provincial level and up). I feel that orange sponge, when boosted the heck out of it, it has this springy, ESN tensor-type of feel to it but yet it is not tensor. That's why some people...
  7. Donic Original True Carbon differences in production?

    I think you should watch the video of Timo Boll gluing his rubber. I think he literally weigh all the rubbers sent to him by Butterfly and choose the one he likes. He also weighs different blades sent to him by Butterfly and pick the blades he likes. I think he also discussed how he likes to use...
  8. DHS H3 and all versions

    I agree completely. Personally, I have used H3 commercial orange sponge 39 degrees for 5+ years. Three months ago, upgraded to H3 neo blue sponge 39 degree. And I am done. In between I got seduced into buying a sheet of H3 national orange sponge. I did not feel that that sheet is anything...
  9. Tibhar K3 durability and alternatives

    That is why I am not tempted to use ESN hybrid rubbers. I am sticking with either H3 provincial blue sponge or Sanwei Target National on my forehand. I am not really missing out not trying K3, Dragon Grip, etc.
  10. Light BH rubber

    Nattaku Fastarc C-1 is pretty light. Good all around rubber.
  11. Changing from offense to defense: Short or long pimples?

    Ma Ling Carbon is not that fast. I think your clubmate does not understand that. It is hard enough to adapt to long pips on your backhand side so I think you should stick with a second racket that is Ma Lin Carbon with G1 on the forehand and Feint Long 3 on the backhand. Maybe you want to...
  12. Tibhar K3 durability and alternatives

    Lol, you don't want to know how much I have spent on EJ'ing. I don't want to know either. Too afraid to add up all my credit card! :) :)
  13. Changing from offense to defense: Short or long pimples?

    I like Spinfire. It definitely generates quite a bit of spin. On the forum and at my club, no one has used OX. I have purple 1.8mm and I still use it time to time to play against club players who have NO CLUE on how to play against pips, just to mess with them. I went on a journey to play...
  14. I bought a Viscaria as a begginer. Here's what it did to me and my thoughts on the subject.

    Sorry this question got buried in the forum and I never answered your question. It is the regular Ma Lin Carbon. I still have it in my house somewhere. I have not played with Ma Lin Carbon for a few years. If I recall, Stratus Powerwood was just as fast as Ma Lin Carbon. I did just check...
  15. Vega Europe versus Omega 7 Europe

    I personally have a sheet of Xiom Omega VII Euro Red 2.0 for US$36.49 from Dandoy when they had it on sales (and it is still on sales at that price; I just checked Dandoy website). I have not gotten a chance to try that yet. I am just busy wearing down the various ESN rubber I have on my...