Recent content by ViperTableTennis

  1. New racket after a break - T05 or Dignics?

    T05 was designed for the old celluloid ball. The Dignics range is designed for the new ball, so for that reason alone I would lean towards trying one of the Dignics over the T05. Or if you did want to go with a Tenergy, maybe consider the T19 which is the newest addition to the Tenergy range...
  2. Nittaku Genextion is out

    Max thickness of only 2mm? Anyone know why that is?
  3. Looking for a backhand-punch rubber

    Nittaku Goriki Kaisoku might be worth a look.
  4. Should we forgive such a serve?

    If we let people off for this sort of thing, then what's next? Before we know it we'll be turning a blind eye to players that boost their rubbers. Oh, wait a second....... :ROFLMAO:
  5. Haven't tested this one yet...

    I didn't weigh the handle separately, but its solid with no hollowing out so will be heavy as far as handles go.
  6. Haven't tested this one yet...

    It's not a jointed top ply; just the natural colour variation in the limba.
  7. Haven't tested this one yet...

    No, its not a jointed top ply. It's just the colour variation in the wood
  8. UK Table Tennis Prospects

    I make blades as a hobby. You can see the most recent one I made here: I agree with you about the brand issue. I don't expect to sell any of my blades to youngsters - they all want Butterfly! My market is older...
  9. UK Table Tennis Prospects

    This is a problem. In the modern game the most effective way to play the sport is to be an attacking two-winged looper with fast high -spin rubbers...but that isn't the most attractive of styles to watch unless you're really into the sport and know what you're looking at. It's too fast and the...
  10. UK Table Tennis Prospects

    I'm not saying there's a problem with accessing and applying to play in WTT events. I'm saying that the cost of doing so is prohibitive unless you're in a position where you can spend £1000+ per month on your child's table tennis. I'm aware of Archway and that they sent players to these...
  11. UK Table Tennis Prospects

    One "easy" fix would be to get the UK properly on the WTT circuit so that our youngsters have easier and cheaper access to international events. My daughter is highly ranked in England in her age category and should (based on her playing ability) be active on the WTT circuit, but for me to put...
  12. Why do people say LP's should be banned?

    I've not seen anything to suggest there is "overwhelming support" to get pips banned amongst the global table tennis community....and of course the membership of this forum is not representative of the global table tennis community, so even if the entirety of people posting here wanted pips...
  13. Why do people say LP's should be banned?

    What type of spin is a LP player receiving such that they can produce a topspin ball by pushing it? I used to play with LP's and to produce a topspin ball I would need to play a conventional topspin stroke...but it would only produce a topspin ball if the ball I was receiving was a backspin...
  14. Why do people say LP's should be banned?

    And there is probably a small percentage of pips players out there than have never used anything else. I myself was first introduced to the sport with what would be described as a "modern defensive" set up (inverted on FH and LP's on BH). I spent the first couple of years of my table tennis...
  15. Why do people say LP's should be banned?

    ITTF wouldn't like my price...but I'd work pro bono for the players. ;)