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  1. Any attempt to play in an competitive environment ruins this sport for me (rant)

    I've been in this situation twice now, the second one being right now actually as I'm starting league play next season again. First time was when I went from junior to senior league, this was before the ratings were introduced here. I had to start in the lowest division. And guess what, I...
  2. Any attempt to play in an competitive environment ruins this sport for me (rant)

    There is one other option: go play a few tournaments individually to build a ranking. I know a few players who don't play league, either for time constraints or just because they don't like it, but they do play tournaments
  3. What the H3LL did I get myself into this time....

    When I read the title, I thought you were hinting at boosted H3 on your 1-ply 😅
  4. Sanwei 75 inner vs DHS power g5x

    I may have had a dud, but that would have been four duds, two red two black. The top sheet was a mess, it was so unelastic I could dent it with my finger and it would stay that way for 5 seconds. Good to hear there's also working sheets of it 😅
  5. Sanwei 75 inner vs DHS power g5x

    Please, please skip Loki Rxton 1. Its quality is worse than most premades. Rxton 3 is a gigantic improvement, if you insist on a Rxton take that instead. Or Palio Ak47, or a few of the other options mentioned already.
  6. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    Do you stick rubber on more often than maybe twice before you change blades? Then yes. Plenty of blades are more fragile than that, and plenty of glues are sticking pretty aggressively hard, too.
  7. Beginner requiring help in selecting between Killerspin Jet 200 vs Killerspin Jet 800

    To answer your question, between the two, the 800 will teach you more in the long run. That being said, if you aim to get proper training, you'll find yourself quickly outgrowing the (spin!) capabilities of any pre-made bat. Even with a crappy bat, you can keep training footwork and placement...
  8. Conspiracy theory being played out vs defensive styles. Follow where the money goes?

    In amateur leagues you can often find pips players who just never change their rubber. But to get a bit of nuance, you can also find plenty of inverted players who never change their rubber. I don't think it's really a pips thing, rather just a combination of stinginess and unknowing
  9. What are some TT Problems you are having?

    I don't know if I'm missing something obvious, but I find the tournament calendar here pretty lackluster. I would like to get some play in and see what my rating would be after such a long time without competitive play. Lots of events for youth and para players but that's it.
  10. Conspiracy theory being played out vs defensive styles. Follow where the money goes?

    If you want to see more table tennis players getting defensive, accuse them of using illegal equipment 🤪
  11. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    I dreamt that my fresh Loki Rxton 3 Pro sheet was already showing scuff marks, and even missing the top sheet on the sweet spot area :eek: Funny bit, in my dream I could see the yellow sponge beneath... In reality it's blue o_O
  12. Post your latest EJ purchase

    What is the mod? I'm curious as I'm playing with 20+ more grams than my old setup and it's quite something
  13. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    Could you please get a room instead of soiling this thread? I don't want to unwatch the nice bits going on here just because of some meta discussion about other threads
  14. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    All this tacky rubber stuff makes me think - I've always felt that "Red is for forehand, black is for backhand" growing up, and TTDaily thinks so, too according to the profile thingy... Is this something Euro vs China? Did the Chinese switch to black for FH at some point?
  15. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    Roight... Back to good ol' Tee-Tee. last night I played with Rxton 3 Pro on FH which is my first "serious" attempt at tacky rubbers, and I am just over the moon. Everything felt right, top spins nice and low, killer shots go brrrrr, pushing is eeeeasy, what is this sorcery? Honestly I've always...
  16. Your favourite scissors ?

    You can always sharpen your scissors, or get them sharpened somewhere :) Also I recently moved to cutting the rubber before gluing instead, makes it a whole lot easier to cut with any scissors without worrying whether the glue will come off, the rubber will stretch on the blade or whatever.
  17. Tyce

    How much wood would a Clipper Wood clip if a Clipper Wood could clip wood?

    How much wood would a Clipper Wood clip if a Clipper Wood could clip wood?
  18. DHS hurricane neo 2 or neo 3?

    You can't possibly describe the efforts of a top player in 11 words. What does this even mean? Also, a 1% decrease in successfully landed shots, for a top player, can make a world of difference. An amateur wouldn't even notice that. Same for 1% change in spin, 1 degree lower arc, etc. So if...
  19. Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

    I have the facilities to play like 4-5 nights a week... But then again I'm married, 2 kids. How do people even combine that stuff?
  20. Im losing faith in the sport

    Chiming in mostly for mental support here. I won't go into the depths of Post-Covid and Long Covid here, because simply put, I'm not a doctor and I know nothing about your actual medical situation. I *am* experienced with getting knocked down and back up, and also with not being able to put out...