Search results

  1. Arc rubner

    Which chinese rubber with slightly tackimes (like Palio Amigo or Palio Balance) has normal arc like euro rubber? I see that Palio Amigo has low linear arc which makes bh shots to low and ended to net. Any rubber with higher arc? Also any similar hybrid rubber with low cost? Regards
  2. Tibhar / Butterfly

    Thanks, Is BF much heavier than Tibhar? Are they similar in speed? How about control?
  3. Tibhar / Butterfly

  4. Tibhar / Butterfly

    Hi, what's the main difference between hybrids Tibhar MK FX and Butterfly Glyzer 09C? Which is slower, less bouncier, more control, shorter pushes...for allround game? Which chineese rubber is alternative to Tibhar mk fx and which for Glyzer 09C?
  5. Victas rubbers

    Any comparison between Victas Limber and Victas Regular Alpha?
  6. Barna Original Super Balsa - Allround+

    Hello everyone. I searched on web and I can't find any test reports, reviews for this blade. Has anyone played it and can write a few lines about it?
  7. Tibhar MK FX

    Hello, I am interesting for 2 rubbers - Tibhar MK FX and Tibhar Aurus soft (maybe MK FX on fh and Aurus soft on bh). Currenlty I am testing Donic Acuda S2 and on bh Tibhar FX-P. Blade is Andro ALL ligna. I like more softer rubbers for playing close to table with allround control style. Also I...
  8. Best 42-43⁰ range backhand rubbers

    Currently I use andro R42 and it's good for spin, but in my game ball also often flies away - to much bouncing from rubber. So I am currently testing Donic S2 on fh which is a bit slower with much more contol and nice for spins. On bh I am testing Tibhar FX-P which is a bit slower than R42 and...
  9. Tibhar Aurus soft

    Tx for reply. Doe aurus soft rubber grabs the ball ane you you feel a ball on all blade for a moment? How about aurus soft on bh and open topspin on incone slower backpush or backspin ball?
  10. Tibhar Aurus soft

    is Aurus soft also good for opening - making topspin on slower backspin ball? Does Aurus soft grabs the ball nicely? It has high or low arc? Any other info about this rubber, because I am very interested.
  11. Tibhar Aurus soft

    I borrowed tibhar fxp from a friend and all in all its rubber with nice ball grip and also not very fast, soft with nice open up on backspin balls. Can you compare aurus soft with tibhar fxp?
  12. Buttetfly Glyzer and Donic S2

    Tx for reply, I prefer softer rubbers. Here I forgot it is acuda s2. Big difference with Glyzer?
  13. Buttetfly Glyzer and Donic S2

    Hi, currently I am testing S2 on fh which I like because its a bit soft rubber with nice arc for spinning. Also not to heavy with good control and besides that does not have to much catapult so its also good for playing drives or for incoming spins. I am intereeted in Glyzer which I did not...
  14. Tibhar MK and Yasaka rakza Z

    Hi, which is softer, more for close to table allround play game!? Which rubber has higher arc for topspin? Speed, control, weight?
  15. Aurus vs Fastarc

    Which rubber is similar to aurus soft? Can you describe aurus soft in speed, arc, spin, control, is sensitive on spin? How about hardness? Any other info?
  16. Rhyzen ICE and Rhyzen CMD

    I found on catalogue that are very similar. Since I am interested for bh for allround play, any difference in speed, arc, pushes, topspin agains backspin? Which has more control, which is softer? Any other experience?
  17. Nitakku C1

    I listed mainly all posts but could not get detail description of C1. Can someone descibe it with speed, spin, hardnes, grip control, etc, Mainly I am interested in hardnes because I like sof rubber for example like temergy 05fx. Also I prefer medium high arc, not to much speed. Any info...
  18. Fastarc C1 vs Rakza 7

    How is about hardness of Nitakku C1? It is written that has 45 degrees od hardness, but does ball stays on rubber duri g shot, sobyou feel the ball? Is C1 harder than butterfly 05fx? C1 in hardness similar with any other rubber?
  19. Yasaka rakza 7 soft

    I play more close - mid range. My play is push, topspin, sometimes topspins on backhand push, also allrpund game. Since I like soft rubber and feel the ball on rubber during strike, is yasaka r7 soft ok? Is it sensitive on incoming spin? If you compare with andro R37, Acuda s3 Donic m3 in...
  20. Rubbers C1, S2 and M2

    Not big arc - flies more directly. I am mostly interested in 3 ruubers as on heading, so if you know difference between them and share it would be great...