Tibhar hybrid MK and Tibhar FX-D


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Apr 2019
Hi, on blade Victas balsa 5.5 on FH I use andro R42 which is ok but sometimes I get a feeling that does not grab a ball (maybe also my mistake). Anyway I like softer rubbers, not to speedy and for topspins. If its light also very good thing.
Anyway I am inyerested in Tibhar MK or Tibhar FX-D.
Any conpare or experience with these rubbers?
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New Member
May 2023
Hi, on blade Victas balsa 5.5 on FH I use andro R42 which is ok but sometimes I get a feeling that does not grab a ball (maybe also my mistake). Anyway I like softer rubbers, not to speedy and for topspins. If its light also very good thing.
Anyway I am inyerested in Tibhar MK or Tibhar FX-D.
Any conpare or experience with these rubbers?
I played both for several months. MK on FH, FX-D on BH.
MK is medium-hard rubber with a very good grip. It's not tacky at all, it's classified as hybrid because of lower bounciness then most tensor rubbers. Which is why I liked it a lot. Though probably not what you are looking for.
FX-D is also grippy, but is very bouncy and dynamic. Hardness is between medium-soft and medium. Probably much closer to your Andro rubber. I liked it on practice, but not during match play, cause I overshoot too many serve returns.
Finally, if you're looking for a very grippy rubber in medium-soft/medium range you could have a look at Donic Bluegrip S2. It's the rubber I use on my BH after FX-D. I love it, I've played it for around 6 months now and I'm done with EJing on BH. At least for a while ;) It's semi-tacky and less bouncy then FX-D. Tackiness makes it the easiest rubber for looping backspin balls from those that I tried so far.
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Hi, on blade Victas balsa 5.5 on FH I use andro R42 which is ok but sometimes I get a feeling that does not grab a ball (maybe also my mistake). Anyway I like softer rubbers, not to speedy and for topspins. If its light also very good thing.
Anyway I am inyerested in Tibhar MK or Tibhar FX-D.
Any conpare or experience with these rubbers?
Maybe the "not grabbing" is related to the balsa wood? I played with the 6.5 (1 edition). It made me smashing too much.
I downgraded to the Tibhar Illusion Killer. Now my topspin is more reliable. Even very strong shots have a lot of spin. I just put a Tibhar MK to my backhand. Feels very good.
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